Gimp 2.10 and DPI - Both Issues SOLVED! :-)
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Author:  atlanta43 [ Tue Aug 28, 2018 10:52 am ]
Post subject:  Gimp 2.10 and DPI - Both Issues SOLVED! :-)

GIMP Version: 2.8.14
Operating System: Windows
GIMP Experience: New User

I have my GIMP controls set at a default of 300 DPI pixels/in - yet EVERY SINGLE IMAGE opens at 11.8 DPI which is pixels/mm instead of pixels per inch. This is a ton of extra work but I don't know what to do about it?

Edit > Preferences > Default Image = set to pixels/inch

I tried the directions on another post with no results [Yes, make sure that **everything** is as you want it by default (active too, and active colors/brush/pattern/gradient/font/ and every setting in any tool your use), and click Edit>Preferences>Tool options>Save tool options now (and make sure that "Save tool options on exit" is unchecked)]

Also, my brush sizes are giganticus - up to almost 7000 at times. I reset a brush and go to the next one and it reverts to 'huge' also.

Anybody have any clues about these issues?

Thanks in advance.

Author:  Wallace [ Tue Aug 28, 2018 12:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gimp 2.10 and DPI

atlanta43 wrote:
GIMP Version: 2.8.14
Operating System: Windows
GIMP Experience: New User

I have my GIMP controls set at a default of 300 DPI pixels/in - yet EVERY SINGLE IMAGE opens at 11.8 DPI which is pixels/mm instead of pixels per inch. This is a ton of extra work but I don't know what to do about it?

Edit > Preferences > Default Image = set to pixels/inch

I tried the directions on another post with no results [Yes, make sure that **everything** is as you want it by default (active too, and active colors/brush/pattern/gradient/font/ and every setting in any tool your use), and click Edit>Preferences>Tool options>Save tool options now (and make sure that "Save tool options on exit" is unchecked)]

Also, my brush sizes are giganticus - up to almost 7000 at times. I reset a brush and go to the next one and it reverts to 'huge' also.

Anybody have any clues about these issues?

Thanks in advance.

I usually create different canvas templates, when I need a specific size and DIP for a project
Have you tried to create yourself a canvas template for what you need?
Create the canvas you need, with the DIP required and go to File > Create Template.
Give it an appropriate name and then you'll have it available for use.

Also, you can reset everything back to their default setting.
This is done in preferences, by clicking on Reset.

Author:  atlanta43 [ Tue Aug 28, 2018 1:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gimp 2.10 and DPI

Thanks for your help. Sadly I already tried that and nothing will work. I guess I'm going to have to go back to Gimp 2.8 for now.

Author:  rich2005 [ Tue Aug 28, 2018 1:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gimp 2.10 and DPI

300 DPI pixels/in - yet EVERY SINGLE IMAGE opens at 11.8 DPI which is pixels/mm instead of pixels per inch.

300 ppi (aka dpi) is 11.8 pixels-per-millimetre (300 divided by 25.4) do not worry about it, The printing company will take it as 300 dpi.

Large brushes. Gimp 2.1O will open a brush at its natural size, some PS .abr brushes can be 2000+ You can go back to the Gimp 2.8 state by locking the brush size. Then next brush will use the last brush size that was set, big or small

locked.jpg [ 32.87 KiB | Viewed 4919 times ]

Author:  atlanta43 [ Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gimp 2.10 and DPI

1. Brushes: THANK YOU for the rescue on the brushes. Your fix works perfectly! What a relief.

2. DPI RESOLUTION: And I found out about the DPI resolution which lots of future 2.10 users will want to know ... the "11.8 pixels/mm" is the way the current Gimp library, LIBpng, reads PNG images only. Apparently it's been doing this since 2.8 and perhaps earlier. Before GIMP defaulted to 300 DPI but the program read it as 11.8. You can see this in the command line by using the 'Identify' command. So if that happens to any of in the future, you will know what's going on.

Great day! Thanks so much for the help.

Author:  djhreg [ Sat Dec 01, 2018 12:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gimp 2.10 and DPI - Both Issues SOLVED! :-)

I also have the annoyance of GIMP 2.10 defaulting to "pixels/mm" when editing PNGs. Previous versions of GIMP (the ones that did not come up with a black background) did not work this way. I am working on a book with hundreds of screen captures that will be published in the U.S. where "DPI" is the standard and having to change the units every single edit is time consuming and error prone. I would prefer to be able to set the preference for DPI globally for GIMP. Ie: set one time in one place and have it default to DPI after that. Does the GIMP community maintain an enhancement request list (?)


Author:  atlanta43 [ Sat Dec 01, 2018 8:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gimp 2.10 and DPI - Both Issues SOLVED! :-)

You may not have to change those pixels for DPI. I've submitted images to multiple sites that require the 300 DPI standard and every single one of them has been fine with my work, which I left as pixels. The Gimp library reads them that way - but that doesn't mean that other software will read them as pixels. Createspace, for example, was fine with some images in a book that I submitted without change. I would try some submissions before going to all that trouble. Besides, when I made changes in GIMP, they immediately reverted rather than 'sticking'. Is that happening to you?

Author:  ElectricMan [ Mon Aug 17, 2020 9:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gimp 2.10 and DPI - Both Issues SOLVED! :-)

djhreg, I agree completely. Having to constantly change to px/in is a major pain in the ass. I'm reverting to 2.8.

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