merging two pencil drawings
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Author:  dubpunkgabba [ Wed Apr 07, 2021 6:18 pm ]
Post subject:  merging two pencil drawings

GIMP Version: 2.10.22
Operating System: Windows
GIMP Experience: New User

Hi all , could someone tell me if its possible to merge two pencil drawings , i don't want one as background i want to combine both drawings to make one,both my drawings are done on white paper one of a face the other abstract , i have searched and all help online points to using one as background and that's not what i want , if anybody can tell me if this is possible and a step by step guide it would be much appreciated, thanks .

Author:  teapot [ Wed Apr 07, 2021 7:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: merging two pencil drawings

Make one .xcf file containing two layers, one layer for each drawing.
Set the layer mode of the top layer to Multiply.

Here's an example using this drawing: ... an-913773/

I duplicated the layer and moved it to make the 2nd sketch:


Author:  Tas_mania [ Wed Apr 07, 2021 8:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: merging two pencil drawings

It's easy if the background of the face drawing is one color.
Open both as layers the same size. Right-click on drawing layer and 'Add alpha channel'. Then Select > By color and click the drawing background. Edit > clear.
Now you should have the sketch with an alpha back. Lower or anchor to the background you want to use.

Author:  sallyanne [ Wed Apr 07, 2021 9:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: merging two pencil drawings

dubpunkgabba wrote:
GIMP Version: 2.10.22
Operating System: Windows
GIMP Experience: New User

Hi all , could someone tell me if its possible to merge two pencil drawings , i don't want one as background i want to combine both drawings to make one,both my drawings are done on white paper one of a face the other abstract , i have searched and all help online points to using one as background and that's not what i want , if anybody can tell me if this is possible and a step by step guide it would be much appreciated, thanks .

Once you do as suggested and merge them you will only have one picture.

Author:  dubpunkgabba [ Thu Apr 08, 2021 5:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: merging two pencil drawings

Thank you TEAPOT and TAS MANIA , as i have not used gimp before i am struggling to follow your instructions,-- to teapot i don't know the steps to get to what your showing me ,--- and to tas mania i followed your steps and still ended up with just one of my drawings showing, sorry to be a pain but if you could give more detailed instructions step by step , it would be much appreciated, thanks Dub .

Author:  teapot [ Thu Apr 08, 2021 12:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: merging two pencil drawings

dubpunkgabba wrote:
-- to teapot i don't know the steps to get to what your showing me

Hi dubpunkgabba,

Referring to menu items as menu -> sub-menu etc.

Open gimp.

File -> Open
Navigate to sketch 1 and open it.

File -> Open as Layers
Navigate to sketch 2 and open it.

You now have two layers.
Look to see if you have the layers dialog open.
If not open the layers dialog:
Windows -> Dockable Dialogs -> Layers


In the layers dialog click on the name of sketch 2.
This makes the layer active, the one you are now editing.


At the top of the layers dialog click where it says Mode, a big menu will appear.

Choose Multiply.

You should now see both sketches.


To save your result
File -> Export As
Put in a new filename with a file extension .png
Click Export.

Author:  dubpunkgabba [ Fri Apr 09, 2021 6:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: merging two pencil drawings

thank you so much teapot will give it a go now , all the best

Author:  dubpunkgabba [ Fri Apr 09, 2021 6:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: merging two pencil drawings

Again thanks so much Teapot , success worked perfectly , all the best ,dub

Author:  dubpunkgabba [ Thu Jul 01, 2021 2:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: merging two pencil drawings

hi , Could someone please tell me how ,once i have my two drawings over each other like the two umbrellas above , how do i move the the drawings into the position i want them as they are fixed in place, i would imagine this is simple but after experimenting and looking online , i still cant suss it , any help greatly appreciated .

Author:  ofnuts [ Fri Jul 02, 2021 1:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: merging two pencil drawings

You move the layers with the Move tool However, by default, the Move tool picks the layer which is not transparent on the pixel where you click, so either make sure ta you click on an opaque part of the top layer, or select the "Move the active layer" option or just Shift-click when starting the move.

Author:  dubpunkgabba [ Fri Jul 02, 2021 6:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: merging two pencil drawings

thanks ofnuts , appreciate your help , ill have a play around later , all the best

Author:  Ronco52 [ Wed Jul 07, 2021 9:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: merging two pencil drawings

Wow, awesome explanation of how to merge to line drawings. Looking forward to editing two drawings myself. It always helps me to remember the steps if I do the whole process several times. I appreciate everyone's easy-to-understand directions!

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