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Cage tool won't deform layer

Mon Apr 01, 2024 7:01 pm

GIMP Version: 2.10.36
Operating System: Windows
OS Version: Windows 11 Pro
GIMP Experience: Basic Level

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I can't get the cage tool to deform a layer.
GIMP version 2.10.36
Windows 11 64-bit

I copied part of my main image and pasted it as a new layer.
With the new later selected, I click the cage tool icon, click several points in the new layer, and click the starting point. The cage tool changes to "deform the cage". I move any of the control points, nothing happens. I drag some more control points, nothing happens. I hit Enter and the cage tool ends, having done nothing. I've watched some videos and it's working for them. What am I missing?

Thank you for any help.
- Peyton

Re: Cage tool won't deform layer

Tue Apr 02, 2024 3:30 am

I tested it and it works... could it be that you have not set the setting correctly, as in the example?

Re: Cage tool won't deform layer

Tue Apr 02, 2024 3:47 am

Make sure there is not an active selection. Sometimes very small and not noticed. Check Selection -> None.

Re: Cage tool won't deform layer

Tue Apr 02, 2024 5:00 am

Jappaloe63 wrote:I tested it and it works... could it be that you have not set the setting correctly, as in the example?

OP is speaking about the cage transform tool which does not have those settings ;)
screenshot_20240402-175851.jpg (33.73 KiB) Viewed 248 times

Re: Cage tool won't deform layer

Tue Apr 02, 2024 9:21 am

I know, but if it isn't like that, nothing else will work.
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