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 Post subject: Has anyone gotten animated fire to work in Gimp-2.10?
PostPosted: Sat Aug 20, 2022 6:01 pm  (#1) 
GimpChat Member
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List any relevant plug-ins or scripts:
Older animation scripts by Fencepost.

List any ERROR messages you received:
Total Gimp fatal error.

I got Animated Fire to work with the Solid Noise plug-in by monkeying with the code. It seems the new inputs are 0-15 and the script was set for (rand) which threw out a random HUGE number and broke the script. So i changed those settings for input 7 according to the PDB and solid noise works fine but when it gets to running displace within the filter it breaks.

; GIMP - The GNU Image Manipulation Program
; Copyright (C) 1995 Spencer Kimball and Peter Mattis
; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
; (at your option) any later version.
; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
; GNU General Public License for more details.
; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
; Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
; Creates animated fire using the steps described in this tutorial by ash44455666
; The animation may be saved with the gif-plug-in.
; The script can be found under Filters > Animation > Animated Fire...
; The following settings can be modified:
; Number of frames (default is 25)
; Animation speed (default is 41 milliseconds)
; Image Width and Height (default width is 500 and height is 100)
; Foreground color (default is "burnt" orance)
; Background color (default is black)
; Add border (default is yes)
; Border width (default is 1)
; Border color (default is white)
; 5/3/2008 - added ability to add active layer from existing image to animation and blend
; the layer using the blend mode of the user's choosing.

; 5/6/2008 - added ability to use active layer as a mask to "cut out the flame" to match the mask.
; Just create a black or transparent layer and paint in white the areas you want to show through.
; The mask can work in two ways: the animation is transparent in all areas outside of the mask or
; the areas outside of the mask are completely filled with a color.  In both cases, you need to choose
; the mask background color.  In the case where the areas outside of the mask are transparent, the
; mask background color will be useful in making the animation blend with your web page's background.
; 5/7/2008 - added option to "sandwich" the active layer between the flame layers and set the upper
; flame layer's blend mode to screen to give the animation the appearance that the active layer is
; actually "in" the fire.  The idea was presented by Darth_Gimp at  Also, I modified
; the script to set the "noise" option a little lower when smaller images are created.  With the original
; settings, smaller images had "long" frames that were a little too unrealistic to me.  However, images that
; are much taller than wide may still have this result.
; Updated on October 3, 2008 to work in GIMP 2.6
;;  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;;  sept 2009 changed the register path for a better integration
;;  with GAP now the script is in <Image>Video/Animated FX/ Fire
;;  PhotoComix

; Define the Function

(define (script-fu-fire-anim    img      

; Declare the Variables

   (let* (
             (theSelection 0)
         (newImage 0)         
         (activeLayer 0)
         (activeLayerCopy 0)
         (activeLayerHolder 0)
         (floatingSelection 0)
            (( equal? blendOpt 0 ) NORMAL-MODE)
            (( equal? blendOpt 1 ) DISSOLVE-MODE)
            (( equal? blendOpt 2 ) MULTIPLY-MODE)
            (( equal? blendOpt 3 ) SCREEN-MODE)
            (( equal? blendOpt 4 ) OVERLAY-MODE)
            (( equal? blendOpt 5 ) DIFFERENCE-MODE)            
            (( equal? blendOpt 6 ) ADDITION-MODE)
            (( equal? blendOpt 7 ) SUBTRACT-MODE)
            (( equal? blendOpt 8 ) DARKEN-ONLY-MODE)
            (( equal? blendOpt 9 ) LIGHTEN-ONLY-MODE)
            (( equal? blendOpt 10 ) HUE-MODE)
            (( equal? blendOpt 11 ) SATURATION-MODE)
            (( equal? blendOpt 12 ) COLOR-MODE)
            (( equal? blendOpt 13 ) VALUE-MODE)
            (( equal? blendOpt 14 ) DIVIDE-MODE)
            (( equal? blendOpt 15 ) DODGE-MODE)
            (( equal? blendOpt 16 ) BURN-MODE)
            (( equal? blendOpt 17 ) HARDLIGHT-MODE)
            (( equal? blendOpt 18 ) SOFTLIGHT-MODE)
            (( equal? blendOpt 19 ) GRAIN-EXTRACT-MODE)
            (( equal? blendOpt 20 ) GRAIN-MERGE-MODE)
         (baseLayer 0)
             (baseLayerCopy 0)
         (upperFlame 0)
             (lowerFlame 0)
         (upperFlameCopy 0)
         (lowerFlameCopy 0)
         (layerName 0)
             (remainingFrames counter 0)
         (offset 0)
         (step 0)
         (frameNum 1)
               (borderLayer 0)
         (layerMask 0)
         (xNoise 0)   


(if (= useActive 4)
   (set! newImage (car (gimp-image-new width height RGB)))
   (set! theSelection (car (gimp-selection-save img)))
   (gimp-selection-none img)
(if (or (= useActive 0) (= useActive 1))
   (set! activeLayer (car (gimp-image-get-active-layer img)))
   (set! theSelection (car (gimp-selection-save img)))
   (gimp-selection-none img)
   (set! width (car (gimp-drawable-width activeLayer)))
   (set! height (car (gimp-drawable-height activeLayer)))
   (set! activeLayer (car (gimp-edit-copy activeLayer)))
   (set! newImage (car (gimp-image-new width height RGB)))
   (set! activeLayerHolder (car (gimp-layer-new newImage width height RGBA-IMAGE    "Active Layer" 100 NORMAL-MODE)))
   (gimp-drawable-fill activeLayerHolder TRANSPARENT-FILL)   
   (gimp-image-add-layer newImage activeLayerHolder -1)
   (set! floatingSelection (car (gimp-edit-paste activeLayerHolder TRUE)))    
   (gimp-floating-sel-anchor floatingSelection)   
   (set! activeLayer (car (gimp-image-get-active-layer newImage)))

(if (or (= useActive 2) (= useActive 3))
   (set! activeLayer (car (gimp-image-get-active-layer img)))
   (set! theSelection (car (gimp-selection-save img)))
   (gimp-selection-none img)
   (set! width (car (gimp-drawable-width activeLayer)))
   (set! height (car (gimp-drawable-height activeLayer)))
   (set! activeLayer (car (gimp-edit-copy activeLayer)))
   (set! newImage (car (gimp-image-new width height RGB)))

(gimp-image-undo-disable newImage)
(set! baseLayer (car (gimp-layer-new newImage width height RGBA-IMAGE "Base Layer" 100 NORMAL-MODE)))
(gimp-image-add-layer newImage baseLayer -1)
(gimp-context-set-foreground foregroundColor)
(gimp-context-set-background backgroundColor)     
(gimp-edit-blend baseLayer FG-BG-RGB-MODE NORMAL-MODE GRADIENT-LINEAR 100 0 REPEAT-NONE FALSE FALSE 1 0 TRUE 0 height 0 0)

(set! lowerFlame (car (gimp-layer-copy baseLayer TRUE)))
(gimp-image-add-layer newImage lowerFlame -1)

(if (< width 400)
    (set! xNoise 6.0)
    (set! xNoise 13.0)

(plug-in-solid-noise RUN-NONINTERACTIVE newImage lowerFlame 1 0 (rand) 2 xNoise 5.3)
(set! upperFlame (car (gimp-layer-copy lowerFlame TRUE)))
(gimp-image-add-layer newImage upperFlame -1)
(plug-in-solid-noise RUN-NONINTERACTIVE newImage upperFlame 1 0 (rand) 4 xNoise 2.0)
(set! step (* -1 (/ height counter)))

(while (> counter 0)
(set! baseLayerCopy (car (gimp-layer-copy baseLayer TRUE)))
(set! layerName (string-append "Frame " (number->string frameNum) " (" (number->string speed) "ms)" " (replace)"))
(gimp-image-add-layer newImage baseLayerCopy -1)
(gimp-drawable-set-name baseLayerCopy layerName)
(set! lowerFlameCopy (car (gimp-layer-copy lowerFlame TRUE)))
(gimp-image-add-layer newImage lowerFlameCopy -1)
(gimp-drawable-offset lowerFlameCopy TRUE OFFSET-BACKGROUND 0.0 offset)
(gimp-layer-set-mode lowerFlameCopy OVERLAY-MODE)
(set! upperFlameCopy (car (gimp-layer-copy upperFlame TRUE)))
(gimp-image-add-layer newImage upperFlameCopy -1)
(gimp-drawable-offset upperFlameCopy TRUE OFFSET-BACKGROUND 0.0 offset)
(gimp-layer-set-mode upperFlameCopy DODGE-MODE)

(gimp-image-set-active-layer newImage lowerFlameCopy)
(gimp-image-merge-down newImage lowerFlameCopy CLIP-TO-IMAGE)
(gimp-image-set-active-layer newImage upperFlameCopy)
(gimp-image-merge-down newImage upperFlameCopy CLIP-TO-IMAGE)
(set! baseLayerCopy (car (gimp-image-get-active-layer newImage)))
(if (= useGradient TRUE)
      (gimp-context-set-gradient gradient)
   (plug-in-gradmap RUN-NONINTERACTIVE newImage baseLayerCopy)

(if (= useActive 0)
   (set! activeLayerCopy (car (gimp-layer-copy activeLayer TRUE)))
   (gimp-image-add-layer newImage activeLayerCopy -1)
   (gimp-layer-set-mode activeLayerCopy activeLayerBlendMode)
      (if (= displaceOpt TRUE)   
         (plug-in-displace RUN-NONINTERACTIVE newImage activeLayerCopy xDisplace yDisplace TRUE TRUE baseLayerCopy baseLayerCopy 1)   
   (gimp-image-merge-down newImage activeLayerCopy CLIP-TO-IMAGE)

(if (= useActive 1)
   (set! activeLayerCopy (car (gimp-layer-copy activeLayer TRUE)))
   (gimp-image-add-layer newImage activeLayerCopy -1)
      (if (= displaceOpt TRUE)   
         (plug-in-displace RUN-NONINTERACTIVE newImage activeLayerCopy xDisplace yDisplace TRUE TRUE baseLayerCopy baseLayerCopy 1)   
   (set! baseLayerCopy (car (gimp-layer-copy baseLayerCopy TRUE)))
   (gimp-image-add-layer newImage baseLayerCopy -1)
   (gimp-layer-set-mode baseLayerCopy SCREEN-MODE)
   (gimp-image-set-active-layer newImage activeLayerCopy)
   (gimp-image-merge-down newImage activeLayerCopy CLIP-TO-IMAGE)
   (gimp-image-set-active-layer newImage baseLayerCopy)
   (gimp-image-merge-down newImage baseLayerCopy CLIP-TO-IMAGE)

(if (= useActive 2)
   (set! layerMask (car (gimp-layer-create-mask baseLayerCopy ADD-BLACK-MASK)))
   (gimp-layer-add-mask baseLayerCopy layerMask)
   (set! floatingSelection (car (gimp-edit-paste layerMask TRUE)))
   (gimp-floating-sel-anchor floatingSelection)
      (if (= displaceOpt TRUE)   
         (plug-in-displace RUN-NONINTERACTIVE newImage layerMask xDisplace yDisplace TRUE TRUE baseLayerCopy baseLayerCopy 1)   
   (gimp-layer-remove-mask baseLayerCopy MASK-APPLY)
   (gimp-context-set-background maskColor)
   (plug-in-semiflatten RUN-NONINTERACTIVE newImage baseLayerCopy)

(if (= useActive 3)
   (set! layerMask (car (gimp-layer-create-mask baseLayerCopy ADD-BLACK-MASK)))
   (gimp-layer-add-mask baseLayerCopy layerMask)
   (set! floatingSelection (car (gimp-edit-paste layerMask TRUE)))
   (gimp-floating-sel-anchor floatingSelection)
      (if (= displaceOpt TRUE)   
         (plug-in-displace RUN-NONINTERACTIVE newImage layerMask xDisplace yDisplace TRUE TRUE baseLayerCopy baseLayerCopy 1)   
   (gimp-layer-remove-mask baseLayerCopy MASK-APPLY)
   (gimp-context-set-background maskColor)
   (gimp-layer-flatten baseLayerCopy)

(set! offset (+ offset step))
(set! frameNum (+ frameNum 1))
(set! counter (- counter 1))

; Adds a border layer if chosen by the user with the values set

(if (= addBorder TRUE)
    (set! borderLayer (car (gimp-layer-copy baseLayer TRUE)))
    (gimp-image-add-layer newImage borderLayer -1)
    (gimp-selection-all newImage)
    (gimp-context-set-foreground borderColor)
    (gimp-drawable-fill borderLayer FOREGROUND-FILL)
    (gimp-selection-shrink newImage borderWidth)
    (gimp-edit-clear borderLayer)
    (gimp-selection-none newImage)
    (gimp-image-merge-down newImage borderLayer CLIP-TO-IMAGE)

) ; goes with while

; Removes the original layer from the stack because it's no longer needed 
(gimp-image-remove-layer newImage baseLayer)
(gimp-image-remove-layer newImage upperFlame)
(gimp-image-remove-layer newImage lowerFlame)

(if (or (= useActive 0) (= useActive 1))
   (gimp-image-remove-layer newImage activeLayer)

(gimp-image-undo-enable newImage)

(gimp-selection-load theSelection)
(gimp-image-remove-channel img theSelection)



; Displays the final animation

(gimp-display-new newImage)
(gimp-image-set-active-layer img drawable)

(script-fu-register "script-fu-fire-anim"
  "<Image>/Video/Animated FX/Animated Fire..."
  "Creates an animated fire effect"
  "Art Wade"
  "Art Wade"
  "October 3, 2008"
  SF-IMAGE          "Image" 0
  SF-DRAWABLE       "Drawable" 0
  SF-ADJUSTMENT    "Number of frames" '(25 1 50 1 10 0 1)
  SF-ADJUSTMENT    "Animation Speed (in ms)" '(41 10 500 1 1 0 1)
  SF-ADJUSTMENT    "Image Width" '(500 50 2500 1 1 0 1)
  SF-ADJUSTMENT    "Image Height" '(100 50 2500 1 1 0 1)
  SF-TOGGLE       "Use Gradient?" TRUE
  SF-GRADIENT     "Gradient"       "Incandescent"
  SF-COLOR         "Desired Flame Foreground Color (Only used if gradient is not applied)" '(255 132 0)
  SF-COLOR        "Desired Flame Background Color (Only used if gradient is not applied)" '(0 0 0)
  SF-OPTION      "Add Active Layer to Animation?"    '("Above animation using blend mode below"
                           "Place render between two fire layers and set upper fire layer mode to Screen"
                           "As a mask; transparency around mask; use mask background color to blend edges"
                           "As a mask; fill image with mask background color"
                           "Don't use active layer in animation")

  SF-OPTION      "Blend Mode for Active Layer"       '("NORMAL-MODE"
  SF-TOGGLE       "Move active layer with flames?" TRUE
  SF-ADJUSTMENT   "Move amount along x-axis" '(5 -9999 9999 1 1 0 1)
  SF-ADJUSTMENT   "Move amount along y-axis" '(5 -9999 9999 1 1 0 1) 
  SF-COLOR         "Mask Background Color"       '(0 0 0)
  SF-TOGGLE       "Add Border?" TRUE
  SF-ADJUSTMENT   "Border Width" '(1 1 10 1 1 0 1)
  SF-COLOR        "Border Color" '(255 255 255)


But it seems the displace plug-in is faulting out the Gimp program somehow. Each and every time i run Pixel Stretch, or Animated Fire, or actually any of the scripts that came with PhotoComix GAP 2.6 (have since updated to GAP 2.7 btw).

Does anyone have Fenceposts animation scripts working in Gimp-2.10.32?

Thx in advance. :bigthup :)

HAH! Got Animated Fire to work just had to change the SF-ADJUSTMENT from -9999 9999 TO -500 500
Now it works.

animated-fire_RD.gif [ 152.64 KiB | Viewed 664 times ]

Now i'm off to fix the rest. :coolthup :clap

Edmund Burke nailed it when he said, "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."

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 Post subject: Re: Has anyone gotten animated fire to work in Gimp-2.10?
PostPosted: Sat Aug 20, 2022 6:21 pm  (#2) 
GimpChat Member
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Joined: May 16, 2010
Posts: 14709
Location: USA
hrmmm :hoh GIF save didn't work through Gimp. APNG i guess.

Animated-Fire-Eagle_RD.png [ 3.26 MiB | Viewed 659 times ]

Edmund Burke nailed it when he said, "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."

 Post subject: Re: Has anyone gotten animated fire to work in Gimp-2.10?
PostPosted: Sat Aug 20, 2022 6:22 pm  (#3) 
GimpChat Member

Joined: Jul 28, 2018
Posts: 1196
Somehow the animation is not showing in my side :puzzled I spoke to fast, I see it but doesn't look good


 Post subject: Re: Has anyone gotten animated fire to work in Gimp-2.10?
PostPosted: Sat Aug 20, 2022 6:28 pm  (#4) 
GimpChat Member
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Posts: 14709
Location: USA
I added some color to this one. :)

Animated-Fire-Eagle_2-RD.png [ 2.88 MiB | Viewed 658 times ]

Edmund Burke nailed it when he said, "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."

 Post subject: Re: Has anyone gotten animated fire to work in Gimp-2.10?
PostPosted: Sat Aug 20, 2022 6:30 pm  (#5) 
GimpChat Member
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Posts: 14709
Location: USA
It looks great running it in Gimps animation player. Looks like crap in a APNG file.


Edmund Burke nailed it when he said, "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."

 Post subject: Re: Has anyone gotten animated fire to work in Gimp-2.10?
PostPosted: Sat Aug 20, 2022 6:48 pm  (#6) 
GimpChat Member

Joined: Jul 28, 2018
Posts: 1196

My work because I Constantized for GIMP 2.10 all the old scripts and plugins. If you have the Fie animation script then you have to Constantized it for GIMP 2.10.
The easiest way to do one file or a batch is using Tim Tram " and for a batch gimp10_constantize_batch
Find more info at his site


 Post subject: Re: Has anyone gotten animated fire to work in Gimp-2.10?
PostPosted: Sat Aug 20, 2022 7:32 pm  (#7) 
GimpChat Member
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Joined: May 16, 2010
Posts: 14709
Location: USA
Seems to work fine for me now. :) Without the Py filter. Thx though.

Fire-Fixed_RD.png [ 2.22 MiB | Viewed 647 times ]

Seems i am going to have to save all my animations as GIF thru SwIsH.

Edmund Burke nailed it when he said, "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."

 Post subject: Re: Has anyone gotten animated fire to work in Gimp-2.10?
PostPosted: Sun Aug 21, 2022 4:46 am  (#8) 
GimpChat Member
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Joined: May 24, 2021
Posts: 789
Location: SEA - South East Asia
Pocholo wrote:
[ Image ]

My work because I Constantized for GIMP 2.10 all the old scripts and plugins. If you have the Fie animation script then you have to Constantized it for GIMP 2.10.
The easiest way to do one file or a batch is using Tim Tram " and for a batch gimp10_constantize_batch
Find more info at his site

Wow Pocholo, I was not aware about this from Tim Tram,
thanks a lot, it fixed the animated fire in a matter of a second :tyspin



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