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Drop Shadow help

Thu Jul 25, 2019 1:33 pm

GIMP Version: 2.1
Operating System: Windows
OS Version: Windows 7 Professional
GIMP Experience: Intermediate Level

I am looking for help with drop shadows in Gimp 2.1. I have no problem adding drop shadows to text as I always have done but, when I try to add a drop shadow to a picture, it doesn't work. I have intermediate knowledge of Gimp and don't know the lingo so, most of the posts I read about it, goes over my head.

Thanks, any help would be appreciated!

Re: Drop Shadow help

Thu Jul 25, 2019 1:41 pm

Do you mean something like this?

pexels-photo-2567011.png (48.75 KiB) Viewed 3568 times

Re: Drop Shadow help

Fri Jul 26, 2019 11:10 am

Yes. I used to be able to add the drop shadow the same as adding it to text, by making the picture the active layer and then going into filters -> light and shadow -> drop shadow and then manipulating the color, blur radius, etc. in the pop up box. I can no longer do it with pictures, only text. I am creating a brochure for the company I work for, and have come to a stand still with this element.

Re: Drop Shadow help

Fri Jul 26, 2019 11:22 am

peminca wrote:Yes. I used to be able to add the drop shadow the same as adding it to text, by making the picture the active layer and then going into filters -> light and shadow -> drop shadow and then manipulating the color, blur radius, etc. in the pop up box. I can no longer do it with pictures, only text. I am creating a brochure for the company I work for, and have come to a stand still with this element.

You need be sure the picture/image has space around it.
Like this.
Than try to run your Drop Shadow.


There are a number of ways to create a drop shadow.
Using the built in Drop Shadow filter is only one of the ways.

Re: Drop Shadow help

Fri Jul 26, 2019 11:51 am

I am not sure how to go about leaving space around a picture as you are showing me, since the picture is set in among text in a brochure setting and not by itself. (BTW, I have been copying and pasting the pics as new layers from Paint mostly.)

Sorry, I have been using the program for two years now but, really haven't explored past what the former marketer at the company showed me.

Re: Drop Shadow help

Fri Jul 26, 2019 12:15 pm

peminca wrote:I am not sure how to go about leaving space around a picture as you are showing me, since the picture is set in among text in a brochure setting and not by itself. Sorry, I have been using the program for two years now but, really haven't explored past what the former marketer at the company showed me.

You may need to cut the picture/image from where it is,
then past it onto it's own layer.

First you would want to create a new top layer.
Click on the top most layer,
within the Layers Dialog making it the active layer.

Go to Layer>New Layer.
Clicking on New Layer will add a new top layer to the Layers Dialog.

Go to the layer on which the picture is located.
Use the Rectangle Selection Tool to create a selection around the picture.
Make the best selection you can of your picture.

Cut the picture form it's current location,

Go to the newly created layer and past it into this layer,

Re: Drop Shadow help

Fri Jul 26, 2019 12:25 pm

Is this an already existing brochure?
If you could post an example,
we might be able to give more accurate instructions.
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