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PDF help

Sun Feb 09, 2020 2:11 am

GIMP Version: 2.10.14
Operating System: Windows
OS Version: Home 64bits
GIMP Experience: Basic Level

I know gimp can open and also create pdf's
Is there anyway that it can create a four page spread and how would I do it? I did the pages as layers and came up with only one page (the last/top layer).

Re: PDF help

Sun Feb 09, 2020 3:22 am

Exporting layers as a multi-page pdf is easy in 2.10
File/Export as....select portable document format from the drop-down list of file formats.
In the export window, tick on "layers as pages" & "reverse the pages order".


Re: PDF help

Sun Feb 09, 2020 4:05 am

There are snags with the Gimp 2.10 PDF export. Still somewhat work-in-progress. As above it will export a multipage PDF however
- Text layers become separate pages
- Layer groups are rendered as separate pages.

pdfexport.jpg (93.16 KiB) Viewed 1306 times

The solution of course is merge any text with the appropriate layer and merge any layer group to a single layer.

Text information not 100% embedded on a single page. Typical scenario, a cover for an ebook. Only a single page needed so it can be built up with layers and text. If using a font that is only available on your computer do not expect other people to see it. It will be replaced by the system default font.

This using a font in Gimp fonts folder but not available to the PDF viewer. That would also apply to a commercial printer..
The solution, flatten the image to a single layer before exporting.

pdf-font.jpg (77.35 KiB) Viewed 1306 times

Just a note for anyone using Inkscape for similar work. The latest beta Inkscape version 1 (yes it has finally made v1) Correctly embeds the font information into the image. (at least that is what I found).
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