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Moving characters in a jpg

Thu Aug 13, 2020 10:14 am

GIMP Version: 2.8.14
Operating System: Windows
OS Version: 10
GIMP Experience: Basic Level

Using the correct or easiest tool for a user is always a challenge.

GIMP can often be a good tool but for occasional GIMP users (not everyday users) it can be a canon which kills the fly trying to recall all the exact steps to be applied.

I'm trying to move a quote located on the 1st 2 lines in a jpg to the middle of the page and wondering which tool would be easiest to do this task?

Irfanview? MS Publisher? GIMP? Other program?

This is for the next video project I'm now on a new deadline for.

Thanks for all your much appreciated help.

Re: Moving characters in a jpg

Thu Aug 13, 2020 11:14 am

The move (shortcut is M) tool is good for moving text layers, or other layers on the canvas.

Create and save your work using the native Gimp format .XCF.
Saves you from unnecessary things like moving text that is not really text.
Use .jpg only when you export your finalized work for web and viewing.

Moving-Layers.jpg (129.15 KiB) Viewed 3133 times

If you had a text layer you could align it using align tool (Q).

Re: Moving characters in a jpg

Thu Aug 13, 2020 11:31 am

OK, I found the M (move tool) and I moved the quote to the middle of the page but that leavers all these checkered squares above the quote in black.

How do I now remove those squares or fill them in so they're all black like the background to the quote?

Thank you!

Re: Moving characters in a jpg

Thu Aug 13, 2020 11:45 am

You didn't just move the text, you moved the whole layer.
Create a new layer, fill it with black and place it underneath the text layer.
Then right click on the text layer in the layer dialog and merge down.

Can you make a print screen of how your opened Gimp looks like?

Re: Moving characters in a jpg

Thu Aug 13, 2020 12:13 pm

I'm not as practiced with layers as I'd like to be so is there a simpler way?


Re: Moving characters in a jpg

Thu Aug 13, 2020 12:20 pm

It looks like you can't see your layer dialog.
Click ctrl+L to show it.

Or mahvin's solution "Dockable Dialogs" > layers


Re: Moving characters in a jpg

Thu Aug 13, 2020 12:54 pm

I saw in Windows (tab) I can select Dock-able Dialogue and I see Layers but I'm not an experienced layers person and I'm sorry that I can't be a faster study and learn Layers quickly.

Is there no simper way in GIMP to just move the characters to the middle of the page?

Have you done that in other programs? Publisher? MS Word? Libre Draw? Irfanview?


Re: Moving characters in a jpg

Thu Aug 13, 2020 1:57 pm

eagertolearn wrote:This is for the next video project I'm now on a new deadline for.

mahvin wrote:Additionally, your constant use of the phrase "I'm on a deadline" seems to infer that you want results ASAP, and if that's the case, do not be alarmed if the post goes unanswered for hours. Many of us have jobs and support this forum due to our love of GIMP.

Re: Moving characters in a jpg

Thu Aug 13, 2020 3:51 pm

I made another video.

www.youtube.com Video from : www.youtube.com
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