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Android Icon plug-in (Python)

Sun May 01, 2011 10:34 am

This plug-in requires the Layer Effects plug-in to work.

No choices. Just run the plug-in on your image. Your image needs a transparent background.

<Image> Filters > Android Icon (There's also Android Icon batch mode). I moved mine to <Image> Script-Fu > Logos



Re: Android Icon plug-in (Python)

Sun May 01, 2011 12:17 pm

I was just wondering why the download for this has .txt extension? I removed the .txt and put it in my plug ins folder, so I hope it works!

*nope, it doesn't show up in my menu where the other layer effects are...although I will say that I don't have all the effects that are listed so maybe I need to update my layer effects??? Or is it because I'm using the mac?

Re: Android Icon plug-in (Python)

Sun May 01, 2011 12:30 pm

2-ton wrote:I was just wondering why the download for this has .txt extension? I removed the .txt and put it in my plug ins folder, so I hope it works!

*nope, it doesn't show up in my menu where the other layer effects are...although I will say that I don't have all the effects that are listed so maybe I need to update my layer effects??? Or is it because I'm using the mac?

I think you would have to save it as what all your other Scripts are saved as. Then it should work.

Re: Android Icon plug-in (Python)

Sun May 01, 2011 12:32 pm

I did...it's a .py, and all my other .py files are in the plug-in folder. Well, that one is too, now, but it isn't in my script-fu layer effects menu.

Re: Android Icon plug-in (Python)

Sun May 01, 2011 4:18 pm

It belongs in the plug-ins folder, and 2-ton, you were right to remove the .txt extension.

You will find it in <Image> Filters > Android Icon (There's also Android Icon batch mode).

I had to change the plug-in in order to have it show up in Script-Fu/Logos.

I've attached the zipped one I changed the locations of both the Android Icon and the batch mode to be in Script-Fu > Logos > Android Icon (and Android Icon batch mode).

Re: Android Icon plug-in (Python)

Sun May 01, 2011 6:22 pm

Thanks O. :)
Cute filter

Re: Android Icon plug-in (Python)

Sun May 01, 2011 8:09 pm

Interesting...I don't have 'filters' under 'image'

Re: Android Icon plug-in (Python)

Sun May 01, 2011 8:13 pm

The term, <Image> refers to the menu in the image window.

A path, <Image> Filters > Whatever, <Image> refers to the Image.

Re: Android Icon plug-in (Python)

Sun May 01, 2011 8:16 pm

ok grabbed the zip file, and voila` there it is under logos...but it pulls an error.
Android Icon Warning
error:plugin 'python-layerfx-gradient-overlay' not found
I tried selecting the text and also no selection, same error

Re: Android Icon plug-in (Python)

Sun May 01, 2011 8:18 pm

I had that happen when I tried to run a border through the filter. I think your image needs some canvas around it and no layer boundary around the image. It's kind of touchy.

If you are doing text, I suggest you right-click the layer the text is on and do layer to image size. It doesn't need to be selected.

Re: Android Icon plug-in (Python)

Sun May 01, 2011 8:28 pm

Still no go. I'm thinking my layer.fx is the problem. I have both the py and the script fu one, maybe I should only have one? And I'm not sure the py one even works, not sure where I would find it to try it out.

Re: Android Icon plug-in (Python)

Sun May 01, 2011 8:35 pm

I have both.

The script (.scm) is in Script-Fu > Layer Effects >

The plug-in (.py) is in Layer > Layer Effects >

Re: Android Icon plug-in (Python)

Sun May 01, 2011 8:38 pm

ah, I have no layer effects in my layer menu. I guess that even though the file is in the plug in folder, it's not being seen.

Re: Android Icon plug-in (Python)

Sun May 01, 2011 8:39 pm

I'm pretty sure the Android Icon plug-in calls the Python Layer Effects plug-in.

Here's some text I copied from the Android plug-in.

    # Check dependencies
    for plugin_name in ["python-layerfx-gradient-overlay",
        "python-layerfx-inner-shadow", "python-layerfx-bevel-emboss"]:
        if not pdb.query(plugin_name):
            show_error_msg("Plugin '%s' not found" % plugin_name, LookupError)

Which means it is the Python layerFX it uses.

Re: Android Icon plug-in (Python)

Sun May 01, 2011 8:50 pm

grrr, I have it in my plug in folder but it's just not being found. I can see it but gimp cannot, boo hoo.Image

Re: Android Icon plug-in (Python)

Sun May 01, 2011 9:11 pm

I don't know about Macs, but in Linux, I usually have to right-click the plug-in, Properties, click the Permissions tab and check where it says to allow the plugin to execute as a program. It won't work otherwise.

Re: Android Icon plug-in (Python)

Sun May 01, 2011 9:24 pm

that is not a choice that comes up in r-click...looked around for that choice but couldn't find it. Maybe some of our mac members have some hints.
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