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Eraser painting on layer that has alpha channel

Tue Jan 02, 2024 12:28 pm

GIMP Version: 2.10.24
Operating System: Windows
OS Version: Windows
GIMP Experience: Intermediate Level

In the middle of working on a project, my eraser went from erasing to painting. The only thing I did from one second to the next was pause to do a quick save. This is on a layer with an alpha channel.

Now my eraser no longer erases, even on layers with transparency and alpha channels--it paints as if there's no alpha channel. The only other thing I notice is that on the top of the tool options panel, the ability to select the eraser's mode is grayed out [it says it on normal], and the circular arrow to reset the eraser's mode is also grayed out.

I have no idea what happened. I've had Gimp do strange things before when I save a file: switch the paintbrush to airbrush or turn on tool dynamics, etc. But those I can reset. I don't know what's happened this time. I have restarted Gimp and restarted the computer, but neither of those worked. Thanks!

Re: Eraser painting on layer that has alpha channel

Tue Jan 02, 2024 1:27 pm

The Eraser has an "Anti-erase" option (at the bottom of the Tool options). Can also be toggled with Alt.

Gimp by defaults keeps your settings across sessions. This can be changed, see here.

Re: Eraser painting on layer that has alpha channel

Tue Jan 02, 2024 1:40 pm

ofnuts wrote:The Eraser has an "Anti-erase" option (at the bottom of the Tool options). Can also be toggled with Alt.

Gimp by defaults keeps your settings across sessions. This can be changed, see here.

Thank you so much!!! That's what it was. I didn't even consider it since it's under dynamic tools and I had those turned off. I swear, I've used this program for 20 yrs, and it's amazing how many nooks and crannies are still left to explore.
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