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Begginer's cookbook : Cauldron anyone , first step, first error.

Tue Feb 28, 2023 4:43 am

GIMP Version: 2.8.14
Operating System: Linux
OS Version: ubuntu 22.04
GIMP Experience: Basic Level

List any relevant plug-ins or scripts:
gmic srand 100 \
-input 360,240,200,3 \
-noise[-1] 0.2,2 \
-bandpass 2%,3% \
-normalize 0,255 \
(first error here in tutorial, if -display : script stop on displaying)
-split z \
-output /path/to/your/animation.mp4,24

List any ERROR messages you received:
gmic srand 100 -input 360,240,200,3 -noise[-1] 0.2,2 -bandpass 2% 3% -normalize 0,255 -split z -output cauldron.avi,24
[gmic]-0./ Start G'MIC interpreter.
[gmic]-0./ Set random generator seed to 100.
[gmic]-0./ Input black image at position 0 (1 image 360x240x200x3).
[gmic]-1./ Add salt&pepper noise to image [0], with standard deviation 0.2.
[gmic]-1./ Apply bandpass filter [2%,20%] to image [0].
[gmic]-1./ Input black image at position 1 (1 image 11x1x1x1).
[gmic]-2./ Normalize images [0,1] in range [0,255], with constant-case ratio 0.
[gmic]-2./ Split images [0,1] along the 'z'-axis.
[gmic]-201./ Output images [0,1,2,(...),198,199,200] as avi file 'cauldron.avi', with 24 fps and (default) codec.
[gmic]-201./ *** Error *** Command 'output': [instance(201,256,0x5580124af828)] gmicList<float32>::save_ffmpeg_external(): Invalid instance dimensions for file 'cauldron.avi'.
[gmic] Command 'output' has the following description:

Hello to all.
As an experienced beginner, I tried this first script indicated on the gmic site here:

What was my great disappointment to see a first error message. For a tutorial, it's not good.

First, if the -display line is added as indicated in the tutorial, the script will stop when the image is displayed.

Nothing serious, I remove this command.

But the output does not want to go out, a dimension error.

It would be nice if the tutorials were not traps that lead to frustration.

Would you have a solution so that the animation render is the one of the tutorial and not an ugly error line in the terminal?


Re: Begginer's cookbook : Cauldron anyone , first step, first error.

Tue Feb 28, 2023 6:10 am

I think I understand

the output must specify the name of the container.

But not the desired file name as I wrote it

because no video container is called cauldron

Does it's correct?

Re: Begginer's cookbook : Cauldron anyone , first step, first error.

Tue Feb 28, 2023 7:09 am

If it's about G'MIC (and coding?), I think you better off by asking directly the G'MIC team over there > https://discuss.pixls.us/tag/gmic IMVHO. (yes they are all other there and very nice people as well ;)).
OK, it's one more registration/sign in, but it's really worth it :bigthup

Re: Begginer's cookbook : Cauldron anyone , first step, first error.

Tue Feb 28, 2023 3:02 pm

I'm really sorry, I made a mistake in the 'community' menu of the gmic site.
Pease leave the topic open until tomorrow, it's late tonight, and I'm more likely to go to bed than to register on a new forum.
Thanks for your answer and sorry for my mistake.
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