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downloadable GIMP help for 2.10.x? 2.10 crashes, main page has 2.8

Fri Aug 30, 2019 5:20 pm

GIMP Version: 2.10.12
Operating System: Windows
OS Version: 10 Home
GIMP Experience: Basic Level
URL or Image link: https://download.gimp.org/mirror/pub/gimp/help/windows/2.10/

List any relevant plug-ins or scripts:
help-browser.exe (downloaded from https://download.gimp.org/mirror/pub/gi ... -setup.exe)

List any ERROR messages you received:
Plug-in crashed: "help-browser.exe" (C:\Program Files\GIMP 2\lib\gimp\2.0\plug-ins\help-browser\helpbrowser.exe)

The dying plug-in may have messed up GIMP's internal state. You may want to save your images and restart GIMP to be on the safe side.


Procedure 'extension-gimp-help-browser-temp' returned no return values


First want to say that I'm sorry if I'm missing something totally obvious: I've searched here and Reddit etc., with no mention of this problem, so I likely am. But rest assured I've done my due diligence... would be very grateful if someone could help here.

I've been using Gimp for years for basic stuff but getting more into graphic design generally, and also learning the new ins-and-outs of 2.10.x. Wanted to install the inline help file, but all I could find on the main download page (which I'm unable to insert because I'm getting msg that it looks "too spammy for a new user here") for English (US or otherwise) is an executable that is clearly labeled "gimp-help-2-2.8.2."

I found an executable help file for 2.10 at the FTP site for Gimp, but even after configuring to use local help file in settings, keep the same error message upon hitting F1, selecting help, or trying to browse help:


I also see PDFs for 2.10 available for download; can these be used for inline help? If so, is there a specific file I need to move them to in order to use them?

This is especially important to me because I have a very weak internet connection and it would be great if I could run it, trouble-free, without having to go online.

Thanks for the help, and again, sorry for the trouble if this is me just missing something.

Re: downloadable GIMP help for 2.10.x? 2.10 crashes, main page has 2.8

Sat Aug 31, 2019 4:34 am

I found an executable help file for 2.10 at the FTP site for Gimp, but even after configuring to use local help file in settings, keep the same error message upon hitting F1, selecting help, or trying to browse help:

what exactly did you FTP? As a download, should have been this https://download.gimp.org/mirror/pub/gi ... -setup.exe

but then......

How long have you had Gimp 2.10.12 installed? AFAIK the Windows help browser was only fixed with (the latest) gimp-2.10.12-setup-3.exe from a month ago.

Works here: https://i.imgur.com/UyNQFhu.jpg

Still not working after all that? - You are sunk.

I also see PDFs for 2.10 available for download; can these be used for inline help? If so, is there a specific file I need to move them to in order to use them?

The PDF from http://gimp.linux.it/www/meta/ This is a great resource, same as the help files but with index and searchable, but it is a PDF, a document, so you can not open from within Gimp. Get a lightweigt PDF viewer. No reason why you can not run it minimised until required.

Edit: It was the previous gimp 2.10.12 installer ....setup-2.exe where the browser was fixed.
See the end of this long thread https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gimp/issues/3226
You should still update (if required) to ...setup-3.exe
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