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Re: 3D Extrusion & Texture

Mon Oct 24, 2011 2:53 am

If anything, he can just use similar code to transfer to his own script. That way people don't have to download 2 scripts.

Re: 3D Extrusion & Texture

Mon Oct 24, 2011 3:09 am

Here is another one i found that actually gives the layers perspective.
After install you will find it under Filters > Perspective > 3-D Text > Make 3-D
                  "script-fu-make-3d"                        ;func name
                  "make-3d"                                  ;menu label
                  "Makes a 3D representeation\
          of the current (text) layer - 3dscript.scm"              ;description
                  "Frans Rijven"                             ;author
                  "copyright 2009, Frans Rijven"             ;copyright notice
                  "Aug 11 , 2009"                          ;date created
                  ""                     ;image type that the script works on
        SF-IMAGE      "Image"           0
        SF-DRAWABLE   "Drawable"        0
        SF-VALUE   "Depth"  "6"
        SF-OPTION "Horizontal direction" '("Right" "Neutral" "Left")
        SF-OPTION "Vertical direction" '("Bottom" "Neutral" "Top")
        SF-OPTION "Half depth" '("none" "horizontal" "vertical")
        SF-VALUE   "Bump-direction:"  "90"
        SF-VALUE   "Bump-height:"  "45"
        SF-VALUE   "Bump-projection depth:"  "2"
        (script-fu-menu-register "script-fu-make-3d" "<Image>/Filters/Perspective/3Dtext")

        (define (script-fu-make-3d beeld laag diepte hrichting vrichting half brichting bhoogte bprojdiep)
         (orglaag (car (gimp-image-get-active-layer beeld)))
         (werklaag (car (gimp-layer-copy laag TRUE )))
         (pos (car (gimp-image-get-layer-position beeld laag)))
         (nwpos (+  pos 1))
       (gimp-image-add-layer beeld werklaag nwpos)
;         (nlaag 0)
         (baslaag (car (gimp-image-get-active-layer beeld)))
;        (baspos (car (gimp-image-get-layer-position beeld baslaag)))
         (lagenteller diepte)
        (focuslaag baslaag)
        (hwissel 0)
        (vwissel 0)
        (set! hrichting (- 1 hrichting))
        (set! vrichting( - 1 vrichting))
        (set! hwissel hrichting)
        (set! vwissel vrichting)
         (plug-in-bump-map 1 beeld baslaag baslaag brichting bhoogte bprojdiep 0 0 0 0 TRUE FALSE 0)
        (while (> lagenteller 0)
              (focuslaag (car (gimp-image-get-active-layer beeld)))
               (werklaag (car (gimp-layer-copy focuslaag TRUE )))
               (laagpos (car (gimp-image-get-layer-position beeld focuslaag)))
              (nwpos (+ laagpos 1))
            (if (= half 2)
               (if (= vwissel 0)
                  (set! vwissel vrichting)
                  (set! vwissel 0)
            (if (= half 1)
               (if (= hwissel 0)
                  (set! hwissel hrichting)
                  (set! hwissel 0)
             (gimp-image-add-layer beeld werklaag nwpos)
             (gimp-drawable-transform-2d-default werklaag 0 0 1 1 0 hwissel vwissel FALSE 0)
             (set! lagenteller (- lagenteller 1))
        (gimp-image-set-active-layer beeld baslaag)
        (set! lagenteller diepte)
        (while (> lagenteller 0)
           (gimp-image-merge-down beeld baslaag 0)
           (set! baslaag (car (gimp-image-get-active-layer beeld)))
           (set! lagenteller (- lagenteller 1))
      (gimp-image-set-active-layer beeld orglaag)

Re: 3D Extrusion & Texture

Mon Oct 24, 2011 3:19 am

Works very well, Rod! Where did you find this script?

Re: 3D Extrusion & Texture

Mon Oct 24, 2011 3:40 am

here is the registry link.

Sauls - 3DIFY
http://download1079.mediafire.com/6foc4 ... 3d-ify.scm

Re: 3D Extrusion & Texture

Mon Oct 24, 2011 4:24 am

It's kind of hard to choose one i like them both. :)
I am glad their are no conflicts between them both. :bigthup

Can't wait to see this implemented in the Logo workshop script.

Re: 3D Extrusion & Texture

Mon Oct 24, 2011 10:27 am

mahvin wrote:Another G'MIC extrusion: (Hint* After running 3D extrusion with Phong, duplicate the result and run Posterizer at 2 colors, to convert the duplicate to black and white for making Paths from selections. Then follow up with Rod's advice. I tried GnuTux's advice on bump-mapping and I have to admit that only works on very specific items. It didn't work on the brick or rock patterns, at least not for me. Although I am certain there is right way to use it and I just haven't found it.)


I did this the hard way! GAH!~ :gaah

You can add texture pattern layers in G'MIC when using 3D extrusion:


I've been trying to work with GMIC all morning and cannot figure out what to do. I really had to struggle with the x, y, and z angles to figure out what axis they were working on and what values to input. I get a distorted version of my text layer with parts missing and for the life of me can't figure out how to add the texture. Maybe this should be under help but I want to get the exact look you have in your furst image with the wood texture. It looks like a real hunk of wood whereas your second image just looks extruted with all the striations still visible. How about a screenshot of your GMIC settings and maybe one of your layers so I can figure this out.

Re: 3D Extrusion & Texture

Mon Oct 24, 2011 12:33 pm

Drac: What font is that? I tried using your image, but G'MIC keeps showing the original image even if I resize the canvas and make the layer transparent.

Re: 3D Extrusion & Texture

Mon Oct 24, 2011 12:41 pm

mahvin wrote:Drac: What font is that? I tried using your image, but G'MIC keeps showing the original image even if I resize the canvas and make the layer transparent.

Kornik, heres the font file:

Maybe I just need to find an in depth tutorial for GMIC, still don't know what the heck FOV is. :lol

Re: 3D Extrusion & Texture

Mon Oct 24, 2011 12:50 pm

Nah, I can help a little bit.

Here's how my layers are set up:


Black font on transparent layer, pattern on top layer. Have the font layer selected when running G'MIC.

My G'MIC settings:


What I did is zeroed out the x,y,z settings to see what their differences were when making adjustments.

X angles up or down.
Y shifts left to right.
Z enlarges or reduces the perspective birds eye view (it tends to enlargen the image out of bounds when used too much on larger objects.

Note that I maxed out resolution (it gives the best image result, but some people like a little fuzzy in their images). I just slightly bumped up the shininess. Too much whitens the facing of the letter.

I tend to leave the other lighting controls alone, unless I am working with round-like objects.

Re: 3D Extrusion & Texture

Mon Oct 24, 2011 2:35 pm

mahvin wrote:Nah, I can help a little bit.

Here's how my layers are set up:

Black font on transparent layer, pattern on top layer. Have the font layer selected when running G'MIC.

My G'MIC settings:

Thank you so much mahvin. I had my three layers but dsidn't know what to do with the Input/Output stuff. Mybe that's why I was losing part of the image. I noticed several other things.

1. I noticed you are only using three layers. Can this be also be accomplished on the fly in the middle of 10 or 15 layers or does this need to be done separately in a new image window and then pasted into the one where it's needed?
2. Input mode is set to "All visible layers". How does this relate to the question above if I have more than the three layers?
3. In a previous post you mentioned using Phong and here you used Gouraud. Any particular reason?
4. I get how to apply the texture now (once I see your answers here) but what about the extruded part? It appears to be applied separately and at a different angle. How u do dat?
5. Maybe I'm being anal but it appears that the x and y work more as a rotation around either a verticle or horizontal axis rather than just directional like a layer offset or am I delusional? Please pardon my ignorance but "the devil is in the details" as they say.

Here's a map I made myself just so I could keep track of lighting angles. Maybe it will help someone else. I wish I could find an explanation of how a bump map works. I saw it some where a long time ago, but I digress.

Re: 3D Extrusion & Texture

Mon Oct 24, 2011 2:57 pm

1. I noticed you are only using three layers. Can this be also be accomplished on the fly in the middle of 10 or 15 layers or does this need to be done separately in a new image window and then pasted into the one where it's needed?

Turn off all layers except the text layer and pattern layer when using All Visibles. Which can be easily accomplished by holding the shift key and selecting the text layer, it turns off all other layers, then just turn the pattern layer back on (two clicks instead of several clicks). Just sure the text layer is selected before running G'MIC.

2. Input mode is set to "All visible layers". How does this relate to the question above if I have more than the three layers?

See answer above.

3. In a previous post you mentioned using Phong and here you used Gouraud. Any particular reason?

Depends on the color of your original font on the layer. For me, it was a lightness/darkness issue, not so much a specific necessity. Phong gets darker grays/shadows, Gourad is lighter. It's more about what works for you best, on the fly.

4. I get how to apply the texture now (once I see your answers here) but what about the extruded part? It appears to be applied separately and at a different angle. How u do dat?

I didn't do anything specific other than add (paintbucket fill) a pattern on the topmost layer. You'd need to ask David about how the pattern layer wraps on the 3D extrusion.

5. Maybe I'm being anal but it appears that the x and y work more as a rotation around either a verticle or horizontal axis rather than just directional like a layer offset or am I delusional? Please pardon my ignorance but "the devil is in the details" as they say.

Yes, I agree. I'm not sure where the x y z axis plane lies on the G'MIC engine, because just using a flat top-view plane, I noticed that x and y had some sort of floating point (meaning if you moved y, it affected your x and vice versa). It appears to be more like a ball with a protruding fixed point than a flat surface grid. I am certain z follows that same point, but you would have to make your test object fairly small to test the z axis. I'm somewhat leaning to the ball, although it would be great if David clarified it for us.

Here's a map I made myself just so I could kep track of lighting angles.

Thanks for the map. If we are correct on the rotational theory on the x y z grid as above, I am certain the lighting follows the same method. :)

Re: 3D Extrusion & Texture

Mon Oct 24, 2011 3:23 pm

I didn't do anything specific other than add (paintbucket fill) a pattern on the topmost layer. You'd need to ask David about how the pattern layer wraps on the 3D extrusion.

Both of your pics one of your first posts shows the pattern on the extruded part. The one that looks like wood seems to wrap around at an angle. Was the pattern applied then extruded or vice versa?

I'm getting some weird results now. What did I miss?

BTW....Who"s David?

Re: 3D Extrusion & Texture

Mon Oct 24, 2011 4:11 pm

Let me make a quick video of what I do exactly.

David is the creator of G'MIC, otherwise known as Ronounours, on Gimp Chat.

Re: 3D Extrusion & Texture

Mon Oct 24, 2011 4:34 pm

Just a hunch, try placing your pattern/texture layer at the very top.

Here is the video (best viewed at YouTube in full screen mode):

www.youtube.com Video from : www.youtube.com

Re: 3D Extrusion & Texture

Mon Oct 24, 2011 4:38 pm

I had to move the other layers down (even if they are turned off) so I only had the one texture layer above the text layer. It works fine if I do that. Still does'nt wrap the texture to the extrusion like your wood pic did.


I watched the vid & I did everything exactly as you did but I still had to reorder the layers before it would work for some reason. Maybe I got Molly's computer gremlin. :hehe

Re: 3D Extrusion & Texture

Mon Oct 24, 2011 4:41 pm

Ohhhhhh, now I know what you mean. I created a selection of my text and converted it to a path, then filled it with the same texture/pattern and changed that layer to hard light multiply mode.

Let me clarify a little bit, prior to using G'MIC to apply the texture, I just ran 3D Extrusion with no texture. I duplicated the G'MIC result, and then posterized the duplicate to create black and white areas for selections. Then using the color tool, I made 2 sets of selections, one for the face, a second one for the sides. Both converted to paths, so that I could use the facing selection to delete the pattern from the newly added pattern layer, and then used the side selections inverted to remove everything but the sides on the pattern layer, so that the pattern didn't bleed through on the bottom layers when in hard light multiply mode.

This also explains why I used Phong over Gourad, because Phong reduced the number of colors being posterized and got a better selection result.

I'm going to make a video of that process, too. Check back later.

Re: 3D Extrusion & Texture

Mon Oct 24, 2011 5:11 pm

Here ya go, Drac. Hope this helps. :)

(Best viewed full screen)
www.youtube.com Video from : www.youtube.com

Re: 3D Extrusion & Texture

Tue Oct 25, 2011 1:04 pm

Thanks Mahvin. Now that you splain me dat mo bedder gooder I think I've got it. I did several bump map steps and lighting efects and played with the blend modes until I got it the way I liked it. Appreciate your patience for an old f__t.

I didn't like the stone textures I had so I made a new one and used it for the image below in case anyone is interested. You can always desaturate and change the colors to suit your taste. (guess you already knew that)

Re: 3D Extrusion & Texture

Tue Oct 25, 2011 1:22 pm

Thanks for the stone pattern Draconian.The type is looking real good. :)

Re: 3D Extrusion & Texture

Tue Oct 25, 2011 2:11 pm

Rod wrote:Thanks for the stone pattern Draconian.The type is looking real good. :)

Thanks Rod. Pretty easy to make stone patterns after I stubled on to the tut from the GUG site that Pauline (akky) posted.

They had two different ones for making rust as well, the Scott Effect and another one. Both excellent.
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