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Board Game Design - Stroke Selection and Pattern Fill Questions

Sun Jan 16, 2022 5:46 pm

GIMP Version: 2.8.14
Operating System: Windows
GIMP Experience: New User

Hey Everyone -

I am very new to GIMP - I have dabbled in it for years - but have never taken on a big project before. I am now working on designing a board game with a board that is based on a map of The Boundary Waters. I am in the very early stages of this project - and trying to create a prototype that could be used to play on Tabletop Simulator. I could really use your help with a couple problems.

1st Problem:
During some stroke of genius I figured out how to stroke the lakes to make the borders kind of pop out - (see the test image). For the life of me I cannot figure out how to get that to happen again. I have tried stroking with all sorts of different brushes, but it doesn't quite acheive the same effect. Any idea what I must have done?

2nd problem:
If you look at the attached draft of the map - it is super ugly and rough - I just rushed it out to have a visual. I am hoping, however, to have nice textures to fill in the various types of habitats (marked by the different colors on the map). Does anyone have any idea how I might achieve a nice pattern or texture to fill those areas? Anddd if you look at the test image - how do I prevent myself from having that thin line that remains unfilled (the bright green) when I fill a selection?

3rd problem:
Is there any way to save a selection? It takes me ~20 minutes to make the selection of all the lakes, since I have to zoom in and select little micro-chunks.

Re: Board Game Design - Stroke Selection and Pattern Fill Questions

Sun Jan 16, 2022 6:03 pm

1) Possibly "Edit > Stroke selection"

2) Complicated matter, you may have some luck with the "Fill by line art detection" in the bucket-fill. Otherwise 1) erase the color (make it transparent), and paint the transparency in "Behind" mode (including the lines). See this for some background.

3) "Select > Save to channel". See this for some hints.

Re: Board Game Design - Stroke Selection and Pattern Fill Questions

Sun Jan 16, 2022 6:34 pm

Hey thanks for your reply.

1. Yes it definitely was a stroke selection... however I am struggling to figure out how to stroke a selection in such a way that creates a border with the sort of look that exists in that image... which I guess I would describe as a double outline with a sort of fade-into the the next color? I don't actually know how to describe it - kind of a gradient?

2. Okay - I will have to play around with this.

3. Perfect! Thanks

Re: Board Game Design - Stroke Selection and Pattern Fill Questions

Mon Jan 17, 2022 9:28 am

On your first post it looks like you blurred the selection after you stroked it.
Gausian blurred at default setting
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