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python file ?

Wed Sep 14, 2011 5:19 am

GIMP Version: 2.6.11
Operating System: Windows
OS Version: Windows 7 (64-bit)
GIMP Experience: Beginner Level

Sorry for so many questions on smc's i need to make that i have out them in the right places.

I have 2 py files but not sure where to put them, there is no smc with them just file. Ant ideas where to put them please

Re: python life ?

Wed Sep 14, 2011 5:20 am

Is it a .py extension?

Re: python file ?

Wed Sep 14, 2011 5:25 am

no i just says python file nothing else

Re: python file ?

Wed Sep 14, 2011 6:28 am

the files should have a .py extension, Windows by default does not generally show extensions.

Dangerous, especially in Win to dabble with unknown files, but if they are python plugins open one with notepad - they are text files - and the first line should be.
#!/usr/bin/env python

where do they go, your local gimp plugins directory as per


edit: Just a thought, you do have python installed?

Re: python file ?

Wed Sep 14, 2011 6:52 am

I've tried to opn them but a flash black screen comes up then it goes it only last a less of a second. I've just right clicked it to open it some where else and the name file color_balance_2wp_quick_py is that any help to ya

Yes I do but I haven't got plug-ins listed on the left of the menu as same as you. I did plug-ins some where but can't remember where it is

Re: python file ?

Wed Sep 14, 2011 6:59 am

If you go to your folder options, check the general tab > Hidden files and folders > show hidden files, folders, and drives. This should be checked with a dot beside it.

Re: python file ?

Wed Sep 14, 2011 7:04 am

the plug-ins is in 2.0 list just found it

Re: python file ?

Wed Sep 14, 2011 8:04 am

@ Lorri

if you don't want get crazy (not only when using gimp )better you change Explorer options:

humm i 'm using the laptop here and run with 7, to check exctly how to do with XP i must go back to my home desktop
i just give a generic hint now, ...if not sufficent ask in case i will add details later

1 From Explorer (FILE explorer not I.E.) or from Search, search in the menu "option"
there search "option for file and folder"

OK if you are there
1) UNcheck "hide extension for commune file" (or "commune file format" or "commune format" not sure of exact english spelling, but you can't mistake ,only 1 option has that meaning)
2) CHECK show hidden and system files

about 2 :
see hidden or system files can't do any harm, (only harm may come to EDIT or DELETE such Files, BUT systems files are displayed in a different colors, usually blue
On the other hand XP tend to hide to yourself some of you own files making search a nightmare

about 1

Hide extension is pure idiocy and even dangerous (i.e. you may click on a crapware installer thinking that is a image or a test

Re: python file ?

Wed Sep 14, 2011 8:10 am

About open py file, the humble MS notepad may do it , but nothing will happen just clicking on the file
You should go in Windows/All programs/Accessories/ Notepad , start the notepad, and from notepad file/open...

But , again to make your life easier grab this http://notepad-plus-plus.org/
once installed you should be able to automatically open the file just clicking on it, and will display the file in a much more readable way

Re: python file ?

Wed Sep 14, 2011 8:11 am

I haven't got xp I've got win7 I've typed in the program area and clicked on python plugins a black screen came up then it went again that went in a flash

Re: python file ?

Wed Sep 14, 2011 8:27 am

Lorri, maybe you should change the info in the help post, You have windows XP listed there as your OS, where you should have Windows 7 (64-bit). There is a difference to where you install things.

Re: python file ?

Wed Sep 14, 2011 8:33 am

where do i change that Molly please

Re: python file ?

Wed Sep 14, 2011 8:43 am

you can edit your own posts, I think you can change it by clicking edit, and changing it from there.

Re: python file ?

Wed Sep 14, 2011 8:47 am

No you can't but I'll have a look on the new topic bit

Re: python file ?

Wed Sep 14, 2011 9:54 am

Hy wait a second i am just replying to your previous question

for 7 i may help now
But again may be no strictly needed if you install Notepad++ (link in my previous) message ,
Don't worry if NOtepad++ may look complex, you don't need to dig in the complexity but just use it as you will use ythe most simple text editor

Anyway and this will help not only to run python script:

go to Start/Control Panel/Folder options

control panel.jpg
control panel.jpg (103.46 KiB) Viewed 1120 times

there click "View" tab

control Panel2.jpg
control Panel2.jpg (102.64 KiB) Viewed 1120 times

almost at beginning you will see "Hidden Files and Folder" and below "Don't display hidden files and folder " UNMark that box

very last, scroll down a bit

control panel3.jpg
control panel3.jpg (105.06 KiB) Viewed 1120 times

Uncheck "hide System files" (Ignore the warning that will pop out, you WISH that)
And even more important the option just below "hide file extension"

CLICK APPLY and then OK to exit

Now you will be able to know what the heck is in your computer, if a file is .py , .scm. jpg. or a exe or whatelse

And you will discover if the file is py, or as happen usually for Py plugin downloaded from the plugin registry (for a nasty bug in the side) it become .py.txt...in case just remove ".txt" , ignore any warning (=YES you want change file extension).

About opening py still i have no bclear why you wish open it, if you place in the right place is Gimp that will RUN the file once you click the right menu entry

Anyway as i wrote if you have Notepad ++ installed you should be able to open the file just clicking on it

If not open the more cheap MS notepad (aka block note) , and open the file from the file menu
NOTE WELL i wrote notepad NOT WORD !!

About last question
that say that your firewell may block a component of python even if that component will not do anything dangerous, so will be better for you put Python in the Firewall WHITE-list

But if i remember well you may not care less about the warning, because that component should not be required to use python script from gimp

Re: python file ?

Wed Sep 14, 2011 10:39 am

This is a 5 min video I made for someone else, the first 2 mins is about installing python in win7 (and its out of date) so just ignore that bit, the last 3 mins might be some use to you.


Re: python file ?

Wed Sep 14, 2011 11:06 am

That screen is showing you which version of Python you have installed.
The rest is telling you you are connected to Python in idle mode.

That is the good news command (DOS) screen telling you Python 2.6.4 is installed, and available.
Now it is just waiting for a command.For instance mine looks like this. (it doesn't have the firewall info as i do not have one operating at the moment).

By the way i sent you a PM. :)

Have fun with all the cool python filters!
may i suggest LayerFX and bevel-2.1 for starters. ;)

Re: python file ?

Wed Sep 14, 2011 12:16 pm

ok thanks I sort that out later Rod
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