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Matching my Phone Camera's 'Brightness' Adjustment

Mon Nov 25, 2019 5:50 pm

GIMP Version: 2.10.8
Operating System: Windows
OS Version: windows 7
GIMP Experience: Basic Level
URL or Image link: https://imgur.com/a/YQdob7h

Hello everyone, I've recently been given a Samsung Galaxy S6 that has a manually adjustable 'brightness' slider. Trouble is the UI is awful and while using it is sometimes necessary, it can take forever due to said software. I've been trying to mimic the adjustment in Gimp 2.10.8, but I haven't gotten it yet, definitely not just 'brightness' as the UI says - seems to be some mix of white balance, exposure, contrast, levels...maybe more.

I took a base picture (which usually auto sets 'brightness' around 50%) and maxed it out (though sometimes adjusting the slider does nothing). I was hoping someone had an idea as to how to approximate this effect, any ideas are appreciated.

base reduced.jpg
base reduced.jpg (367.56 KiB) Viewed 1743 times

adjusted reduced.jpg
adjusted reduced.jpg (351.81 KiB) Viewed 1743 times

Re: Matching my Phone Camera's 'Brightness' Adjustment

Tue Nov 26, 2019 2:09 am

Did you take your photo with your indoor light on? I have noticed that any photos I take in one room of my house have a 'yellow' tinge to them. Since it doesn't happen anywhere else I figure this room must be using a warmer light. Could be your problem.
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