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Automation / Layer Manipulation

Thu Sep 17, 2020 4:05 pm

GIMP Version: 2.10.20
Operating System: Windows
GIMP Experience: New User

New to GIMP scripting but been a programmer for a while. Looking to do 2 sets of things:

1. Modify ~150 .XCF files by moving a specific layer down in each image by a specific number of pixels in the y-axis. Assume the layer is named "DisplayName". Is there a script available (or can someone show me how I might do this)? I believe I have to modify using set_offsets but not sure how this works.
2. Separately, in a single file, I need to update several layers as follows:
A. Change text values in text box in several existing layers
B. Replace an image within an existing layer with another local, transparent background image (.png) I have
C. Change the x-offset of an existing layer based on the text length of one of the layers from item A above

Appreciate any helpful comments!
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