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Add letter X to certain pixels with image I created in Gimp

Fri Mar 17, 2023 1:35 pm

GIMP Version: 2.10.32
Operating System: Windows
OS Version: Windows 10
GIMP Experience: New User

Hello, a very complicated question :hehe
I have created image in Gimp (pixel art for knitting patterns), see an example gimp file attached. I need to add only the letter X in some of the individual pixels on the image itself but not sure how. Can I do this within Gimp itself or could I export the image to another program to do this? I was hoping I could export the image as a CSV file to be able to achieve this but looks like this is not possible. Please help me :tyspin

Re: Add letter X to certain pixels with image I created in Gimp

Fri Mar 17, 2023 4:33 pm

would this work? or do you want it from corner to corner? Just enlarge the brush some to fill the image more completely.

Re: Add letter X to certain pixels with image I created in Gimp

Fri Mar 17, 2023 5:27 pm

AdmFubar wrote:would this work? or do you want it from corner to corner? Just enlarge the brush some to fill the image more completely.

No don't need it from corner to corner so size not a problem. Could I do that on this image that's already done then?

Re: Add letter X to certain pixels with image I created in Gimp

Sat Mar 18, 2023 7:20 am

...snip... I need to add only the letter X in some of the individual pixels on the image itself...snip..

If you need a X in a single pixel then that is not possible. An X shape is made from several pixels. the smallest useful size is a 5 x 5 grid. So your 50x60 image needs to be 250 x 300 pix

01.jpg (97.47 KiB) Viewed 560 times

Re: Add letter X to certain pixels with image I created in Gimp

Sat Mar 18, 2023 7:37 am

You can't add an X on a pixel, because to be seen as an X, the shape would require several pixels.

You have to scale up your image 8x or more (with "Interpolation: None" so that you get square pixels and not a blurry mess.

Then you create a small X brush, and use it paint on the squares

HungryCaterpillar-stitches.png (2.48 KiB) Viewed 559 times

(ninja'ed by Rich, for once)

Re: Add letter X to certain pixels with image I created in Gimp

Sat Mar 18, 2023 8:21 am

You might want to try some software that is designed for knitting patterns. This one is free and looks really easy. You can import images into it, I believe.


Re: Add letter X to certain pixels with image I created in Gimp

Sat Mar 18, 2023 8:41 am

ofnuts wrote:You can't add an X on a pixel, because to be seen as an X, the shape would require several pixels.

You have to scale up your image 8x or more (with "Interpolation: None" so that you get square pixels and not a blurry mess.

Then you create a small X brush, and use it paint on the squares


(ninja'ed by Rich, for once)

Thank you soo much, Yes, silly me not sure what I was thinking when i asked about adding an X on a pixel, had gone brain dead trying to work this out :hehe
How do I create a small X brush?

Re: Add letter X to certain pixels with image I created in Gimp

Sat Mar 18, 2023 10:48 am

Deblk wrote:Thank you soo much, Yes, silly me not sure what I was thinking when i asked about adding an X on a pixel, had gone brain dead trying to work this out :hehe
How do I create a small X brush?

* You create a 8x8 grayscale image, on which you draw an X (using the Pencil) and the "Pixel (1x1 square)" brush.
* "Select > All", "Edit > Copy"
* And in the Pencil/PaintBrush you select the "Clipboard mask" brush (2nd in list)(Pencil is preferable for what you want to do)
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