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How to keep Tool Options dialogue permanently visible

Thu Jun 27, 2024 9:23 pm

GIMP Version: 2.8.14
Operating System: Windows
GIMP Experience: New User

Ever since the last time I updated GIMP a couple of months ago, I have been unable to get the GIMP Tool Options dialogue to remain visible while I am using a tool. For instance, I want to use the rectangle selection to select a precise area of 500 x 1000 pixels. I used to click on the rectangle selection tool and drag the cursor while watching the numbers on the options dialogue and so quickly get to the required dimensions. Now, I select the tool and, while the dialogue appears, it disappears just as quickly as soon as I "touch" the cursor onto the screen area. Certainly, I can draw out a rectangle then double-click the tool again to reaccess the options dialogue, and then set the numbers for the desired dimensions, but that is (to me at least) quite a bit less convenient. Repeated Internet searches have yielded only suggestions to dock the dialogue in place, which does not work at all.

Does anyone else have this problem? More importantly, does anyone have a solution?

Thank you in advance,


Re: How to keep Tool Options dialogue permanently visible

Fri Jun 28, 2024 12:42 am

There is a solution
In edit > preferences, go to windows management. Click on save windows positions now and make sure you have save windows positions on exit checked.

Re: How to keep Tool Options dialogue permanently visible

Fri Jun 28, 2024 6:06 am

If you are using the single-window mode, the Tool options dialog is part of your window. If it is not there or is detached and floating around, see here.

However, if you want a dimension that you know in advance, you can set the tool to "Fixed: size" and enter a size as "500x1000" for instance. And if you use that size often, you can save that "preset" with a name, and reinstate it at will (see the row of icons at the bottom of the Tool options dialog).

RSTO.png (45.25 KiB) Viewed 90 times

Re: How to keep Tool Options dialogue permanently visible

Fri Jun 28, 2024 10:05 am

Thank you both for your quick responses.

Sallyanne, I implemented your solution, and it seems to work. Perhaps a little too well, in fact, because the tool options dialogue then remained visible (until I minimized it) even when I departed GIMP into another program, say, Microsoft Word. I could live with that, however, as long as it remained visible while I used the tool, which it did. Thanks! But I did see that another solution was suggested, and it seems to better fit my need.

Ofnuts, I've never really understood the Single Window vs. Multi-Windows mode issue, but based on the page here [I'm told the url I included was "too spammy for a new user" - it was to https-colon-slash-slash-docs-dot-gimp-dot-org/en/gimp-image-window.html], fig. 3.6, my copy of GIMP always opens in Single-Window mode. Nevertheless, I followed the link you provided, even though at first glance seemed to suggest the same actions I'd tried numerous times in the past with no ultimate success. However, I don't think I'd ever seen the last part of that series of actions suggested, to again hit the little < button and Lock Tab to Dock. And that seems to have done the trick. Thank you!
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