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GIMP UI help

Thu Apr 30, 2020 9:54 pm

GIMP Version: 2.10.18
Operating System: Windows
OS Version: 10
GIMP Experience: Basic Level
URL or Image link: https://imgur.com/a/vhCgY9V

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I have installed (and reinstalled) the latest version as well as version 2.8.22 and have had the same result. The UI's icons are incredibly small even after adjusting the size of the icons to huge. I attached an image of what I am seeing so hopefully this gives you an idea. Is there any way to increase the size of these other windows/icons?

Also the menu bar seems to be very scrunched together and opening any help windows or anything like that, it just doesn't seem like it loads up right. Any suggestions?

Re: GIMP UI help

Thu Apr 30, 2020 10:02 pm

Icon theme in Preferences should help with that.

Re: GIMP UI help

Fri May 01, 2020 2:17 am

You can also try disabling Single Window Mode,
to see if this helps.

My example screenshot below,
shows how it looks without Single Window Mode enabled.

window_mode.png (192.16 KiB) Viewed 929 times

Simply remove the check mark from it's box,
to disable Single Window Mode.
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