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gif animation

Fri Mar 24, 2023 3:22 am

GIMP Version: 2.10.34
Operating System: Windows
GIMP Experience: New User

List any relevant plug-ins or scripts:
none that I know of

List any ERROR messages you received:
Couldn’t simply reduce colors further. Exporting as opaque.

Trying to create a gif animation and getting above error. I will post more in the near future. Wanted to get a post in so my account does not get deleted.


Re: gif animation

Fri Mar 24, 2023 8:20 am

Are there any transparent parts in the animation that weren't in the original thing? The transparency is denoted by a specific color in the color map, but if the color map is already full (256 colors) the transparency color cannot be added. Maybe you can identify unused colors in the color map and delete them, or cause a new indexing to occur ("Image > Mode > RGB" and back to "Image > Mode > Indexed").

Re: gif animation

Sat Mar 25, 2023 4:16 am

The idea here was to help my son with a piece of a project for school. He wanted an animation of the earth spinning and then turning into venus. Climate change and all. I started with two videos of earth spinning and venus spinning and extracted images from them with VLC. It offered me .png images so I took it. I converted the first 6 of 24 to gif and put them in a gif animation and it worked fine. Then next I put some of venus on earth and put that in the animation and that is where I got the error message mentioned in my initial post. The part that was supposed to be venus was gray and blue not the yellow, red and orange that it should have been. I did try changing to RGB, didn't help same look but the error message went away. Then I extracted the images again but to .jpg files. Went through the same process and got the same result. Lastly, I tried indexed color with 255 colors and still the same thing. Any comments or suggestions will be appreciated. If you would like files I will see about uploading them.


Re: gif animation

Sat Mar 25, 2023 6:17 am

The problem with GIFs is that they are color-indexed. See this for some explanation.

When you created the first animation with the Earth, the color map was filled with mostly white, green and blue because the software had no reason to restrict itself. When you add Venus to the existing animation, you need yellow and orange, but the colormap is full.. So the good technique is to prepare all you images together (in full-RGB), and do the color-indexing on the whole lot together, so that the application can determine the best colormap for the whole set.

Re: gif animation

Sat Mar 25, 2023 2:36 pm

I did this one in Gimp using "spinning globe" plugin and composited it in a video editor because it's much easier that way. You can use it if you want...


Re: gif animation

Sun Mar 26, 2023 5:50 am

Thank you very much. I didn't understand most of what you said but I greatly appreciate it. That is some of the problem I am having with gimp, I don't understand the language and I don't use gimp enough to remember what I did the last time. I will see if this animation you did will work. I will also check out the link you put in the post.

Re: gif animation

Sun Mar 26, 2023 5:06 pm

No problem, The only reason I posted is because I just recently upgraded my OS (Linux) and wanted to check that every program worked properly. Here is a version of Earth with clouds that make it look more realistic. Again use it if you want........


Re: gif animation

Mon Mar 27, 2023 4:14 am

It looks a lot better with clouds and the Earth-Venus transition is very nice :bigthup

Re: gif animation

Mon Mar 27, 2023 6:46 am

Tas_mania wrote:It looks a lot better with clouds and the Earth-Venus transition is very nice :bigthup

I can't agree more with Tas_mania :bigthup

Re: gif animation

Mon Mar 27, 2023 12:09 pm

cool stuff.

Re: gif animation

Mon Mar 27, 2023 2:28 pm

They all look great compared to what I came up with, which was basically nothing. Thanks to all who contributed. I greatly appreciate the assistance.


Re: gif animation

Mon Mar 27, 2023 8:48 pm

Nice :) I like it with the clouds too

Re: gif animation

Tue Mar 28, 2023 2:27 am

Remind me of this:

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