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Re: Multi-Fill Script Help

Sat Oct 12, 2019 3:04 am

My results.

Re: Multi-Fill Script Help

Sat Oct 12, 2019 4:01 am

Thanks my friend.
Downloaded your drawing.
Ran my filter.
My outcomes are very similar to yours...
then applied threshold (as suggested in many of my posts)
Reran my filter
My outcomes are now these:

Guirnalda_WithGrid_after-threshold-of base.jpg
Guirnalda_WithGrid_after-threshold-of base.jpg (96.72 KiB) Viewed 1090 times

Guirnalda_NoGrid_after-threshold-of base.jpg
Guirnalda_NoGrid_after-threshold-of base.jpg (53.36 KiB) Viewed 1090 times

You may try to repeat this test.

Re: Multi-Fill Script Help

Sat Oct 12, 2019 4:07 am

Just to complete my post:
- filling with random patterns
Guirnalda_WithGrid_RandomPatternsFPS_after-threshold-of base.jpg
Guirnalda_WithGrid_RandomPatternsFPS_after-threshold-of base.jpg (326.12 KiB) Viewed 1088 times

This is the drawing after threshold
Guirnalda_Base_Drawing_T.jpg (80.58 KiB) Viewed 1088 times

Re: Multi-Fill Script Help

Sat Oct 12, 2019 4:08 am

I hope you will check yourself. Thanks a lot.

Re: Multi-Fill Script Help

Sat Oct 12, 2019 4:15 am

Wow!!!! I love it. Yes, Applying threshold works great! Thanks, my friend.

Re: Multi-Fill Script Help

Sat Oct 12, 2019 4:19 am


Re: Multi-Fill Script Help

Sat Oct 12, 2019 4:34 am

Thanks a heap, my dear friend for your re-check.
Hope you can use this filter when you have some B&W drawings to which you like to give new life.

Re: Multi-Fill Script Help

Sat Oct 12, 2019 5:22 am

Thank you so much, I'm already using it. I love how nice the results are. :hi5

Re: Multi-Fill Script Help

Sat Oct 12, 2019 8:35 am

dinasset wrote:Made a change to the filter, which (hopefully) avoid inserting a colour identical to the one to be replaced, so (in case of drawings black&white) patterns having white areas can be used without being "ruined" by the gray replacing colour or a new area selection+fill.
Issabella, Regido, could you do a check test?

Thanks a lot Diego. Now it works perfectly.
Could you please implement this in the batch filling plugin?

It´s incredible your ability to implement new improvements on the code so fast.
I have a little suggestion, maybe you´ll find it interesting.

I think it would be great if you could be able to define a number of patterns to be chosen from a "pool of patterns" what i mean is if for example i have 200 patterns with the word "animal" as filename to be able to define just the number of total random patterns for my design.
I think this will give a very nice flexibility of complexity in the design.

Thanks for your hard work

Re: Multi-Fill Script Help

Sat Oct 12, 2019 9:20 am

Here the "Filling" after having removed the info-msg (very annoying in a batch process)
(2.79 KiB) Downloaded 37 times

Here the "BatchFilling" where I added an info msg at the end of each file processed, as well as -as before- at the end of the folder (if the files to process were many it was annoying to wait for only the final msg)
(1.53 KiB) Downloaded 42 times

About your suggestion: assuming you want to process one subset in sequence we need at least two additional parameters: start from: 'n' for 'm' files, for instance: starting from the 10th pattern in the list of all "animals" and working only with a subset of 15 (i.e. 10th-24th in alpha sequence of the full set). Much easier and already possible now to have a discriminant, for instance I have a set of 60 'FPSnew..' patterns and I can limit the use to the subset FPSnew20-FPSnew29 just entering in the string 'FPSnew2'. Try to solve by this way (renaming maybe the patterns).

Re: Multi-Fill Script Help

Sat Oct 12, 2019 10:09 am

very nice. I´m going to try your suggestion. Thanks a lot

Re: Multi-Fill Script Help

Sat Oct 12, 2019 4:42 pm

dinasset wrote:@Krikor
If you are still interested in me adding the additional option of random gradients filling, I can try to implement it (at this point -after all the last amendments- the filter is no more a "divertissement", so no reason to refuse this interesting addition....)

Hi dinasset,
Sorry for the delay in replying, but just now I'm back to the forum. :oops:

I'm really happy with the version you refined, and noticed that there are other versions after the one I'm using, but it looks like:
→One would be intended for use with BIMP (which I don't use and know little about).
→The other would be geared to an Issabella request, something with threshold adjustment. I didn't understand if this adjustment would be done within the script or manually before applying the script.

I may try this version, but I will keep the version I am using as a backup.
I also want to better organize the names of some of my patterns, to make better use of this script.
Thanks a lot!

Re: Multi-Fill Script Help

Sat Oct 12, 2019 11:39 pm

The "BatchFilling" filter is prepared to be able to run "Filling" on a full set of images contained in a folder, if does not use Bimp, it's specific only for filling.
The threshold should be used by the user before running "Filling" to avoid white margins around the coloured zones. It is not embedded in the filter.
The other most important change has been done to allow the use of patterns having whites, which with the original version were re-processed and replaced by the filling.
Yes, reorganizing the names of the patterns allows you to make a better string discriminant to indicate whish subset to use.
Try only the last version, the intermediate ones may be omitted, so that you keep the one you are using and try the last one.

Re: Multi-Fill Script Help

Sun Oct 13, 2019 4:21 am

During some additional tests, I discovered that I had to consider also the possibility in which the pattern -in addition of having whites- may have blacks, which will disappear when the user ask for removing grid, which usually is black.
Here the amended version:
(2.87 KiB) Downloaded 94 times

Re: Multi-Fill Script Help

Sun Oct 13, 2019 11:15 am

Dinasset, Thanks again for your constant work to perfection.
Thanks a lot. :jumpclap

Re: Multi-Fill Script Help

Sun Oct 13, 2019 12:37 pm

Thanks, dear Issabella!
Excellent use of the "filling" script, really very nice outcomes, congrats!

Re: Multi-Fill Script Help

Sun Oct 13, 2019 1:13 pm

Issabella wrote:Dinasset, Thanks again for your constant work to perfection.
Thanks a lot. :jumpclap
I make it my words too. :bigthup
dinasset wrote:@Krikor
The "BatchFilling" filter is prepared to be able to run "Filling" on a full set of images contained in a folder, if does not use Bimp, it's specific only for filling.
The threshold should be used by the user before running "Filling" to avoid white margins around the coloured zones. It is not embedded in the filter.
The other most important change has been done to allow the use of patterns having whites, which with the original version were re-processed and replaced by the filling.
Yes, reorganizing the names of the patterns allows you to make a better string discriminant to indicate whish subset to use.
Try only the last version, the intermediate ones may be omitted, so that you keep the one you are using and try the last one.

Dinasset, the option to remove grid was very good!
Thanks for facilitating what the current version was.
Issabella, 'bella' works! Especially Faro_DN, it was excellent! :clap :paint :bigthup

Below I tested the use of Animal7 patterns on an image of a great Spanish photographer.
DiegoFill194.png (452.08 KiB) Viewed 953 times

Re: Multi-Fill Script Help

Sun Oct 13, 2019 1:24 pm

Thanks Krikor.
Today I played with a possible "Fill with random gradients using random modes" option.
PlayWithRandomGradients.png (1.92 MiB) Viewed 949 times

Re: Multi-Fill Script Help

Sun Oct 13, 2019 1:25 pm

...just a Sunday's divertissement

Re: Multi-Fill Script Help

Sun Oct 13, 2019 3:46 pm

Diego one question.
The batch filling has the white "problem" solved? i used your last version and i´m having that problem. The normal one works perfect.
Thanks for your work
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