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os mojave and 2.10 ....ok?

Fri Jun 04, 2021 3:04 pm

GIMP Version: 2.8.22
Operating System: Mac OS
OS Version: Mojave
GIMP Experience: Basic Level


I'm using GIMP 2.8.22 and am contemplating whether I should upgrade to 2.10 (or not??).... but I'm on an older MBP that's a 2014 running OS Mojave. Can it handle Gimp 2.10?

Also, if I do upgrade, will I lose anything in the different functions or will I have trouble opening my 2.8 projects after the upgrade.


Re: os mojave and 2.10 ....ok?

Fri Jun 04, 2021 5:15 pm

You're safe what comes to OS, 2.10 requires macOS 10.9 Mavericks or over. 2.8 files open normally in 2.10.
If you have 2.8.22 compatible scripts that you want to move over from 2.8.22, they will not work, or will be buggy.
But that's not a biggie, usually they can be fixed.
I've seen more complaints about the Mac version than Linux or Windows, and it's been awhile since I used Mac so I can't recommend if it would be better to use the normal MacOS Gimp from gimp.org or maybe the custom Gimp built by Partha. Just be brave and try out or wait for more opinions.

Btw, my fastest computer is Mac Mini 5.1 from 2011, and my Gimp comp is even older. Is 2014 old :rofl

The normal Gimp:


Partha Build:


Re: os mojave and 2.10 ....ok?

Sun Jun 06, 2021 10:31 am

Thanks Nidhogg!

I don't know about scripts and what I might have that would be those so hopefully that doesn't matter.

I'm also still using a 2009 MBP for many things. Great computers! I had to upgrade to the slightly younger 2014 for video editing in HD more easily.
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