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Re: Multi-Fill Script Help

Tue Oct 08, 2019 11:53 am

regido wrote:
dinasset wrote:This is a different area of application, it's one closer to what I do with many "variations" on an image; if you followed me on GC, my biggest area of interest is manipulating photos thru:
- reduce the image to a given number of colour areas ("posterize")
- fill each area with a texture having an appropriate hue
This is in the area of "artistic" processing.
The "filling" is more a "divertissement", where the goal is playing with randomness and see what can come out

I understand.
Quick question.
When using my own patterns even if they are not tranpsarent the white background of them dissapear. It´s therey any form to prevent this?
thanks a lot

Diego, one question. I´m trying to make it work with bimp, but when i try to enter the information regarding palette name and others it just let me choose a number. Do you know what are the correct numbers on those dropdowns to make it work for patterns?
thanks a lot


Re: Multi-Fill Script Help

Tue Oct 08, 2019 12:14 pm

The script is running light and as expected, with a little note for the Gradient option of BG/FG Colors.

When selecting FG/BG colors for Gradient, there is repeatability in the output produced, the random feature does not seem to be taken into account in this case, and only two areas were continuously painted (at least in the image I used as an experiment). Always giving the same shade of red (orange) and yellow.

Dinasset, the way the selected gradient is producing its result is very satisfactory (except when selected FG/BG rgb), but it would be possible to have a second option, where the painted result would be shown in gradient rather than in solid colors of the selected gradient?

If only one of the two options is possible, I would prefer the way the script is now. As in the sample - Gradient- Golden from the image below.
DiegoRFilling.jpg (269.67 KiB) Viewed 1015 times

Thanks for extending the life of this script and for the 7-animals patterns available.

Re: Multi-Fill Script Help

Wed Oct 09, 2019 12:02 am

I'm not an expert of Bimp, but I presume the numbers it wants differ in each installation (i.e. depending on which palettes, gradients, patterns are installed in the specific user Gimp)
filling each area with a gradient could be an additional option, similar to the pattern option, i.e. using a different gradient in each area, but as a difference from the patterns a gradient requires additional parameters (how to "draw" the gradient, mode, starting point, ending point) and this will "complicate" this simple "divertissement".

Re: Multi-Fill Script Help

Wed Oct 09, 2019 12:09 am

using FGtoBG(RGB) I get different outcomes, not always the same.

Re: Multi-Fill Script Help

Wed Oct 09, 2019 6:58 am

dinasset wrote:@Krikor
using FGtoBG(RGB) I get different outcomes, not always the same.

Dinasset literally yes, different results, but visually very similar.
The images below are all different, generated from the same black and white original.
FG = ff0000 ; BG = ffee00
FBBGgradient.png (634.85 KiB) Viewed 976 times

dinasset wrote:@Krikor
filling each area with a gradient could be an additional option, similar to the pattern option, i.e. using a different gradient in each area, but as a difference from the patterns a gradient requires additional parameters (how to "draw" the gradient, mode, starting point, ending point) and this will "complicate" this simple "divertissement".

Ok, I like the result that the selected gradient produces. Thx :bigthup

Re: Multi-Fill Script Help

Wed Oct 09, 2019 7:32 am

I can only guess that the Gimp function "gimp_gradient_get_uniform_samples" does not work as we could expect when the gradient has in fact only two start/end colours.
Just a guess.

edit:(or: let me better check...)

Re: Multi-Fill Script Help

Wed Oct 09, 2019 8:23 am

Found errors in my script; could you try now?
This is the amended version:
(2.06 KiB) Downloaded 49 times

Re: Multi-Fill Script Help

Wed Oct 09, 2019 8:42 am

FG=FFFF00, BG=0000FF
FGyellowBGblue.jpg (301.49 KiB) Viewed 964 times

Re: Multi-Fill Script Help

Wed Oct 09, 2019 1:19 pm

dinasset wrote:Sorry...
Found errors in my script; could you try now?
This is the amended version:
The attachment DIEGO_RENDER_Filling.zip is no longer available

What was good now is even better!
Dinasset, thanks for your efforts to improve this script and meet Gimpmaniac's wishes.
vitralfundo.jpg (236.47 KiB) Viewed 950 times

Stained glass window with city in the background.

Re: Multi-Fill Script Help

Wed Oct 09, 2019 1:36 pm

many thanks for your kind words and especially for your continuous testing, which let me remove some problematic errors.

Re: Multi-Fill Script Help

Wed Oct 09, 2019 4:37 pm

Dinasset could you please take a look at that bimp thing i mentioned?
When i try to use it in the dropdown i can only put numbers, not text. I just want to fill everything with patterns, the patterns are called meme (meme1,meme2 etc)
This will be a lifesaver for me.
Thanks a lot for your great work

Re: Multi-Fill Script Help

Wed Oct 09, 2019 11:28 pm

As I told you, I do not know BIMP, but -if for pattern it requires a number- this means clearly that it accepts just ONE SINGLE SPECIFIC pattern for parameter (for instance: the ninth in the list), therefore it is not possible to specify a string (like "meme") to select randomly among all the patterns having that specific string.

Re: Multi-Fill Script Help

Thu Oct 10, 2019 5:22 am

Let me think about a specific solution without the use of Bimp.
If I succeed, I will post it here.

Re: Multi-Fill Script Help

Thu Oct 10, 2019 8:25 am


I prepared a filter will calls the filter "filling" for any .png or .jpg file inside a selected input folder and places the outcome in a selected output folder.
To test it:
1.create (maybe on desktop, I did so for my tests) a folder containing some (not too many for the initial tests) B&W drawings which you will like to have filled on each area for instance by random patterns (I know you are more interested on fill-with-patterns, aren't you?)
2.prepare an empty folder for the outcomes that will be produced (must exist, before launching the filter!)
3.launch the "batch_filling" filter
4.choose your defined input folder
5.choose your defined output folder
6.run and wait the completion (you get a final message saying "processed n files")
Good luck and let me know.
(1.38 KiB) Downloaded 42 times

(note: modified the "filling" by removing the info messages, to avoid annoying the user)
modified version here:
(2.06 KiB) Downloaded 53 times

Re: Multi-Fill Script Help

Thu Oct 10, 2019 1:02 pm

Diego this is great. Thanks a lot for your work it works perfectly.
Thanks a lot again, you´re a genius

Re: Multi-Fill Script Help

Thu Oct 10, 2019 2:31 pm

Glad it works and can help you in your activity.

Re: Multi-Fill Script Help

Thu Oct 10, 2019 8:42 pm

Quick question diego, do you have any idea on why this is happening? check the following photo
As you can see there´s a white border around the shape form.
Another question. If i use white and black and define white as the color to be replaced there´s a strange error where the pattern whites are also deleted. If i use green that doesn´t happen.
One suggestion. I think it would be great to give the possibility to remove the black lines right after the filling proccess is finished, it would be very helpful.

Thanks a lot in advance, you are very kind
Have a nice day

Re: Multi-Fill Script Help

Thu Oct 10, 2019 11:28 pm

Problem 1:
It happens often, because the source is not "really" black and white.
Ensure the source is really black and white by running "threshold" first.
This is my outcome using Nidhogg's image after having applied threshold before running filling.
no-white-borders.png (104.07 KiB) Viewed 816 times

As you see, there are no white margins.

Problem 2:
I don't know, post your sources (both the black and white and the black and green)

Problem 3:
Replacing black with what?

Re: Multi-Fill Script Help

Thu Oct 10, 2019 11:36 pm

concerning problem 3:
if the black lines are all of the same dimension, it can be used the "dilate" function of Gimp, try yourself and tell me if this if what you would see.

Re: Multi-Fill Script Help

Fri Oct 11, 2019 1:10 am

Because we live in different time zones, I took my decision without waiting for your reply.
This version removes the drawing lines (even if of different sizes).
Check and let me know.
(2.25 KiB) Downloaded 45 times

grid-removed.png (42.72 KiB) Viewed 813 times
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