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Selection bevel and Render texture Python plug-ins

Sat Apr 09, 2011 2:28 pm

They work nicely together. I love the results. Be sure to remove .txt at the end of the file names, and Linux users enable them in Permissions. Text must be, right-click text layer > Alpha to Selection for the Selection bevel.

Selection bevel

Render texture


Selection bevel is found in <image> Filters > Distorts > Bevel...

Render texture is found in <image> Filters > Render > Texture...

Re: Selection bevel and Render texture Python plug-ins

Sat Apr 09, 2011 6:38 pm

how did u do this?

Re: Selection bevel and Render texture Python plug-ins

Sat Apr 09, 2011 7:16 pm

Image :D

What OS do you have Miguel

Re: Selection bevel and Render texture Python plug-ins

Sat Apr 09, 2011 9:22 pm

M1GU3L05 wrote:how did u do this?
First you need to have Python. Do you?

Re: Selection bevel and Render texture Python plug-ins

Sat Apr 09, 2011 9:39 pm


Re: Selection bevel and Render texture Python plug-ins

Sat Apr 09, 2011 9:44 pm

Operating System. Windows XP, Vista, 7, Linux...

Re: Selection bevel and Render texture Python plug-ins

Sat Apr 09, 2011 10:00 pm

Love It!

Re: Selection bevel and Render texture Python plug-ins

Sat Apr 09, 2011 10:05 pm

mahvin wrote:Operating System. Windows XP, Vista, 7, Linux...

how do i get os?

Re: Selection bevel and Render texture Python plug-ins

Sat Apr 09, 2011 10:14 pm

Well, if you are a Windows user. You have a start button bottom left of your screen:

Click on Start.
Select Run.
In the Open field, type winver and click OK.
This will bring up a dialog box with the Windows version and service pack information.

If you were a Linux user, you would know you were a Linux user.

If you are using a Mac, I have no idea how to help you.

Re: Selection bevel and Render texture Python plug-ins

Sat Apr 09, 2011 10:27 pm

Got them, thanks. I don't like to admit it but Xara still goes 3d text the best. I look forward to when it's not the best tool for that job. This will still be fun to experiment with.

Re: Selection bevel and Render texture Python plug-ins

Sun Apr 10, 2011 6:28 am

mahvin wrote:If you are using a Mac, I have no idea how to help you.


And Miguel you need to have Python-Fu installed with your GIMP Package (another Fun expierence for me). Then you just open the code there in Notepad++ and save it as a Python File in GIMP>Lib>GIMP>2.0>Plug-ins

Hope that helps

Re: Selection bevel and Render texture Python plug-ins

Sun Apr 10, 2011 11:01 am

Hi, I'm glad you guys like my scripts.

Just to let you know, I just updated both scripts today, Bevel 1.3 and Texture 1.1 are now out with some additional features in both. The bevel script especially is worth updating, the new version produces much nicer results than the earlier ones.

Also, the texture script now creates the texture in the image size and alpha-masks it with the selection, this way you don't need to redo the whole texture if you change the object you've textured later.

Re: Selection bevel and Render texture Python plug-ins

Sun Apr 10, 2011 11:08 am


Re: Selection bevel and Render texture Python plug-ins

Sun Apr 10, 2011 11:11 am

dd wrote:Hi, I'm glad you guys like my scripts.

Also, the texture script now creates the texture in the image size and alpha-masks it with the selection, this way you don't need to redo the whole texture if you change the object you've textured later.
Thanks for the updates, dd. :welcome to Gimp Chat, too.

I have used the script several times already. :mrgreen: Now to try those new scripts. :gimp

Re: Selection bevel and Render texture Python plug-ins

Sun Apr 10, 2011 11:51 am

I like the updates. The selection mask is especially cool.


Re: Selection bevel and Render texture Python plug-ins

Sun Apr 10, 2011 12:55 pm

Thanks dd! :)
Great additions to Gimp.


Re: Selection bevel and Render texture Python plug-ins

Sun Apr 10, 2011 1:00 pm

Thanks everyone... It's nice to see people are finding these scripts useful, it certainly encourages me to publish any future scripts I come up with.

Oregonian wrote:Thanks for the updates, dd. :welcome to Gimp Chat, too.

Thanks, it looks like a cool website. Only thing that bothers me is the font being so large (looks kinda weird on my 19")... but I guess I'll get used to it ;)

It seems I forgot to add an opacity setting to the texture script, so I might do another update soon-ish.

Also, there's a slight glitch in both scripts... I read in the PDB help that by setting the layer position as -1 in the add_layer procedure, the layer should be added above the current active layer, but instead it seems to go to the top of the stack. If anyone who knows more than me about the inner workings of GIMP could educate me why this is happening, I'd appreciate it.

Re: Selection bevel and Render texture Python plug-ins

Sun Apr 10, 2011 1:08 pm

I had the Same problem dd I found that if I messed around with Zoom it would look a little more Natural, not sure what my screen size is, but it looks better now.

And this is the best site to get help with the Inner Workings of GIMP besides probably a Dev site, even then I wouldn't be sure

Re: Selection bevel and Render texture Python plug-ins

Sun Apr 10, 2011 8:13 pm

I just had to play with this some more after installing Sams circle grid script. :lol
I call it "The Cage"

Needs a little blur probably but oh well.

Re: Selection bevel and Render texture Python plug-ins

Mon Apr 11, 2011 1:49 am

^ That looks pretty cool.

Here's a little example I made, illustrating how you can use these scripts to variate the "hardness" of objects:


The text texture here is made with the Additional noise setting high, and Pre-blur at 0. The texture on the background object has less noise, but higher pre-blur, so you can see the difference there... a crisper texture with no blur makes for harder looking objects, while more blurred and less detailed textures look softer.

As for bevels... I set the background object to have a high inner feather, so it makes the bevel very soft and rounded (this works pretty well with the spherical setting and high blurs), which makes the object look softer. The text bevel has no inner feather, and the shape setting at Steep, which gives a very crisp and well defined bevel, making the object look harder.

Some explanations on how the scripts work:

The texture script works by applying solid noise, then if additional noise >0 it adds hsv-noise, and if pre-blur>0 it adds a gaussian blur. Lastly it embossess it all with the lower settings (azimuth etc.) so basically, the first 3 settings control the main contours & detail level of the texture, additional noise adds very fine detailed rubble, and pre-blur smooths things out (so they kind of cancel each other, but not exactly... play around with them and you'll see how they interact).

The bevel basically works by using the blend tool, then applying some effects, then embossing. The pre- and post-blurs are blurs applied before and after embossing.
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