is there a way to edit all the occurences of a object on a layer?
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Author:  jonbee [ Wed Feb 12, 2020 6:48 am ]
Post subject:  is there a way to edit all the occurences of a object on a layer?

GIMP Version: 2.8.14
Operating System: Windows
GIMP Experience: Basic Level

Hi, I am building and annotated street map of my town in connection with studying its housing estates. I have downloaded a representation of the town from Openstreetmap and have built a Gimp application showing things like the boundaries of the housing estates on one layer and the entrances and exits to these estates on another layer etc. It has been something of a learning exercise of Gimp for me and the results so far have been really good.

I now have the practical issue of incorporating the map in documents where the diagrams can be of widely differing size. To keep the legibility at different sizes of the map I now need to do things like alter the widths of all the boundary lines on the boundaries layer and also the sizes of the circular blobs on the layer that shows where entrances and exits to the housing estates are.

I would like to be able to select all the objects on one of these layers and e.g. alter the line width of all the lines in a single multiple edit. I have been reading the documentation and trying things but without any success. Is there a way to do this? All help will be most gratefully received.


Author:  Nidhogg [ Wed Feb 12, 2020 7:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: is there a way to edit all the occurences of a object on a layer?

Have you done your objects with the path tool? That would be the correct way when doing diagrams/floor plans etc.
If so, you can easily merge all the paths (objects) on same layer, and stroke them with a given width (thickness).


If you had asked me how to do this from the beginning, my answer briefly would be:
1. Export the openstreet map as SVG. You can download a SVG version by using the share button.


2. Edit it to your heart's content. I couldn't open the SVG in Gimp (huge input lookup error), but it can be opened in Inkscape and probably fixed with scaling and optimizing the paths so that it opens in Gimp, have to try later.

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