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Image changes colour when posted to GC - RESOLVED

Thu Nov 05, 2020 7:21 pm

GIMP Version: 2.8.14
Operating System: Windows
GIMP Experience: Intermediate Level

I originally asked this question as an edit to the post in my own thread, but I realise it should be posted under the 'Help' topic for wider viewing/response if I want to obtain an answer.

Can anybody tell me why, at home in GIMP, this image is distinctly BLUE, yet here in GC it seems to have adopted a PURPLE hue?? Same monitor in each case. I tried to post a screen snapshot showing the difference with the two images side by side, but again at home whilst one was purple showing in GC and one was blue in MS Photos, when uploaded ... both looked purple in GC :hoh ... or maybe its the Wallace Effect.

EDIT - in Gimp on my PC the image is blue; in a comparative jpg and PDF I created, the GC image is purple and the Gimp image is blue. I upload the comparative image to Dropbox, to be able to show/share the different colour images. Then I check Dropbox with the view link I created ..... and both images display as purple. Now I know that old age has finally caught up with me; I do not understand this.

Re: Image changes colour when posted to GC

Thu Nov 05, 2020 7:32 pm

I'm leaning toward the Wallace Effect.

Re: Image changes colour when posted to GC

Thu Nov 05, 2020 11:10 pm

It's a really nice image OMG :bigthup

Something to consider are the settings on the local monitor (where you run Gimp)
This page goes into detail on calibrating a monitor.

I remember seeing setting like 'cool' and 'warm' in monitor settings but it would vary by manufacturer.

Re: Image changes colour when posted to GC

Fri Nov 06, 2020 12:17 am

Looks pretty cool, OMG. As for color shift, most sights only support sRGB; if you are using another colorspace with your renders such as aRGB, it would definitely explain site color shift issues. Some sites, by the way, are color aware; not sure about GIMPChat. Personally, I'm happy to make sure all my renders/images are sRGB thus a true WYSIWYG for nearly all sights that will view result. Even so, we all know Wallace does like the color purple. lollolol


Re: Image changes colour when posted to GC

Fri Nov 06, 2020 3:14 am

The shown image looks blue to me

Re: Image changes colour when posted to GC

Fri Nov 06, 2020 3:51 am

Nelo - thanks for posting your findings. Because of what you observed, I have just tried different browsers on 3 different machines.

On my old notebook and my wife's MS Surface tablet under Firefox and Chrome - the image in GC is blue.

On our desktop machine in Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Vivaldi the imagein GC is purple. But also on the desktop machine under Internet Explorer the image in GC is blue.

HELP - senility has got me, I do not understand this at all.

Re: Image changes colour when posted to GC

Fri Nov 06, 2020 12:08 pm

mahvin wrote:I'm leaning toward the Wallace Effect.


oldmangrumpy wrote:Nelo - thanks for posting your findings. Because of what you observed, I have just tried different browsers on 3 different machines.

On my old notebook and my wife's MS Surface tablet under Firefox and Chrome - the image in GC is blue.

On our desktop machine in Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Vivaldi the imagein GC is purple. But also on the desktop machine under Internet Explorer the image in GC is blue.

HELP - senility has got me, I do not understand this at all.

It may have something to do with display calibration and or the color profile being used.
However, this is simply a guess on my part.

Re: Image changes colour when posted to GC

Fri Nov 06, 2020 6:55 pm

Wallace - maybe it does have something to do with 'display calibration and/or the colour profile', but what what beats me is the fact that on the same PC, with the same monitor one browser, Firefox, shows the GC image as purple and another browser, Internet Explorer, shows the GC image as blue.

Thanks to all respondents above, I think I will just let this one pass and go back to my garden :)

Re: Image changes colour when posted to GC ( unresolved but life goes

Sat Nov 07, 2020 4:12 am


Opened your image in 6 different browsers & them imported the
image into GIMP & used Color Picker Tool to sample the color(s).

The Sample was taken in the same place on all 6 images, the middle
of forehead of the "Mystic".

Results were as follows-

Firefox - image html code 00138c - Phthalo Blue
Pale Moon - image html code 000a8a - Dark Blue
Waterfox - image html code 00118d - Dark Blue
SeaMonkey - image html code 00158f - Dark Blue
Vivaldi - image html code 00098b - Deep Navy
Tor - image html code 000486 - Blue

Just for reference-

True Purple is html code 800080
True Blue is html code #0073cf


Re: Image changes colour when posted to GC ( unresolved but life goes

Sat Nov 07, 2020 9:40 am

Some browsers themselves are colorspace aware, OMG and compensate for it. My bet is one of your browsers are colorspace aware and the other is not. Again, I save all of my images as sRGB so know everyone will be able to properly see result as I want them to see it. May not be the most accurate colorspace, but, it's the most universal. :)

Re: Image changes colour when posted to GC ( unresolved but life goes

Sat Nov 07, 2020 1:43 pm

Did you, when exporting to png tell it to save the colour profile (there is an option in the export dialogue)?
Try to uncheck that mark and see if it makes a difference.

Re: Image changes colour when posted to GC ( unresolved but life goes

Sat Nov 07, 2020 9:46 pm

Nelo - took your advice and exported image without 'colour profile' set. Now in GC using Firefox and Internet Explorer it appears on my monitor as a blue image as intended. :)

However, using Vivaldi and Microsoft Edge it remains purple. :huh :huh

Nelo - Thank you for your assistance.
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