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Locked tools - PLEASE, PLEASE HELP!

Sun Apr 26, 2020 3:56 pm

GIMP Version: 2.8.14
Operating System: Windows
GIMP Experience: Intermediate Level

List any ERROR messages you received:
The stop sign appears (a circle with a line across)

Hi there,

I recently asked for help with the color picker... now the same thing is happening with the scale tool. I have been scaling objects successfully for the last few days, but suddenly in addition to the color picker being locked, the scaled tool as well as the colour history are locked too.

I'm trying to finish a job.... can anyone please HELLLLLLPPPP!!!! :gaah

Thank you in advance.

Re: Locked tools - PLEASE, PLEASE HELP!

Sun Apr 26, 2020 4:17 pm

I already answered your first question, go back and read it. The error on the bottom of your second question hints that you are selecting the wrong layer. May want to check that?

Are you really looking for help, or just want to make noise?

Re: Locked tools - PLEASE, PLEASE HELP!

Sun Apr 26, 2020 4:30 pm

racer-x wrote:I already answered your first question, go back and read it. The error on the bottom of your second question hints that you are selecting the wrong layer. May want to check that?

Are you really looking for help, or just want to make noise?

That's not very nice. If you don't want to help, don't, but I'm not looking for attention nor have time for drama and nastiness - just need some help. If you can offer it, I'll be thankful, but if you just want to be mean to someone then leave me alone.

I no longer have that post as I tried to follow any advice given and it didn't work.... would you kindly repeat what your advice was?

Re: Locked tools - PLEASE, PLEASE HELP!

Sun Apr 26, 2020 6:09 pm

austral wrote:I no longer have that post as I tried to follow any advice given and it didn't work.... would you kindly repeat what your advice was?


Re: Locked tools - PLEASE, PLEASE HELP!

Sun Apr 26, 2020 6:38 pm

I'm sorry but I have to agree with austral. I consider this type of answer as "Bullies remarks". This group it's about helping other users, no matter how dumb the question you think it is. If you have personal problems, don't answer any question and keep the any other comments for yourself. So be kind, you don't have nothing to loose.

Re: Locked tools - PLEASE, PLEASE HELP!

Sun Apr 26, 2020 7:13 pm

Yes, my reaction was overly harsh. Clearly I'm not smart enough to figure out the OP's problems and will back away so others can find the solution.

Re: Locked tools - PLEASE, PLEASE HELP!

Sun Apr 26, 2020 8:21 pm


At the bottom of your second screenshot it says "The selection does not intersect with the layer."

There are dashed lines round both the top left and bottom right items, one is the selection the other the active layer. They do not intersect.

So it looks to me like you are trying to scale a layer while an unwanted selection is active. Try doing Select -> none.

Re: Locked tools - PLEASE, PLEASE HELP!

Mon Apr 27, 2020 7:59 am


I'm going to explain what teapot is referring. In the second image when you have a Layer with a "Selection active" and you try to use a Tool in another Layer it won't work and will give you at the error at bottom of the window. In your case "The selection do not intersect with the layer". You have to get rid of the selection first, go to: Select>None and that will get rid of your troubles. You can PM me if you don't understand. Have a good day and be safe!


Re: Locked tools - PLEASE, PLEASE HELP!

Mon Apr 27, 2020 9:08 am

Hi everyone,

Many thanks EVERYONE for your help. Perhaps my biggest mistake is treating Gimp like Photoshop. I will try everyone's advice to try to fix the issues. Keep safe and lets all be kind to one another, these are stressful times for everyone. <3
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