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Re: Python Install Help

Tue Mar 15, 2011 11:46 pm

Willy maybe you could not resist the tentation to install the last stable version of Python ?

If so there the problem gimp 2.6 require a obsolete version, same for the other libraries so grab the gimptrick pack and use that

Python Install Help

Tue Mar 15, 2011 11:55 pm

It would be cool to be able to use the most current version of python inside Windows GIMP. Maybe some folks here might figure a way to allow this, so I do agree with you PC. :)

Re: Python Install Help

Tue Mar 15, 2011 11:56 pm

Okay here is what you probably need to do Willy.
If your system can not find the Python Path you need to create a variable for it.
Not sure how this works on Vista I am guessing about the same though -
Go to - Start/Control Panel/System/
When the dialog for system opens tick the advanced tab
Click the Environment Variables tab (should be at the bottom)
Click new for System Variables (bottom)
After clicking new a new path dialog will pop up put these value in it

variable name - PythonPath
variable value - C:\PYTHON26;C:\PYTHON26\DLLs;C:\PYTHON26\LIB;C:\PYTHON26\LIB\LIB-TK

Copy it ---> the path exactly like i typed it without the "variable value -"

Restart your machine after clicking ok a bunch of times to close everything
Restart Gimp go to Filters/Render/Clouds
See if fog is listed if it is you are all set. :)


Re: Python Install Help

Wed Mar 16, 2011 2:33 pm

Python 2.6 and 2.7 can coexist. Python 2.6 is needed for Gimp 2.6 and Python 2.7 is needed for Gimp 2.7, I wounder if it is just a coincidence?

Re: Python Install Help

Thu Mar 17, 2011 8:04 am

Willy did you get Python-Fu installed yet?

Re: Python Install Help

Thu Mar 17, 2011 2:55 pm

Rod wrote:Okay here is what you probably need to do Willy.
If your system can not find the Python Path you need to create a variable for it.
Not sure how this works on Vista I am guessing about the same though -
Go to - Start/Control Panel/System/
When the dialog for system opens tick the advanced tab
Click the Environment Variables tab (should be at the bottom)
Click new for System Variables (bottom)
After clicking new a new path dialog will pop up put these value in it

variable name - PythonPath
variable value - C:\PYTHON26;C:\PYTHON26\DLLs;C:\PYTHON26\LIB;C:\PYTHON26\LIB\LIB-TK

Copy it ---> the path exactly like i typed it without the "variable value -"

Restart your machine after clicking ok a bunch of times to close everything
Restart Gimp go to Filters/Render/Clouds
See if fog is listed if it is you are all set. :)


I tried this, and it still doesn't work D:

Re: Python Install Help

Thu Mar 17, 2011 8:55 pm

If you installed Gimp with Python square ticked it should know where python is already anyways - weird
Look in your plug-ins folder and see if
python- console.py and
python-eval.py files are in there.

Re: Python Install Help

Thu Mar 17, 2011 9:38 pm

And did you try this?


Re: Python Install Help

Fri Mar 18, 2011 2:29 pm

Got all three of those in C:>Program Files>GIMP-2.0>Lib>GIMP>2.0>Pulg-ins

Amanda I believe all that is in there is the stuff I already have downloaded...

Re: Python Install Help

Fri Mar 18, 2011 9:55 pm

Willy download and install this package
http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/gnome/binaries ... _win32.zip
This will install GTK+ on your machine - then you should be able to install PYGTK.
Install it to its default directory which should be C:/program files/GTK+
If not - make sure to install it there
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