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Recreating bevel effect from Sonic logo

Tue Apr 30, 2024 5:43 am

GIMP Version: 2.10.34
Operating System: Windows
OS Version: Windows 10
GIMP Experience: Intermediate Level

List any relevant plug-ins or scripts:
GEGL Effects CE

Hi, I'm new here but I've been using GIMP on and off for many years. I'm trying to help a friend recreate the Sonic the Hedgehog 2 game logo using different text, but I'm having a lot of trouble trying to get the bevel shading close to how the original logo looks.
Logo Reference
969acd75-b08e-4a9f-a385-64b791fa793c-1145634357.png (177.59 KiB) Viewed 271 times

I've made very good progress so far by using contrast_'s GEGL Layer Effects Bevel plugin on the blue inner text, however I'm stuck with how to move forward on the orange text. No matter how much I play with it, I can't get it to match that well to the reference image. I've added a little shading to the outer edges because it looks like the reference picture has some that's not a part of the lighting from the bevel, but that's non-permanent and can be removed if needed. I was also having trouble trying to add bevels inside the A letters, it seemed like maybe the plugin wasn't drawing anything inside.
Current progress
gimp-2.10_TRBQvjqWm8.png (30.59 KiB) Viewed 271 times

Any guidance on how I can achieve the effect I'm looking for would be appreciated!

Re: Recreating bevel effect from Sonic logo

Tue Apr 30, 2024 12:07 pm

Hi, thanks for using my plugin. There is a faint redish orange outline after the blue text before the other large orange outline is bevelled

I recreated this style in the latest GEGL Effects.

2024-04-30_13-02.png (138.71 KiB) Viewed 245 times

Save this as a text file (.txt) and open it in GEGL Effects Continual by importing presets
if it doesn't work it means you have an outdated version of GEGL Effects and need to update

https://github.com/LinuxBeaver/GEGL-Eff ... L/releases

# GIMP 'GEGL Effects Continual Edition (lb:layereffectscontinual)' settings

(time 0)
(gimp-region drawable)
(guichange extraosg)
    (color "HSV double" 24 "K\140\323\176\262e\345\77\43\237u\203\251\314\355\77\236\32\62\100b\1\347\77" 0))
(colorblendmode SolidColor)
(enableoutline yes)
(opacitystroke 0.999)
(grow-shape circle)
(radiusstroke 1.401)
(grow-radiusstroke 2)
    (color "HSV double" 24 "\100\254\274\371\267\33\257\77\255\33L\221O\54\357\77f\222\23a\134x\356\77" 0))
(opacity 0)
(x 10)
(y 10)
    (color "R'G'B'A float" 16 "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\200\77" 0))
(grow-radius 0)
(radius 12)
(clippolicy no)
(depth 54)
(bevel1 30)
(radius1 2.1720000000000002)
(slideupblack 0)
(bevelopacity 0.999)
(typebevel normalbevel)
(blendmodebevel2 BevelOff)
(innerglow no)
(blendmodeinnerglow2 Over)
(innergradius 4.5)
(innerggrow-radius 5)
(innergopacity 1.3999999999999999)
    (color "R'G'B'A float" 16 "\0\0\200\77\220\217\17\77\0\0\0\0\0\0\200\77" 0))
(xinnerglow 0)
(yinnerglow 0)
(fixoutline 75)
(src "")
(imageblendmode NormalImage)
(layeropacity 0.999)
(hue 0)
(chroma 0)
(lightness 0)
(gradient no)
(blendmodegradient2 Over)
(opacitygradient 0.999)
(start-x 659)
(start-y 49)
(end-x 647)
(end-y 572)
    (color "R'G'B'A float" 16 "\322\320P\76\355\353k\77\330\326V\77\0\0\200\77" 0))
    (color "R'G'B'A float" 16 "\0\377\176\77\302\300\300\75\364\362r\77\0\0\200\77" 0))
(xstroke -0.96399999999999997)
(ystroke 0.441)
(specialoutline yes)
(blendmodebeveloutline GrainMergeGE)
(osdepth 12)
(osbevel 80)
(osradius 3)
(osbevelopacity 0.27000000000000002)
(ossrc "")
(oshue 0)
(oslightness 0)
(specialshadowoptions no)
(shadowimage "")
(blurshadowimage 0)
(enableaura no)
(aurasize 10)
(seedaura 0)
(enableshine no)
(blendmodeshine Replace)
(opacityshine 0.5)
(x-scaleshine 28)
(y-scaleshine 56)
(complexity 0.80000000000000004)
(blend-power -0.59999999999999998)
(seedshine 0)
(microblur 0)
(thinboldenable 0)
(thinboldap 50)
(knockout 0)
(enableextraoutline yes)
(opacitystrokeextraoutline 0.999)
(xextraoutline 0)
(yextraoutline 0)
(grow-shapeextraoutline circle)
(radiusstrokeextraoutline 0)
(grow-radiusstrokeextraoutline 20)
    (color "HSV double" 24 "\250t\275\202\137\372\272\77L\221\317\272\301\255\357\77\0\0\0\0\0\0\360\77" 0))
(specialoutlineextra yes)
(blendmodebeveloutlineextra MultiplyGE)
(osdepthextra 50)
(osbevelextra 85.400000000000006)
(osradiusextra 2.2149999999999999)
(osbevelopacityextra 0.33700000000000002)
(ossrcextra "")
(enableglasstext yes)
(glassblendmode GlassOver)
(glassazimuth 150.78999999999999)
(glassdepth 10)
(glasselevation 43.186)
(glassretract 1)
(glassblur 0.5)
    (color "R'G'B'A float" 16 "\0\0\200\77\0\0\200\77\0\0\200\77\0\0\200\77" 0))
(glassopacity 0.89400000000000002)

# end of 'GEGL Effects Continual Edition (lb:layereffectscontinual)' settings

So to repeat myself more clearly the text file above is instructions for GEGL Effects to create this text style but it only works on the latest version.

Re: Recreating bevel effect from Sonic logo

Tue Apr 30, 2024 12:18 pm

Ok, If you want a technical answer it looks like the outline bevel in the original image is doing a box blur or something. GEGL Effects is only programmed to do a gaussian blur for its outline bevel

2024-04-30_13-15.png (159.91 KiB) Viewed 243 times

Notice the "box blur radius=`" replacing gaussian blur? GEGL Effects isn't doing that
2024-04-30_13-15_1.png (143.13 KiB) Viewed 243 times

The good news is that my plugin SSG can make an outline only effect and bevel that ships with GEGL Effects can do a box blur internally
https://github.com/LinuxBeaver/GEGL-SSG ... /releases/

So first apply an orange SSG and then apply bevel stand alone
box_bevel.png (140.49 KiB) Viewed 243 times

Re: Recreating bevel effect from Sonic logo

Tue Apr 30, 2024 6:46 pm

Thanks for the reply! Your preset got me very close to what I needed, and a little tweaking later I was able to get almost exactly what I was looking for. The SSG plugin also helped adding a bit of an outline.

gimp-2.10_l626DOCqUb.png (68.24 KiB) Viewed 219 times

I appreciate the help!!
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