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Issues opening RAW files [Solved]

Tue Jul 23, 2019 8:09 am

GIMP Version: 2.10.12
Operating System: Linux
OS Version: Arch Linux
GIMP Experience: Intermediate Level

List any relevant plug-ins or scripts:

List any ERROR messages you received:
Invalid TIFF directory; tags are not sorted in ascending order

Opening '/home/andrew/Pictures/07210028.SRW' failed:

TIFF image plug-in could not open image

TIFF directory is missing required "ImageLength" field

Hi Everyone!

I'm having trouble opening RAW files on Arch Linux. To be clear, I have installed gimp-nfuraw from the official repositories. My camera is a Samsung NX500, and it uses their own file type SRW. The errors I'm receiving seem to be documented but none of the solutions have worked for me.

It should be noted that at some point in the past GIMP was able to open these files, perhaps on the 2.8 versioning and with ufraw insead of nufraw.

Here is what I've tried so far:

1) File > Open > Select SRW file

I get a pop-up that has the error messages illustrated above:

Invalid TIFF directory; tags are not sorted in ascending order

Opening '/home/******/Pictures/07210028.SRW' failed:

TIFF image plug-in could not open image

TIFF directory is missing required "ImageLength" field

2) Opening the file in nufraw: The file opens successfully and allows me to modify my interested fields. When I press the send to gimp button, I get an error:

Opening '/tmp/07210028.SRW_4C8O5Z.nufraw' failed: Could not open '/tmp/07210028.SRW_4C8O5Z.nufraw' for reading: root element is not <svg>

Does this error make any sense?

3) Checking to make sure the RAW information is being reported correctly using exiftool: Everything appears to be reported correctly: It does, and in particular has the Exif Image Width and Height reported correctly.

EXIFTOOL.png (267.67 KiB) Viewed 4824 times

Does anyone experience similar issues or have a solution? Thanks in advance.

Re: Issues opening RAW files

Tue Jul 23, 2019 8:36 am

I use DarkTable instead of nufraw and recommend the same for you. After you install darktable, go into Gimp's settings and enable it for RAW import.

dt_raw.png (92.95 KiB) Viewed 4819 times

Re: Issues opening RAW files

Tue Jul 23, 2019 9:25 am

racer-x wrote:I use DarkTable instead of nufraw and recommend the same for you. After you install darktable, go into Gimp's settings and enable it for RAW import.


This did the trick. Thanks for the tip! I'll marked it as solved.
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