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error when running potrace

Tue Aug 08, 2023 5:45 am

GIMP Version: 2.10.34
Operating System: Windows
GIMP Experience: New User

List any relevant plug-ins or scripts:
python potrace

List any ERROR messages you received:
Calling error for procedure 'file-svg-load':
Could not open 'C:\Users\Johan\AppData\Local\Temp\gimp\2.10\gimp-temp-42289.svg' for reading: XML parse error: Input file is too short
The underlying Potrace program failed for unknown reasons, possibly not enough resources.Try lower quality.

Please can someone assist me. I do get similar errors on a couple of the python plug ins but i did not keep record of it as i am using a very old desktop with windows 7 ( :oops: it is unfortunately all i have) but would love to know if there might be solution to this?
also, it might be an operator error also but is unaware of it

thanks in advance

Re: error when running potrace

Tue Aug 08, 2023 7:54 am

Should work ;) This using Win 7 64bit (VM) / Gimp 2.10.34 / potrace 1.16 win64 (the zip file) / plugin-potrace.py Version:0.4 MareroQ 2019

I recomend putting the potrace.exe file into the Gimp "bin" folder to ensure it is in the Gimp path.

then using settings like this:

potrace.jpg (69.8 KiB) Viewed 374 times

1 minute example: https://imgur.com/O8Z4NB9.mp4

Re: error when running potrace

Tue Aug 08, 2023 8:50 am

Hi ElMar.
Too little data for me:
1. Is there any reason why you installed Gimp locally and not for all users? (possible selection at installation).
I've never installed it like this but a lot of users have had problems with it. Have you tried the portable version?
2. Is this plugin-potrace.py? and what version it is (version 0.6 is available here:
https://www.gimpscripts.net/2020/09/plu ... er-05.html
3. Show full folder path:
4. Where did you put the 2 files (potrace.exe mkbitmap.exe) required by plugin-potrace.py?
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