Dying Plugin Pox
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Author:  Nghoeghnyt [ Fri Jan 14, 2022 3:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Dying Plugin Pox

GIMP Version: 2.10.3
Operating System: Windows
GIMP Experience: Intermediate Level

List any relevant plug-ins or scripts:
Gmic 3.0
Internal filters

List any ERROR messages you received:
GIMP Message
Plug-in crashed: "gmic_gimp_qt.exe"

The dying plug-in may have messed up GIMP's internal state. You may want to save your images and restart GIMP to be on the safe side.

Yesterday morning, everything was fine...
It wasn't joking when it said "dying plugin," as it seemed to happen over time rather than all at once.
At first, It was a couple in-house filters... I had an issue with G. Blur that left the selection mostly black, but no blurrier than when I'd started and a with a strange partial outline. It was like a gap of transparency over a black background - as if I'd cut a selection, moved it to the right and down just a smidge and repasted it. Stranger, however, was the fact that this gap would not be erased or otherwise affected by my efforts, it belonged to a specific layer but I could sometimes make it disappear by layering it ON TOP... I figured I'd move on and investigate later. Attempted an onboard High Pass - same mostly black result. Tried G'mic's "Freaky Details," CRASH. Gimp stayed up, but G'mic noped out. I restarted Gimp but felt on no safer side. Since then, I've had issues with other bits and bobs - Undo history has been incomplete, Sharpening a smaller layer might have the expected result, but a larger one just turns black. I wanna sharpen stuff - Gimp wants to paint it black. I want it blurred enough - Gimp wants to paint it black. (tee hee) Most of Gimp's functionality is just fine, btw... I can cut, paste, paint, rescale stuff...
SO I reinstalled. And then again. And then I tried previous versions, developmental versions... Everything I could think of except for turning around three times and sacrificing a goat (also not a computer genius.) I've seen that other people across time and space have had a similar though, it would seem, more compact issue, but the fixes that worked for them either didn't work for me or were over my head. Gimp is my happy place... I just want my happy place back...
Any help would be well had. Thank you in advance

Author:  AdmFubar [ Mon Jan 17, 2022 3:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dying Plugin Pox

off the top of my head, this sounds like a memory issue. I'd run a memory test on your system just to be sure. Check how much ram is used when the issue reoccurs, and see if you can have another application that can have something go wrong with it at the same memory usage.

Did this issue start last week per chance? say after tuesday?

Author:  Nghoeghnyt [ Wed Jan 19, 2022 8:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dying Plugin Pox

It began just after I installed the update. I have been having some memory issues, apparently - I noticed that my powder explosion brushes weigh down the system and it seems to me that memory is taxed quite heavily across the board... Almost twice what I would expect. Also, I was poking sticks at my registry and noticed that memory leaks were mentioned in reference to Gimp... but I followed suggestions for that and everything came up roses it seems.. I'm not sure what's going on.

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