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GAP playback plays a past file instead of the one I'm working on

Fri Jul 14, 2017 9:46 pm

GIMP Version: 2.8.14
Operating System: Windows
GIMP Experience: New User

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New to this - I tried to make a gif out of a video I had saved. This is my second one, the first one went fine.

I went to look at the playback (video>playback), and what it played was just a single frame from the new gif attached to the beginning of first gif I made, even though I opened this as a completely new file.

What did I do wrong?

Re: GAP playback plays a past file instead of the one I'm working on

Sat Jul 15, 2017 12:18 am

Hi elizachuvose,

I convert a video to GIF using GAP this way: Video > Split Video Into Frames > Extract Videorange. Then load a video at the top and on the right hand side click 'Videorange' . This lets you select the actual frames you want to use. This converts the frames to layers.
In GAP frames and layers mean the same I think.

To view your sequence use Filter > Animation > Playback from Gimp. You can adjust the number of frames, (deleting every second frame for example) applying filters to all frames, changing image size etc. There are a number of useful scripts to help manage frames for Gimp.
When finished playing with your sequence export as GIF or use GAP Master Videoencoder to export as video.
There are some experienced GIF makers here if you have more questions.
I understand gimp-gap maybe a bit 'buggy' on Windows but thats another story....


Re: GAP playback plays a past file instead of the one I'm working on

Sat Jul 15, 2017 6:24 pm

@tas_mania thanks for the response.

It works when I watch the playback this way (Filter>Animation>Playback instead of Video>Playback).
When I export, the gif plays back fine.

I'm not sure why it does this when I go through Video>Playback, but oh well.

Unrelated question you might be able to help with - how do I adjust the FPS?
I can view different FPS in playback, but when I export the gif and view it, it plays too slowly.

Re: GAP playback plays a past file instead of the one I'm working on

Sat Jul 15, 2017 6:34 pm

You'll need to set each frame at a set Millisecond, for example (70ms). you can do this by double-clicking the layer and editing the properties. Or, just do it globally when saving. This assumes you want the same duration for all frame...........

Re: GAP playback plays a past file instead of the one I'm working on

Sat Jul 15, 2017 7:00 pm

When I export, the gif plays back fine.

Glad it's working.
As racer-x says every frame (layer) has the time attached to it.
I'm using this script to renumber layers and set the time on all layers.
It does this: Frame 001 (41ms)(combine) etc.
It's then easy to change the frame rate and just delete 'combine'.
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