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Fri Oct 07, 2022 10:30 am

GIMP Version: 2.8.14
Operating System: Windows
OS Version: 10
GIMP Experience: Basic Level

I am relatively new to Gimp and am trying to make two images which mirror each other. The tricky part is I need to put text on it which is slightly curved going up from left to right on one image but going down from left to right on the other. I have one side done by using a path to create the curve and used the path to selection to get the text to sit as I want it.

I can mirror all the rest of the image but obviously need to remove the text layer as it goes the wrong way if you just mirror it. So what I tried to do was export the path and flip it onto the mirrored image, which I managed to do with a lot of playing around however the text comes out wrong.

Is there a way to export a path where the text goes on a curve up from left to right but flip it so when you add in the text it reads the right way going down from left to right.

Re: Path

Fri Oct 07, 2022 12:26 pm

You can have one curve path, put the text on it using text-along-path, then copy/flip the curve path (and the curve path only) (the transform tools can act on paths, 3rd icon in the "Transform" line in the tool options), and then re-run text-along-path to add text to the flipped version.

You can save yourself some head scratching and lots of tweaking by using my ofn-text-along-path script instead of the native text-along-path function (many formatting options, reverse path).

Re: Path

Fri Oct 07, 2022 4:08 pm

I seem to have a mental block around Gimp paths. I always have to re-learn what they do :)

What I did is duplicate the layer. Select a layer. Then Layer > Transform > Flip Horizontally.
Then I used the paintbrush color selector to paint over the back to front letters.
Them Free selected the correct lettering, copied it to the new layer and used perspective tool to get it in perspective :)


Re: Path

Fri Oct 07, 2022 5:39 pm

Tas_mania wrote:I seem to have a mental block around Gimp paths. I always have to re-learn what they do :)

What I did is duplicate the layer. Select a layer. Then Layer > Transform > Flip Horizontally.
Then I used the paintbrush color selector to paint over the back to front letters.
Them Free selected the correct lettering, copied it to the new layer and used perspective tool to get it in perspective :)

Which is why the second one is blurred... Bitmap text doesn't like the transforms.

Re: Path

Fri Oct 07, 2022 7:00 pm

You are right ofnuts. Is the 'Nimrod III' a super yacht or a dingy? :)

Re: Path

Sat Oct 08, 2022 2:22 am

Tas_mania wrote:You are right ofnuts. Is the 'Nimrod III' a super yacht or a dingy? :)

Given the design and the Scotland flag, could be a currach or a sixern. The OP's will be "rowing Foula doon"...

Re: Path

Sun Oct 09, 2022 1:58 pm

Ha Ha, wish it was a super yacht. It's for a model of my dads fishing boat.

Thanks for the replies will give them a go.

Re: Path

Sun Oct 09, 2022 3:00 pm

sm1234 wrote:It's for a model of my dads fishing boat.

Would that be that one;


(the one with the Saltire of course)

Edit: otherwise this one:


But with a different livery... and someone else in Ardglass has the Salitre on their boat.

Re: Path

Mon Oct 10, 2022 3:10 pm

The one in the bottom photo "Nimrod" is the boat. My dad was the original owner and it was bright orange then, it has changed hands several times but is now in Ardglass as the boat in the photo.

Re: Path

Tue Oct 11, 2022 5:40 am

Hi Tasmania

Thanks for the instructions. As I mentioned earlier I am new to gimp and have tried to follow your instructions by creating the image with the path and getting the text to curve as I want it. I copied the base layer and flipped it horizontally and then hid it and then deleted the text facing the wrong way . However I got stuck when you said "Then Free selected the correct lettering, copied it to the new layer and used perspective tool to get it in perspective"

Can you possibly make this a bit clearer for a numtpy novice.

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