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Re: What does GEGL graph do ?

Posted: Mon May 16, 2022 11:37 am
by mahvin
Apply Lens



Re: What does GEGL graph do ?

Posted: Mon May 16, 2022 11:50 am
by mahvin


   mode=radial #radial - vertical - horizontal are options
   angle-of-view=135 #0-180 degrees
   curvature=.95 #0 - 1 (.00 digits up to 1)
   amount=1 #between 1 and -1
   sampler-type=lohalo #nearest - linear - cubic - nohalo - lohalo

Re: What does GEGL graph do ?

Posted: Mon May 16, 2022 12:10 pm
by mahvin
Stereographic Projection


   pan=135  #-0--360
   tilt=1 #play with this to suit yourself
   spin=90 #0 - 360
   zoom=0 #0 - 1000
   width=-1 #pointless
   height=1 #pointless
   sampler-type=lohalo #linear - cubic - nohalo - lohalo

Re: What does GEGL graph do ?

Posted: Mon May 16, 2022 12:29 pm
by mahvin
Whirl Pinch


   whirl=720 #negative and positive to 720
   radius=2 #options are 1 or 2

Re: What does GEGL graph do ?

Posted: Mon May 16, 2022 1:26 pm
by mahvin
Addendum: apparently I didn't look hard enough in the Gegl Tools. Darkroom is available and EASIER to use!

This one was quite a surprise: Negative Darkroom

Unless you've used a darkroom and know your CMYK settings and flash points, this is purely for testing purposes and achieving cool mixes (or hot ones). If you backspace over fujicrystal on the curve line, it will show you all the available options (there are several). If anything, it makes for some very elaborate masks (if you know how to make those adjustments).



Re: What does GEGL graph do ?

Posted: Mon May 16, 2022 2:59 pm
by contrast_
I want to make a new filter called gegl:aura but I don't know how. I know for a fact GEGL can call Gimp syntax in filters but I don't know how to make a GUI of it.


gaussian-blur std-dev-x=60  std-dev-y=40


gimp:layer-mode layer-mode=divide aux=[ ref=1   ]

gimp:layer-mode layer-mode=divide aux=[ ref=1   ]

Re: What does GEGL graph do ?

Posted: Mon May 16, 2022 4:06 pm
by mahvin
I only see gimp functions that serve gegl, and not the overall procedure syntax. In any case, it would be beyond awesome if it were possible to consolidate actions all into one function.

Also, I was able to reproduce your aura technique in the gegl toolbox using gegl effects. I just saved the settings as a preset called "Aura".

Re: What does GEGL graph do ?

Posted: Mon May 16, 2022 4:41 pm
by contrast_
This is GEGL aura.
gaussian-blur std-dev-x=60  std-dev-y=40


gimp:layer-mode layer-mode=divide aux=[ ref=1   ]

gimp:layer-mode layer-mode=divide aux=[ ref=1   ]
gimp:layer-mode layer-mode=linear-light aux=[ ref=1   ]

cubism seed=2 noise-spread noise-reduction


Re: What does GEGL graph do ?

Posted: Mon May 16, 2022 4:46 pm
by mahvin
I just added multiple strokes in gegl graph to get this:


Re: What does GEGL graph do ?

Posted: Mon May 16, 2022 4:59 pm
by contrast_
I already did this last month, lol.


Re: What does GEGL graph do ?

Posted: Mon May 16, 2022 5:03 pm
by mahvin
Fair enough. I didn't see your image last month. But in any case, I'm having a hard time finding any documentation other than the already provided GEGL Operations pages.

Re: What does GEGL graph do ?

Posted: Mon May 16, 2022 5:09 pm
by contrast_
you should study my .c files and see if you can learn how to make gegl filters of your own. You might end up surpassing me since you likely know more about programming then I do.

I spent 10 months playing in the gegl graph before I decided to make filters.

We are the ones documenting GEGL. We are the pioneers.

Re: What does GEGL graph do ?

Posted: Mon May 16, 2022 5:52 pm
by mahvin
No clue why they dropped those 2.10.14 GEGL Tools. The dude on Reddit is totally WRONG about the current gradient map in Colors as a GEGL function. It only covers the existing gradient open on GIMP, with no control over it. I'd like to see Vignette back along with the others.

Re: What does GEGL graph do ?

Posted: Mon May 16, 2022 6:18 pm
by contrast_
I don't think they dropped anything. I think the guy who compiled the GEGL ppa for Ubuntu/Debian compiled a special version of GEGL that had those filters.

Re: What does GEGL graph do ?

Posted: Mon May 16, 2022 7:59 pm
by contrast_

this will be my next and last filter named edge extraction.

It is similar to gegl:pencil btw.

I will only make more filters once I learn more about making GEGL operations.

Re: What does GEGL graph do ?

Posted: Tue May 17, 2022 11:48 am
by contrast_
racer-x wrote:Interesting. I guess this will replace script making for many instances. Just make your own filter combinations and save the presets.

literally yeah.

Re: What does GEGL graph do ?

Posted: Tue May 17, 2022 12:04 pm
by contrast_

I want to make this a filter but I don't know how.


noise-spread amount-x=40  amount-y=440

gaussian-blur std-dev-x=30  std-dev-y=121


noise-spread amount-x=40  amount-y=440 cubism seed=2 median-blur
gimp:layer-mode layer-mode=divide aux=[ ref=1   ]

gimp:layer-mode layer-mode=divide aux=[ ref=1  ]

gimp:layer-mode layer-mode=normal aux=[ ref=2 gimp:colorize hue=.90 saturation=0.50  lightness=0.00 ]

gimp:layer-mode layer-mode=normal aux=[ ref=xx dropshadow x=1 y=1 grow-radius=10 color=#ffffff  opacity=1.5   ]

Re: What does GEGL graph do ?

Posted: Wed May 18, 2022 5:10 pm
by contrast_



gegl:gaussian-blur std-dev-x=1500
gegl:opacity value=10.00
gegl:opacity value=10.00

I want to make one more filter that does a pixel stretch but it will have no option other then a optional wheel checkbox. I just don't know how to make said checkbox.

Re: What does GEGL graph do ?

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2022 10:45 pm
by contrast_
contrast_ wrote:I already did this last month, lol.

[ Image ]

I could probably make this into a filter within a few days.

Re: What does GEGL graph do ?

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2022 2:19 pm
by contrast_
This is one of the threads you should be in if you want to make third party filters.