Mathmap Extra Expressions
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Author:  Graechan [ Sun Jan 20, 2013 6:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mathmap Extra Expressions

That's correct deleting pluginrc and re-starting your gimp will write a new pluginrc with only the current filters listed, this I have done often, also by editing the pluginrc file you can change the location of popular plugins

I have done this for
Filter Factory


Author:  dinasset [ Mon Jan 21, 2013 1:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Mathmap Extra Expressions

Wow Graechan!
you gave me an unvaluable info: i can change menu of plugins using pluginsrc! i was just complaining not to have within the plugins the possibility available in scripts, i.e. modifying path reference; now with your info i immediately tried and changed all the references for mathmap from generic\mathmap to simply mathmap and i see it now directly under filters;
thanks a lot (maybe somebody else will appreciate your info)

Author:  PhotoComix [ Sat Mar 02, 2013 8:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Mathmap Extra Expressions

gramg wrote:
Is this thread a spin off from another, as I can not see what the 4 new expressions are or what they would do?
I am curious.

The pack (In the very first link on first message) contains all mathmap fiters , the standard set and all the others including many created after the last build of MM, that was quite long ago

The last 4 were presented here in gimpchat from its author but ...for my bad memory i can't remind his name, yet searching this board for " mathmap" you should find their presentation

and if you have MM open you may try to look to the filter text, yes text you obviously don't want look in unknown codes but in the "text" of the filters are also often comment that may include good tips for the use, comment lines ,for MM filters Always start with # as prefix i.e.

# this is a comment line
this not because didn't start with "#"

and Mathmap allow to see on the fly the filter code just

1)you should have a image open
2)start mathmap WITH THE FULL INTERFACE from Filters/Generic/Mathmap/mathmap (see mathmap twice )
3)chose the filter as example Animation/Animated Sphere
4) now click to open the "expression " tab
Done there you may read the code and what may be more useful the comment lines

that in this case are well done and explains the function of each single sliders or command in the filters
Alas not all filters are so nicely commented as Droste or Animated Sphere but is always worth to try to see if there there is some useful comment ,at least a line explaining what the filter is for

Author:  mackenzieh [ Tue Dec 31, 2013 5:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Mathmap Extra Expressions

Are these expressions different from the default ones? I'm asking because I don't want duplicate filters.

Author:  molly [ Tue Dec 31, 2013 6:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Mathmap Extra Expressions

@mackenzieh, if you download and install Kevins test for duplicates, run that and it will check for duplicates, works well for me.

kp24_test_for_duplicate_scripts.scm.7z [4.86 KiB]
Downloaded 457 times

Author:  mackenzieh [ Tue Dec 31, 2013 6:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Mathmap Extra Expressions

molly wrote:
@mackenzieh, if you download and install Kevins test for duplicates, run that and it will check for duplicates, works well for me.

Thanks Molly. I decided not to use the extra math map expressions. Looks like I have all of them included. Now I just have to play with mathmap. :)

Author:  mackenzieh [ Sat Sep 01, 2018 11:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Mathmap Extra Expressions

Has anyone tried using mathmap for Gimp 2.10.6?

Author:  Tas_mania [ Sun Sep 02, 2018 4:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mathmap Extra Expressions

Hi mackenzieh.
"Has anyone tried using mathmap for Gimp 2.10.6?"
MathMap is working on the Gimp 2.10 series but only on Linux as far as I know.
There are Ubuntu and Fedora packs but no Windows.

I did a tutorial video on using MathMap Composer here.

Author:  lylejk [ Mon Sep 03, 2018 12:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Mathmap Extra Expressions

Mathmap for Windows works in GIMP 2.10.x but the display of controls like sliders are blank (still there, but you cannot see them; have to just adjust with your mouse anyway and guess at position). Not ideal, but there's no one who knows how to compile Mathmap for 2.10x that I know of Mackenzieh. As a side note, for some reason, GIMP 2.8x no longer works for whatever reason, so now I'm unfortunately now all in for 2.10.x (yes; could have continued to use the portable version of GIMP, but I prefer the full download installs). Not sure what happened but I suspect it happened after an OS security update. Oh well. :)

Author:  mackenzieh [ Mon Sep 03, 2018 3:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Mathmap Extra Expressions

lylejk wrote:
Mathmap for Windows works in GIMP 2.10.x but the display of controls like sliders are blank (still there, but you cannot see them; have to just adjust with your mouse anyway and guess at position). Not ideal, but there's no one who knows how to compile Mathmap for 2.10x that I know of Mackenzieh. As a side note, for some reason, GIMP 2.8x no longer works for whatever reason, so now I'm unfortunately now all in for 2.10.x (yes; could have continued to use the portable version of GIMP, but I prefer the full download installs). Not sure what happened but I suspect it happened after an OS security update. Oh well. :)

Thanks, Lyle. I was just curious if the plug in was still viable. If no one knows how to compile Mathmap for 2.10x, then why is it still here?

Author:  rich2005 [ Mon Sep 03, 2018 4:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Mathmap Extra Expressions

lylejk wrote:
Mathmap for Windows works in GIMP 2.10.x but the display of controls like sliders are blank (still there, but you cannot see them; have to just adjust with your mouse anyway and guess at position).

You might get the sliders back if you change to the system theme.


As with everything MS the operative word is might

Author:  mackenzieh [ Mon Sep 03, 2018 6:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Mathmap Extra Expressions

I have given up on trying to install Mathmap to gimp 2.10.6. I have tried everything to get it to work and nothing works. What's confusing is the folders. How many MMInstall folders are there? That's probably why I can't get thing to work and the instructions are complicated as well. The folders within folders concept is making my head spin. If anyone knows an easier way to install Mathmap, please let me know.

Author:  lylejk [ Mon Sep 03, 2018 7:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Mathmap Extra Expressions

Believe I just copy/pasted the plugins folder from my previous GIMP, Mackenzieh; don't recall doing so though which is weird (been working a lot and my braincells might not be there now; lol). Maybe the software gurus can help you. Maybe you can PM Graechan (believe that's where I got the 64-bit plugin from, but not sure anymore). :)

Author:  rich2005 [ Mon Sep 03, 2018 8:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Mathmap Extra Expressions

The installation in Windows Gimp 2.10.6 is not difficult although I am sure it will beat some ;)

What not to use is an installer, install mathmap manually.

Gimp 2.10 now uses folders as containers for plug-ins, providing the folder has the same name as the plug-in. Follow that convention, any folder in the Gimp profile plug-ins is seen as the executable and adding to the folders paths is no longer required.

This has one snag with mathmap, it already uses a folder 'mathmap' and I can not zip two folders with the same name. So I have split the files into 2 zips. ... 8.6 MB contains a folder mathmap holding mathmap.exe libfftw3-3.dll libgslcblas.dll libgsl.dll libgtksourceview-2.0-0.dll

Unzip and put the whole mathmap folder in C:\Users\your-name\AppData\Roaming\GIMP\2.10\plug-ins ... 140 KB contains the expressions files

Unzip and put the whole mathmap folder in C:\Users\your-name\AppData\Roaming\GIMP\2.10\

A screenshot of the two 'mathmap' folder locations.

mathmap.jpg [ 111.34 KiB | Viewed 19037 times ]

Author:  lylejk [ Mon Sep 03, 2018 9:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Mathmap Extra Expressions

Does your version of Mathmap act flaky as far as the gui, Rich? I don't see the sliders for instance (and a few other issues). Still, the plugin works as expected, but I wish someone would address this idiocy. :)

Author:  rich2005 [ Mon Sep 03, 2018 9:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Mathmap Extra Expressions

I normally use mathmap in linux, (and even then using Gimp 2.8) just hoping that those Windows files might help some Windows users.

The sliders? Go back a couple of posts, it is the new Gimp 2.10 themes, the 'system' theme works here. Could be that one of the older Gimp 2.8 themes gives a result. In linux I am still using a theme from about 8 years ago :)


Author:  lylejk [ Mon Sep 03, 2018 9:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Mathmap Extra Expressions

Indeed, I had to use System theme and the sliders came back. Light/Dark/Gray themes gives you the blank sliders (example of that). I hate the blow out white System theme though. lol

And you just ninja'd me. :ninja

no_slider.png [ 277.69 KiB | Viewed 19023 times ]

Author:  lylejk [ Mon Sep 03, 2018 10:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Mathmap Extra Expressions

Well, delved into my old 2.8x themes and found one acceptable to my palette. lolol

Thanks for the tip, Rich; Mathmaps fully usable again. :)

Author:  mackenzieh [ Mon Sep 03, 2018 1:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mathmap Extra Expressions

rich2005 wrote:
The installation in Windows Gimp 2.10.6 is not difficult although I am sure it will beat some ;)

What not to use is an installer, install mathmap manually.

Gimp 2.10 now uses folders as containers for plug-ins, providing the folder has the same name as the plug-in. Follow that convention, any folder in the Gimp profile plug-ins is seen as the executable and adding to the folders paths is no longer required.

This has one snag with mathmap, it already uses a folder 'mathmap' and I can not zip two folders with the same name. So I have split the files into 2 zips. ... 8.6 MB contains a folder mathmap holding mathmap.exe libfftw3-3.dll libgslcblas.dll libgsl.dll libgtksourceview-2.0-0.dll

Unzip and put the whole mathmap folder in C:\Users\your-name\AppData\Roaming\GIMP\2.10\plug-ins ... 140 KB contains the expressions files

Unzip and put the whole mathmap folder in C:\Users\your-name\AppData\Roaming\GIMP\2.10\

A screenshot of the two 'mathmap' folder locations.


Thank you Richie2005. I will try it the way you explained it. Hopefully it will work. I'll let you know if I run into trouble.

Author:  mackenzieh [ Mon Sep 03, 2018 3:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mathmap Extra Expressions

I finally got Mathmap to work.

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