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Python plug-ins by Werner Hartnagel

Wed Nov 03, 2010 5:38 am

Some time ago, I came across these python plug-ins found at http://python-fu.sourceforge.net/

A few of them didn't work properly (yin-yang & cubic patterns), and a couple of them I "sort of" fixed (scanlines) and reposted them at the Registry. But the other two escaped my ability to fix, until last night. I was reading in my Python book that tuples can't have square brackets in the code anymore. After removing the square brackets in all the gimp-set commands and replacing with parentheses, they both worked flawlessly. Just thought I would pass it on, in case anyone was interested.

I still couldn't completely fix scanlines, because like a scene out of "Back to the Future", the plug-in would search for an older layer it overwrote, then say it couldn't find it and crash. The work around I gave it was to have it add the new layer using a different name, so the plug-in could complete the process. It would be really cool to have someone with Python knowledge give advice from time to time. :)

Re: Python plug-ins by Werner Hartnagel

Wed Nov 03, 2010 6:00 am

Thanks Mahvin.

Re: Python plug-ins by Werner Hartnagel

Wed Nov 03, 2010 11:04 am

mahvin wrote: It would be really cool to have someone with Python knowledge give advice from time to time. :)

Try to ask advice with a clear title...and cross the finger

BTW on the meethegimp forum , in the script and plugin board many know about py scripting (starting from Rolf himself )
for a while was a little mine of py scripts...and folk therre is quite helpful
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