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Stupid Question

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2020 11:22 pm
by neogimp
GIMP Version: 2.8.14
Operating System: Windows
GIMP Experience: New User

List any relevant plug-ins or scripts:

I'm sorry if this is not the correct place for this.

With the install of 2.10.20 my free select tool is not functioning. When I drag it onto an image I get a 'do not enter' sign(a circle with a diagonal line through it).
This has me scratching my head as I've used this tool in the past with the resynthisizer plug-in without issue.
I'm missing something really obvious I'm sure. I've tried reinstalling 2.10.20 and even going back to a 2.10.12 version, no luck.

Everything else seems to be functioning fine. What am I overlooking?

Kind Regards,

PS: it's W10 64bit

Re: Stupid Question

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2020 12:23 am
by Pocholo
No question are stupid. From time to time we do something in GIMP that have our head scratching. Go to the Free select tool option and on the "Mode", make sure you have the first option selected "Replace current selection.


Re: Stupid Question

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2020 12:29 am
by sallyanne
First off neo, How many layers are you working with?
Is the correct one selected?
Do you have any selections active outside of where you want to work? If none - check your 'selections menu' click on none if it it isn't greyed out. Some times they can be hard to see.

Re: Stupid Question

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2020 12:30 am
by sallyanne
Pocholo wrote:No question are stupid. From time to time we do something in GIMP that have our head scratching. Go to the Free select tool option and on the "Mode", make sure you have the first option selected "Replace current selection.

[ Image ]

Only questions that are stupid are the ones not asked

Re: Stupid Question

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2020 11:28 am
by neogimp

Thanks to everybody. I think it is sorted. I was sure I was missing the obvious. So much faster than using the clone tool. Hopefully some day I will be able too help somebody. Or even just create some of the great graphics I've seen on this site.

Again Thank You.


Re: Stupid Question redo

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2020 2:49 pm
by whippetHound

I have a laptop (Lenova IdeaPad) running Windows 10, Home. I am a very new GIMP user and wanted to get some of those functions (like Heal) that I saw on tutorials.

I just downloaded the Resynthesizer so that I can use the Heal function and am having similar problems to the last post. I made sure that all the plugins are where the program can find them.

I get this message:
Calling error for procedure 'gimp-procedural-db-proc-info':
Procedure 'plug-in-resynthesizer' not found

Further error information includes:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Program Files\GIMP 2\32\lib\gimp\2.0\python/", line 740, in response
dialog.res = run_script(params)
File "C:\Program Files\GIMP 2\32\lib\gimp\2.0\python/", line 361, in run_script
return apply(function, params)
File "C:\Users\Mary J\AppData\Roaming\GIMP\2.10\plug-ins\", line 148, in heal_selection
pdb.plug_in_resynthesizer(timg, tdrawable, 0,0, useBorder, work_drawable.ID, -1, -1, 0.0, 0.117, 16, 500)
error: procedure not found

Any suggestions on how to fix this problem?

Re: Stupid Question

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2020 3:10 am
by ofnuts
Look like "resynthesize.exe" was not installed. Have you got such a file somewhere?

Re: Stupid Question

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2020 9:05 am
by whippetHound
I can try re-installing. Is there a way to uninstall the previous copy or don't I need to do that?

Re: Stupid Question

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2020 5:14 pm
by Pocholo
Hi whippetHound (Mary) welcome to GIMPCHAT. Take time to make your own thread and introduce yourself to other members here: Introduce yourself
Also, when asking a question (s) It's better if you create a post specifically for that question, so other expert in the group would have a better view to your questions. We have a nice group here and definitely someone will answer your questions in time. Thank you.

Uninstall anything associated with the plugin for a fresh start. When you install it again, make sure you have all these files including the executable (exe file).


Re: Stupid Question

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2020 8:57 am
by whippetHound
I did uninstall, reinstalled and it seems to be working! Thanks.