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Open images in RGB mode automatically

Wed Jun 10, 2020 6:08 am

GIMP Version: 2.8.16
Operating System: Linux
OS Version: Ubuntu 16
GIMP Experience: New User


i want to leave coloured comments on images that are in Greyscale. If I open these images in GIMP, they are opened in Greyscale mode by default, preventing me from writing comments in blue. I have to switch the mode manually to RGB.
Now, these are only a couple of clicks, but I would like to save myself the bother. Is there any way to open any image in RGB mode by default?

All the best and thanks in advance!

Re: Open images in RGB mode automatically

Wed Jun 10, 2020 1:11 pm

Only reverse order:
1. Open/create an RGB image.
2. Open as layers Grayscale image.
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