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Turning Art into Jewelry

Wed Aug 10, 2022 7:08 am

GIMP Version: 2.8.14
Operating System: Windows
GIMP Experience: New User

I'm asking for some advice on the following.
My Fantasy series is getting a cover makeover, and my sigil I've used for a decade now needs a serious makeover because it's going to be displayed across the spines of the completed 4-book set. The original covers had the image below. I want to transform it into something that looks more like a 3D piece of aged gold jewelry. The wings i can handle by filling a pattern, though I could use a brushed gold pattern, and haven't really found one yet. The transformation of the wing supports and scales, however, eludes me. I've tried gradient, distort/emboss, distort/engrave, edge-detect/gaussian...

I'm expecting something that uses a path/chain transformation combo might be the answer, but I just can't get from here to there. Any help or advise, linked tutorial etc. would be appreciated.
sigil.gif (41.99 KiB) Viewed 653 times

Re: Turning Art into Jewelry

Wed Aug 10, 2022 8:55 am

Have you ever tried "layerfx.py"? It has 11 filters you can experiment with. Here is the plugin. Just place it in your User/GIMP/Profile

Find it in GIMP menu: Layer> Layer Effects

Re: Turning Art into Jewelry

Wed Aug 10, 2022 10:00 am

Guessing I need to upgrade to 2.10. I'm at 2.8.14, and when I drop that plugin into the folder for plugins, it doesn't show. There's not a menu item for Layer effects, under Layers, so there's that. I'll upgrade and try again...

Re: Turning Art into Jewelry

Wed Aug 10, 2022 11:24 am

Hi MisterChris.
I love fantasy and dragons.
For me, it gives the best opportunities by Skinnyhouse's Metallic Effects:
https://www.gimpscripts.net/2022/04/ski ... ha-to.html
I did the example in less than a minute - but the plugin has a lot of options to try.

Re: Turning Art into Jewelry

Wed Aug 10, 2022 12:54 pm

Thanks! That's amazing!
I spent lunch plodding away at this in the version I'm on, playing with darkening the raised section into a new layer, and then trying different lighting effects using Effects/Light and Shadow/Lighting effects, and declaring the diff between the original and the raised area as a 'bump map'.
I've downloaded both Gimp 2.10 and the metallic effects script. But the amount of change in 2.8.14 vs 2.10 has me concerned I'm about to get a big fat learning curve thrown at me. Still, better to get tooled up than stay in the dark ages.

sigilGold.png (560.77 KiB) Viewed 591 times

Re: Turning Art into Jewelry

Wed Aug 10, 2022 1:43 pm

ok, after installing 2.10 and dropping the Metallic Effects in either Plug-ins or Scripts, I can't get the panel you show to come up. I've tried launching the Script Console, and couldn't see the metallic effects. Finally got the Python console to show it in the browse, but that doesn't bring up a dialog. Is there an installer or menu option to import it so it shows on the menu?

Re: Turning Art into Jewelry

Wed Aug 10, 2022 2:19 pm

Ah, never mind, I found it, under plug-ins browser in Help. I'm good now, thank you VERY much for the help!

Re: Turning Art into Jewelry

Wed Aug 10, 2022 3:56 pm

And, here's the final product, after cleaning up a LOT of issues with the flames and wings, arms etc. That plugin is sweet!

sigilGold2.png (484.45 KiB) Viewed 572 times
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