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Tool Options stuck in corner

Thu Jul 22, 2021 11:24 am

GIMP Version: 2.10
Operating System: Mac OS
OS Version: 11.4
GIMP Experience: Intermediate Level

I have an ongoing issue, namely Tool Options is occasionally moving up and appearing in the upper left corner of the screen suddenly by itself, and I am not able to move it or close it from here. The problem with this is it covers up part of the menu and I can't save my work with different file formats (Save As). I am attaching a screen shot of this. The only way I can get around this is by resizing and dragging the work window over to my second (much smaller) monitor and exiting and reopening GIMP. The problem is I work on many images at once and makes it very inconvenient to often save then reopen 5-15 images again. I had this issue on my older machine with older OS as well so it's not computer or OS related issue.

My current system: 2018 MacBook Pro, Intel 6 core i9, 2.9Ghz (Turbo 4.8 Ghz), with 28 inch Lenovo 4K external monitor

Re: Tool Options stuck in corner

Thu Jul 22, 2021 11:57 am

Bigsur ? Too easy to drag the tool options out and get that problem.

You should be able to fix by closing the tool options dock, then reopening it and moving back to under the toolbox.
Some screenshots that might / might not help: https://www.gimp-forum.net/Thread-Layer ... -of-screen
If you do get it fixed, recommend 'locking' that tab.

Re: Tool Options stuck in corner

Thu Jul 22, 2021 12:17 pm

Haha .. that simple! Thank you for the response Rich, I have been annoyed with this for month, I now locked the tab. Thanks again! :clap

Re: Tool Options stuck in corner

Sun Jun 19, 2022 1:53 pm

I thought I had fixed this with this method before, but
now it does not seem to work. This is an old Mac Mini
with El Capitan and Gimp 2.10.14.

A workaround (until restart) is to click on Edit
and then move it left and the other two menu items can
be seen and used.
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