Change color of outermost border pixels?
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Author:  vmars316 [ Sun Oct 23, 2011 3:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Change color of outermost border pixels?

GIMP Version: 2.6.11
Operating System: Windows
OS Version: win7
GIMP Experience: Beginner Level

I have an image "Welcome-02.png"
Welcome-02.png [ 14.2 KiB | Viewed 8356 times ]

for which. i would like to change the color of its outermost border pixels,
to "50057B",
no matter what that color is (mostly its color is "F4F2EE", but not always).
How can i change those outermost pixels?
Thanks...vmars316 Vernon

Author:  Oregonian [ Sun Oct 23, 2011 4:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Change color of outermost border pixels?

I downloaded your image and saw right away that it had been semiflattened with white even though it was a png image. Is it the white pixels you want to get rid of? If so, this is what I did.

  1. Open the image
  2. Right-click the layer the image is on and select, Alpha to Selection in the dropdown list.
  3. Select > Shrink > 1
  4. Select > Invert > Color to Alpha. Make sure white (ffffff) is the color in the color box.
  5. White pixels gone.
  6. Select > None.

I put a red background behind the image to show the white semi-flattening.

There are also some very dark purple lines outside some of the letters. They can be removed also in the same way but you will need to use the color picker first to get the correct color to put in Color to Alpha. I got color #50057b.

Here is a zoomed in screen shot showing some of them.


Author:  mahvin [ Sun Oct 23, 2011 7:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Change color of outermost border pixels?

Following O's advice then using Rob A's transparent background script to get a decent selection, which is saved to a path, and used to stroke on a transparent layer.


Author:  vmars316 [ Mon Oct 24, 2011 11:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Change color of outermost border pixels?

Oregonian wrote:
I downloaded your image and... Is it the white pixels you want to get rid of?
...There are also some very dark purple lines outside some of the letters.

Actually, i want to replace all the white-ish (border) colors with the color #50057b.
The purple(#50057b) pixels, i put there, replacing pixel by pixel white-ish with #50057b.
I want a purple border around each letter.

Flattened, hmm... must have happened when I copied it to the clipboard, then to file.
See this one: no white,
Welcome-3.png [ 14.77 KiB | Viewed 8280 times ]

but now my needs change a little bit.
I now want to ADD a '1 pixel border' around the perimeter of each letter.

What you described sounds interesting, I'll try it later.


Author:  Oregonian [ Mon Oct 24, 2011 12:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Change color of outermost border pixels?

vmars316 wrote:
I now want to ADD a '1 pixel border' around the perimeter of each letter.
The one mahvin did has a purple border around it.

I downloaded Welcome-3.png, did alpha to selection, Select > To Path. Unselected (Ctrl + Shift + A).

I put 50057b (purple) as the foreground color.

Edit > Stroke Path. (See image below)


welcome-4.png has a 1-pixel purple border around it.

welcome-4.png [ 18.02 KiB | Viewed 8273 times ]

Author:  vmars316 [ Mon Oct 24, 2011 5:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Change color of outermost border pixels?

Oregonian wrote:
I downloaded Welcome-3.png, did alpha to selection, Select > To Path. Unselected (Ctrl + Shift + A).
I put 50057b (purple) as the foreground color.
Edit > Stroke Path. (See image below)
welcome-4.png has a 1-pixel purple border around it.

Very COOL "O". Ive never used the ToPath or StrokePath before.

Oregonian wrote:
The one mahvin did has a purple border around it.

Ah yes, I am working on that one now.

Author:  Rod [ Mon Oct 24, 2011 11:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Change color of outermost border pixels?

Hi vmars316.
You can also do this by selecting the layer of text that has transparency, right click the layer, and select "alpha to selection".Then go to Select . Shrink (shrink by width you want colored differently) Select> Border
Enter your width in pixels - you can now select another foreground color and a new layer.
Fill in the selection.
If you just want a border around existing pixels - select lock selection to image edges.(the border will be outside)
If you want to change existing pixels around the text with a gradual color change select feathering.
If you want to change existing pixels around the text - select nothing (clear all the selection boxes).

This is the way i usually do a border around text because it allows you to save the changed border on a new layer (non-destructive) . :)


Author:  vmars316 [ Tue Oct 25, 2011 2:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Change color of outermost border pixels?

Geez Rod!
Downright Amazing:
Starting with "fsWelcome-3-FlowerLetters-2-0.png" (fs = captured with FastStone)
fsWelcome-3-FlowerLetters-2-0.png [ 11 KiB | Viewed 8220 times ]

alpha to selection
Enter your width in pixels - you can now select another foreground color and a new layer.
Fill in the selection.
fsWelcome-3-FlowerLetters-2-1.png [ 4.62 KiB | Viewed 8220 times ]

2) border around existing pixels:
Starting with "Welcome-3-FlowerLetters-2.png"
Select/Grow 1 pixel
select "lock selection to image edge" / BorderPixel=1
Fill Selection with #"50057b"
fsWelcome-3-FlowerLetters-2-2.png [ 6.66 KiB | Viewed 8220 times ]

3) If you want to change existing pixels around the text with a gradual color change select feathering.

4) If you want to change existing pixels around the text - select nothing (clear all the selection boxes).

Thanks Rod,
sorry to say I couldn't get #3 or #4 working.
I can't figure out when to do what.

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