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color enhance

Mon Oct 26, 2020 6:12 am

GIMP Version: 2.10
Operating System: Mac OS
GIMP Experience: New User

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I am new to the forum.
I upgraded few times ago to gimp 2.10 and I noticed new option in colors>auto menu.
The former "color enhance" filter is now noted as "legacy",and there is a "new" color enhance feature which looks promising to me.
In previous color enhance feature, there was a clear description of stuffs done by the algorithm (tranform to HSV color and extend the saturation range) and even the source code.

But I can not find at all what does the new color feature is doing...
Besides, I can not find the code in the github repo.

Does anyone knows a little bit more about this new filter?

Many thanks.

Edit: I wanted to provide links to gimp documentation and source code, but as a new forum user I can not post outside url in my message.

Re: color enhance

Mon Oct 26, 2020 6:53 am

The new Color Enhance is a GEGL fuction, so you'd have to look in the GEGL repository: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gegl/-/b ... -enhance.c

And note that GIMP and GEGL repositories are on GitLab and that the version on GitHub is a mirror and not the official location.


Re: color enhance

Mon Oct 26, 2020 7:00 am

This is a GEGL operation now, so the source is in GEGL:

https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gegl/-/b ... -enhance.c

From the comments:

* This operation is inspired from the color enhance gimp plugin.
* It alters the chroma component to cover maximum possible range,
* keeping hue and lightness untouched.

However like most GEGL stuff, it works in "linear light" while the legacy version works off gamma-compressed data.
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