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GIMP Unable to open .xcf file

Sat Jun 18, 2022 3:37 pm

GIMP Version: 2.8.14
Operating System: Windows
OS Version: Windows 7
GIMP Experience: New User

List any ERROR messages you received:
Opening 'G:\Sketches\Power Scrolls\Card Template.xcf' failed:

GIMP XCF image plug-in could not open image

I tried opening a template image and forgot the following error message. I've never seen this error message before, not sure how to resolve it. This is the error message gimp displays when trying to open the file:
Opening 'G:\Sketches\Power Scrolls\Card Template.xcf' failed:

GIMP XCF image plug-in could not open imageAny help would be awesome! Thanks


Re: GIMP Unable to open .xcf file

Sat Jun 18, 2022 5:33 pm

If you're running GIMP 2.8, I believed it the template was created with GIMP 2.10 and is probably why is giving you that error. Read this please; https://www.gimp-forum.net/Thread-so-older-versions-of-Gimp-cant-open-xcf-s-made-with-2-10

Re: GIMP Unable to open .xcf file

Sat Jun 18, 2022 10:22 pm

Gimp has been updated to 2.10.32. You really should think about getting a new version

Re: GIMP Unable to open .xcf file

Mon Jun 20, 2022 2:52 am

Thanks for the replies. I'll try opening after ive updated gimp

Re: GIMP Unable to open .xcf file

Tue Jun 21, 2022 4:28 pm

So how would I go about opening this file & making it compatible with gimp 2.10? I just updated to 2.10 from 2.08 & I'm still get the same error message. Thanks for the reply!

Re: GIMP Unable to open .xcf file

Tue Jun 21, 2022 5:03 pm

words120 wrote:So how would I go about opening this file & making it compatible with gimp 2.10? I just updated to 2.10 from 2.08 & I'm still get the same error message. Thanks for the reply!

I'm on Windows, Can you post the file so I can see if I'll get the same error?

Re: GIMP Unable to open .xcf file

Tue Jun 21, 2022 9:20 pm

the file is pretty large (400mb) the boards not loading when i try to attach the file. What should I do? I can upload it to drive if thats okay here

Re: GIMP Unable to open .xcf file

Wed Jun 22, 2022 10:31 pm

vitforlinux wrote:I think you have low memory, not in your PC, but on Gimp.
Edit> Preferences> System resources... 128 Mb too low? Increase it!
[ Image ]

THanks for the reply! I set it to 500 mb and tried to open with luck, then set it to 1gb & tried to open with no luck. Any other options?

Re: GIMP Unable to open .xcf file

Thu Jun 23, 2022 3:32 am

If this is a 400MB file for Gimp 2.10, it would require several GB of RAM (rule of thumb is four times the file size).

OTOH if this is a RAM problem the first symptom is just a very slow load. But the message says that the loader for Gimp format files has a problem with the file, so it is either not really an XCF (despite the extension) or it is corrupted (is there a way to check the file integrity, such as a checksum/hash?)

Re: GIMP Unable to open .xcf file

Thu Jun 23, 2022 4:13 pm

ofnuts wrote:If this is a 400MB file for Gimp 2.10, it would require several GB of RAM (rule of thumb is four times the file size).

OTOH if this is a RAM problem the first symptom is just a very slow load. But the message says that the loader for Gimp format files has a problem with the file, so it is either not really an XCF (despite the extension) or it is corrupted (is there a way to check the file integrity, such as a checksum/hash?)

Thanks for the reply. The last time it was working I was using GIMP 2.08. It's definitely a .xcf file & the file size has grown over time with me adding additional layers & whatnot.
I'll just leave this here, its a link to the file in question. Feel free to run a virus check, I assure you nothing malicious here. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nSmYVZ ... sp=sharing

vitforlinux wrote:I not have other options, if with 500 Mb the file works, merge levels (if the work allows it, not all) and save a copy, close Gimp, re ope and open with new file.

Unfortunately I can't open the file at all or see any layers or parts of the file with GIMP. As soon as gimp attempts to load it I get the error message I attached. Thanks for trying to help tho I appreciate it!

Re: GIMP Unable to open .xcf file

Thu Jun 23, 2022 4:54 pm

I tried to open it with different programs that open xcf files and it fails. The file is corrupted according to those programs. Sorry words120 :(

Re: GIMP Unable to open .xcf file

Thu Jun 23, 2022 6:02 pm

Pocholo wrote:I tried to open it with different programs that open xcf files and it fails. The file is corrupted according to those programs. Sorry words120 :(

Dang : / thanks for the help tho

Re: GIMP Unable to open .xcf file

Thu Jun 23, 2022 7:23 pm

Pocholo wrote:I tried to open it with different programs that open xcf files and it fails. The file is corrupted according to those programs. Sorry words120 :(

I confirm. Looking inside with an hex editor, the file contains only zeroes. You can do a simple test: compress it and it takes 424K (vs 423MB), that's a 1:1000 compression ratio, which means there isn't much information in it.

Re: GIMP Unable to open .xcf file

Fri Jun 24, 2022 12:31 am

ofnuts wrote:
Pocholo wrote:I tried to open it with different programs that open xcf files and it fails. The file is corrupted according to those programs. Sorry words120 :(

I confirm. Looking inside with an hex editor, the file contains only zeroes. You can do a simple test: compress it and it takes 424K (vs 423MB), that's a 1:1000 compression ratio, which means there isn't much information in it.

Indeed, I confirm as well, sorry but I think your file is dead-corrupted, just confirming @Ofnuts and @Pocholo.
I can't open it with GIMP, plus the thumbnail does not appear on my desktop nor with the window manager, my system gives me only the standard image icon (all my own .xcf have their own thumbnails)
With XnViewMP I got a "File can't be loaded".
Also when compressed it's a 446 MB file to a whopping reduction remaining only 65 kB... , the ratio is simply too huge (I knew .7z was good but to this point :mrgreen: )

Screenshot_2022-06-24_13-13-55.png (106.54 KiB) Viewed 715 times
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