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Regressing test campaign

Sun May 07, 2023 7:33 am

Regressing test campaign

To solve this complexity, KodiSave has short functions with more comments starting with ";" in green in Notepad++.
So a comment starting with "; (..." is a call of the function with a particular set of parameters.
The expected result is on the next line also as comment.
An empty line separates two consecutive regressing tests.
For example, in case the spinner :hexer returns a :2gun float number instead of an integer:
; (KodiMvPath "C:\\Movies\\Aliens (1986)\\fanart" "fanart" 7 5.5)
; "C:\\Movies\\Aliens (1986)\\fanart\\fanart6.jpg"

; (KodiMvPath "C:\\Movies\\Aliens (1986)\\fanart" "fanart" 7 5.1)
; "C:\\Movies\\Aliens (1986)\\fanart\\fanart5.jpg"

The usage is that you can copy-and-paste the string "(KodiMvPath "C:\\Movies\\Aliens (1986)\\fanart" "fanart" 7 5.5)"
without the double quotes in the Script-Fu console (Alt+R S C). Press Enter.
Script-Fu will reply: "C:\\Movies\\Aliens (1986)\\fanart\\fanart6.jpg"

A campaign of tests is now available before delivering a new version: :wizwand
; re-test SUCCESSFULLY ran 74 tests!

Regressing tests have been organized in 74 :shock: couples of example of call of function and
the expected result on the following line.

Erro mangement is included in the regressing tests: :rainumb
; (GenTvPrefix "C:\\TV Shows\\Gamer of Throne (2011)\\fanart" "fanart" idxThumb 0 1 1)
; Error: 6000 GenTvPrefix: season selector is only for banner, landscape and poster

How to report a bug?

Sun May 07, 2023 7:46 am

How to report a bug?

Due to the amazing complexity, there will be probably some bugs you could discover.
However, instead of a screen capture of a bug,
try to learn, in priority, the two main generators of KodiSave full path of the image to be saved:
  1. (KodiMvPath path basename artTypeIdx fanArtNbr)
    calling (GenMvFilename basename artTypeIdx fanArtNbr)
  2. (KodiTvPath path basename artTypeIdx fanArtNbr isSeasonAll isSeasonNbr seasonNbr)
    calling (GenTvFilename leftPart basename artTypeIdx filExt strFanArt) and
    (GenTvPrefix path basename artTypeIdx isSeasonAll isSeasonNbr seasonNbr)
Parameters are explained in the source code and illustrated by the regressing tests. :umbsmile

In your post, between the tag "[code]" and its closing tag "[/code]", :yup
indicate the call of one of these functions with your own parameters that generates the bug. :pipe

The more you are able to describe the bug in the lowest level of those functions,
the more the bug would be easier to fix include by yourself! :cheers
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