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Cartoon effect from photo

Mon Aug 26, 2013 2:54 am

GIMP Version: 2.8.4
Operating System: Windows
OS Version: Windows 7, 64 bit
GIMP Experience: Beginner Level

Help me. Is there a way I can get close to this effect, from using a regular photo?

Re: Cartoon effect from photo

Mon Aug 26, 2013 8:38 am

tonysteele wrote:GIMP Version: 2.8.4
Operating System: Windows
OS Version: Windows 7, 64 bit
GIMP Experience: Beginner Level

Help me. Is there a way I can get close to this effect, from using a regular photo?

Yes but you would want to do it in Inkscape. You can do it in GIMP but the vector results would be better. This type of art work is named "Vexel Art" because you create vector pieces of each color by using the paths tool over each shade of color and saving to separate layers. :bigthup

Pixel and Vector = Vexel. :)

Re: Cartoon effect from photo

Mon Aug 26, 2013 9:00 am

Hi Tony , I do not know of any filter in Gimp that would do that from a photo. I think that this image is drawn or painted or least heavily worked after using some filters. It is very stylised. Look at the flow of the pant's creases. The other thing is that not all color gradations are with a black outline. The inking is most probably done by hand. A photo can be used to get some sort of image outlines with filters and then requires some painting but I can not get much better than this. Perhaps Inkcape is a better way to go but I know very little about it. Perhaps some of the IS persons can have a go at this. Where does your image come from?
Just reading Rod's post. Yes I remember a tutorial in Gimptalk about vexel art (author Pixilated ? or something like that, Sorry Pix) Here is an attempt to show a starting point.


Re: Cartoon effect from photo

Mon Aug 26, 2013 9:36 am

A couple examples of vexel artwork. :)


Re: Cartoon effect from photo

Tue Aug 27, 2013 1:45 pm

Thanks Rod and Wbool63. I downloaded Inkscape, but never use it maybe it's time for me to start. I did manage to get close enough to the effect for what I'm using it for. I also found a tutorial at gimpusers for vector art from photos. Thanks again.
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