Roller Plugin fails when trying to run it
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Author:  mackenzieh [ Thu Jan 28, 2021 1:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Roller Plugin fails when trying to run it

Charles, I went back to using version 1.34 of Roller. Any build after that version, just fails to run for me when Gimp is loaded.

Author:  Pocholo [ Fri Jan 29, 2021 11:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Roller Plugin fails when trying to run it

It fail for me too and I went through the same instructions. :(

Author:  mackenzieh [ Fri Jan 29, 2021 8:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Roller Plugin fails when trying to run it

Pocholo wrote:
It fail for me to and I went through the same instructions. :(

Pocholo, the only version that works for me is 1.34, so I went back to that one.

Author:  gasMask [ Fri Jan 29, 2021 8:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Roller Plugin fails when trying to run it

Could you describe how the failure materializes, as in, how do you know Roller fails?


Author:  Pocholo [ Fri Jan 29, 2021 10:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Roller Plugin fails when trying to run it

When I try start Roller with a few images, it will give me this error: Roller Warning
IndexError('list index out of range',)

Author:  gasMask [ Fri Jan 29, 2021 10:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Roller Plugin fails when trying to run it

I believe I found the bug. I had to do a clean install of Roller which caused the bug to surface.

Would you guys be so kind as to test this version out, and let me know if Roller is working?

I've attached the Roller 1.44 to this post:
Roller [158.1 KiB]
Downloaded 92 times


Author:  MareroQ [ Sat Jan 30, 2021 10:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Roller Plugin fails when trying to run it

Hi Charles.

Now I think he understands why my strange "method" of repair worked.
Version 1.43 gave an error ("list index out of range"). Like the Mackenzieh, I looked backwards where the error first appeared. Only Roller 1.36 worked.
I tried again with version 1.43 and it started working!
Was the error related to the configuration file?
For me it is created in c:\Users\ YOUR NME \AppData\Local\GIMP\Roller.
Could You please change this location to: plug-ins/Roller?
Do You foresee adding translation files?
Version 1.44 fixes the problem.

Author:  gasMask [ Sat Jan 30, 2021 7:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Roller Plugin fails when trying to run it

Hi MareroQ,

The error was hidden from me because Roller uses an adaptive strategy when reading preset files. In my case, Roller was working because it had adapted the 'last used' Session preset file during development.

When I first assigned the configuration files to the AppData location, I really had no other idea of where to put the configuration files. Currently, I'm working on Roller version 2.0, and in that version, I will put the configuration folders in the 'roller' folder that '' is already using. Thank you for your contribution and insight.

I've never done a translation file, but perhaps I could look into it. Would you be willing to assist in translating the English text to your preferred language, if I provided the translation framework?

Thanks again for your feedback,

Author:  Pocholo [ Sat Jan 30, 2021 8:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Roller Plugin fails when trying to run it

It is working now, gasMask. Thank you for fixing it. :hi5

Author:  mackenzieh [ Sun Jan 31, 2021 4:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Roller Plugin fails when trying to run it

It works, Charles. :) Thanks for fixing it.

Author:  MareroQ [ Wed Dec 15, 2021 2:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Roller Plugin fails when trying to run it

Hi Charles.

This time I will be a little whining :mrgreen:
In How to install.txt:(with: Roller 3.01)
    Here is how the installation is structured in Windows 10:
    > …AppData/Roaming/GIMP/2.10/plug-ins
        > Roller 3
           > Frame
               > image files for the Frame Over image-effect
           > Module
               > Roller modules
           > Preset
               > Preset folders

Following this instruction does not work.

Works when ( with a big R):
Works when ( with a big R):   
    > …AppData/Roaming/GIMP/2.10/plug-ins

        > Roller
         > Resources
            > Frame
               > image files for the Frame Over image-effect
            > Module
               > Roller modules
            > Preset
               > Preset folders

Also for Preset instructions:
How To Reproduce The Slice Sample

This sample was made with Roller 3.

1. Place a copy of the 'Preset, Steps﹎Slice Sample.pkl' preset into Roller's installation at:
    .../Roller/Roller 3/Preset/Preset, Steps/Preset, Steps﹎Slice Sample.pkl

Works when:
...\plug-ins\Roller\Resources\Preset\Preset, Steps\Preset, Steps﹎Slice Sample.pkl

Message for Preset Eye Spy.png
Message for Preset Eye Spy.png [ 391.41 KiB | Viewed 886 times ]

Author:  gasMask [ Wed Dec 15, 2021 11:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Roller Plugin fails when trying to run it

:) Hi MareroQ,

Thank you so much for helping me with Roller. I have revised the instructions as you have illustrated. I have attached the Roller 3.02 for those interested.

Roller [4.52 MiB]
Downloaded 40 times

Author:  MareroQ [ Thu Dec 16, 2021 7:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Roller Plugin fails when trying to run it

Hi Charles.

Thanks for the quick response. :hi5
Now another question:
..."Roller 1 and Roller 2 presets are incompatible with Roller 3"...
Are You working on updating any older presets?

Author:  gasMask [ Fri Dec 17, 2021 7:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Roller Plugin fails when trying to run it

MareroQ wrote:
Hi Charles.

Now another question:
..."Roller 1 and Roller 2 presets are incompatible with Roller 3"...
Are You working on updating any older presets?

No. I'm focusing on Roller 3. Some Roller 1 & 2 presets may work with Roller 3. With Roller 3, I was able to completely convert the presets to dictionaries which makes them much more consistent, testable, and expandable. Some Roller 1 & 2 presets were dictionaries and some were lists.

Roller is a something I work on as a past-time and hobby now that I'm retired. I have plans for a Roller 4, a Roller for GIMP 3.0, a Roller plug-in for Blender, and a Roller 6 for PSP, but who knows if I will realize them.

Is there something you need? I'm happy to help.

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