What does GEGL graph do ?
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Author:  Tas_mania [ Thu May 12, 2022 3:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What does GEGL graph do ?

I did an investigation of contrast_'s filters.

contrast_ mixes gimp filters and gegl commands in (his,her) filters.
'gimp:desaturate' is from Gimp and 'edge-neon' is a Gegl command.

To work in a batch file only the gegl commands can be used. Gimp has no command line interface. (if you type 'gimp' in a terminal it opens Gimp)

It's no secret I think video is the present future of graphic art. I like the way gegl graph filters can be saved but they can only be applied to one frame at a time. Tedious when one second of video is 30 or 60 frames.

The cool thing is, with a full gegl command list, the variables for each command and the gegl-graph interface, somebody can make new and interesting batch filters. Thanks contrast_ for posting your filters and giving people ideas.

Author:  contrast_ [ Thu May 12, 2022 3:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What does GEGL graph do ?


I want to make a GEGL Inner Glow filter and I have proven operations to do it inside Gegl:Graph but I don't know how to make a GUI of it. :(

color-overlay value=#ffffff
gimp:layer-mode layer-mode=behind opacity=2 aux=[ color  ]



#the mask

gimp:layer-mode layer-mode=normal opacity=1.00 aux=[ ref=1 ]

#this dropshadow controls the inner glow. All other filters need to be hidden
dropshadow x=0 y=0 opacity=1..3  grow-radius=6 radius=0 color=#0058ff

lens-blur radius=4.0

gimp:layer-mode layer-mode=behind opacity=1.00 aux=[ ref=1 ]

gimp:layer-mode layer-mode=erase opacity=1.00 aux=[ ref=k ]

gimp:layer-mode layer-mode=behind opacity=1.00 aux=[ ref=first ]

Author:  mahvin [ Sun May 15, 2022 10:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What does GEGL graph do ?

contrast_ wrote:
[ Image ]
[ Image ]
[ Image ][ Image ]

This is a specialty bevel with a custom image overlay from pattern monster.

gegl:rotate degrees=0.0  sampler=lohalo

gegl:color-overlay value=#ffec00

median-blur percentile=50 alpha-percentile=2

gaussian-blur #stays locked at 0.50 in default. Never changes.

emboss  type=bumpmap azimuth=70  elevation=40 depth=3                   

median-blur radius=10 percentile=100 alpha-percentile=80 high-precision=yes

multiply aux=[gegl:layer src=PUT_YOUR_FILE_HERE.png]
opacity value=2

dropshadow opacity=0.5 x=4 y=2

dropshadow opacity=0.5 x=4 y=2

Where are the pattern png's stored on the computer in order for GEGL Graph to pull them in?

In your User folder.

Author:  mahvin [ Sun May 15, 2022 12:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What does GEGL graph do ?




Author:  mahvin [ Sun May 15, 2022 2:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What does GEGL graph do ?

Just a simple bump map for text.

I utilized parts of Contrast's code to make the text more interesting.

I tried to find a way to clear the feathering around the text for the background image and ended up using a path selection to delete that area.
The easiest way I found to keep the background from feathering outside the text is to make the text "Layer to image size" then Alpha to Selection and run the GEGL graph bump map. After you select ok, just add a dropshadow to the same layer.




emboss  type=bumpmap azimuth=135  elevation=45 depth=75
#invert (just inverts the layer)
#tile (offset is for tile. No good use for this unless you want to experiment. It just moves your text)

median-blur radius=1 percentile=15 alpha-percentile=50 high-precision=yes

#(place background layer in your User folder.)
multiply aux=[gegl:layer src=YourImageHere.png]

dropshadow opacity=0.75 x=10 y=10

#(you can make the dropshadow more intense by uncommenting this. x and y values can be raised or lowered)
#dropshadow opacity=0.75 x=10 y=10

Author:  mahvin [ Sun May 15, 2022 4:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What does GEGL graph do ?

Long Shadow


#finite infinite fading fading-fixed-length (4 types)

Author:  mahvin [ Sun May 15, 2022 5:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What does GEGL graph do ?


The larger images will drag your system down. Be mindful of any settings that tend to slow your graphing down.


#squares - hexagons - octagons - triangles are accepted
#play with tile-height but do not go too high! (50)
   tile-neatness=.65 # .65 to 1
   tile-spacing=3 #in pixels
   color-variation=.5 # .20 to 1
   joints-color=rgb(.00,.00,.00) #.00 numbers for RGB
   light-dir=135 #360 degrees

Author:  mahvin [ Sun May 15, 2022 5:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What does GEGL graph do ?

Fractal Explorer



#mandlebrot - julia - barnsley-1 - barnsley-2 - barnsley-3 - spider - man-o-war - lambda - sierpinski

Author:  Tas_mania [ Sun May 15, 2022 5:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What does GEGL graph do ?

Good to see you doing graphics and code again mahvin. You seemed to disappear for awhile.

I notice contrast has not figured-out how to turn his gegl graph code into a gui yet, maybe he has ? I recon python would do it easiest.

I've made an animation using gegl command line on 70 frames and figured-out the process.

Author:  contrast_ [ Sun May 15, 2022 5:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What does GEGL graph do ?

mahvin wrote:
Long Shadow

[ Image ]

#finite infinite fading fading-fixed-length (4 types)

This is really cool. I never thought of it. Do you have the code for the multi long shadow?

Author:  mahvin [ Sun May 15, 2022 6:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What does GEGL graph do ?

contrast_ wrote:
mahvin wrote:
Long Shadow

[ Image ]

#finite infinite fading fading-fixed-length (4 types)

This is really cool. I never thought of it. Do you have the code for the multi long shadow?

I did it in phases using different colors then blended them together. I would love to make it all in one go, but I haven't figured out how to stop one sequence before starting another. It shows you can load layers, but I have yet to figure how it works.

Author:  contrast_ [ Sun May 15, 2022 6:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What does GEGL graph do ?

mahvin wrote:
contrast_ wrote:
mahvin wrote:
Long Shadow

[ Image ]

#finite infinite fading fading-fixed-length (4 types)

This is really cool. I never thought of it. Do you have the code for the multi long shadow?

I did it in phases using different colors then blended them together. I would love to make it all in one go, but I haven't figured out how to stop one sequence before starting another. It shows you can load layers, but I have yet to figure how it works.

GEGL Graph uses virtual layers not layers in Gimp.

Author:  mahvin [ Sun May 15, 2022 6:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What does GEGL graph do ?

Tas_mania wrote:
Good to see you doing graphics and code again mahvin. You seemed to disappear for awhile.

I notice contrast has not figured-out how to turn his gegl graph code into a gui yet, maybe he has ? I recon python would do it easiest.

I've made an animation using gegl command line on 70 frames and figured-out the process.

Life is funny like that. Lots of things going on, on the home-front and with work, and my mother's passing, and trying to keep pace with my grandkids who have me plumb tuckered out. I'm around. Contrast just got my attention with GEGL. I also have a second job helping a local photographer with his equipment and set-ups. Lots of nights in the rain, with smoke machines and lights. Livestreaming events are fun, though.

Author:  mahvin [ Sun May 15, 2022 6:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What does GEGL graph do ?

GEGL Graph uses virtual layers not layers in Gimp.

You called up a background layer in one set of code. Example: multiply aux=[gegl:layer src=PUT_YOUR_FILE_HERE.png].

I thought surely you could call more than one, without using multiply, etc.

Author:  mahvin [ Sun May 15, 2022 7:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What does GEGL graph do ?

It turns out you can load multiple images from your drive, just can't sequence the actions in the pipeline without commenting things out, and then testing the results. So, in essence, I can load two separate long shadow images, and create a third with gegl graph and then combine the results (carefully). Layer modes are tricky, and some are legacy and I have yet to solve if I can use gimp syntax in the pipeline in gegl graph. Probably not. Who knows.

Anyway, Plasma


   x=1  #image starts at top corner
   seed=12345 #drop a random number for seed

Author:  contrast_ [ Sun May 15, 2022 9:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What does GEGL graph do ?

Every filter I made was made from bits and pieces of existing GEGL Filters and operations. The only way to make new operations from scratch is by being a mathematician which I am obviously not.

Author:  contrast_ [ Mon May 16, 2022 9:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What does GEGL graph do ?

I have a good feeling new GEGL filter authors will show up in the near future and far surpass my abilities. I'm not that smart of a guy and it would not be suprising at all if a mathematician showed up and made GEGL do incredible things.

Just wait...

Author:  mahvin [ Mon May 16, 2022 11:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What does GEGL graph do ?

Polar Coordinates



Author:  mahvin [ Mon May 16, 2022 11:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What does GEGL graph do ?

Normal Map



Author:  mahvin [ Mon May 16, 2022 11:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What does GEGL graph do ?

Fractal Trace



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