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Re: Selection bevel and Render texture Python plug-ins

Mon Jul 11, 2011 11:48 am

I apologize in advance as I am new to Gimp and this forum...

I usually like to find the answers myself but at times like this I am easily stumped.

I can't get this to work or I now not what to do later with it?

1) downloaded
2) changed file name to .py
3) put the file with path C:\Users\username\.gimp-2.6\plug-ins
4) restarted Gimp

Can't find it. I peaked back at the .txt file and see that it should be under Filter/Render dropdown but I just see it. I even start a new file and see if that causing it not to load.

I have a laptop and am running Vista 32bit

I've been able to install other things scripts and filters just not getting this to work.

Any ideas?



Re: Selection bevel and Render texture Python plug-ins

Mon Jul 11, 2011 12:05 pm

Since you are a Windows user, you need to have the Python plug-in for .py files to work in gimp.

Here is a somewhat confusing thread about Python.

This tells you about installing Python

Get it here

You will probably need to ask more questions but this is a start.

:welcome to Gimp Chat!

Re: Selection bevel and Render texture Python plug-ins

Mon Jul 11, 2011 12:10 pm

I am pretty sure dd's scripts do not work in Gimp-2.7.3 version either. :)

Re: Selection bevel and Render texture Python plug-ins

Thu Jul 14, 2011 9:24 am

Alrighty then, thanks for the info. I've been looking at your info plus several other sites. I was thrown a curve at the python.org site where 2.6.7 was the version they were pushing. It didn't have this msi thingy and was source only. Finally found the 2.6.6 msi installer and getting that.

Next is the all in one installer, I've already warmed up my hair follicles with the first download, the real hair pulling begins soon...very soon.

This explains why is working then, the .py python file. Thanks for the info, my brain feel bigger now.

You can bet I'll be asking questions. But hopefully not about this sort of thing.


Re: Selection bevel and Render texture Python plug-ins

Thu Jul 14, 2011 9:48 am

fire away, we love questions...... no matter what they are.

Re: Selection bevel and Render texture Python plug-ins

Thu Jul 14, 2011 10:10 am

Well, hot damn. I be pythoned and rendertextured!! whoo hooo

Re: Selection bevel and Render texture Python plug-ins

Thu Jul 14, 2011 10:13 am


Re: Selection bevel and Render texture Python plug-ins

Thu Jul 14, 2011 10:17 am

Good deal! :)

Re: Selection bevel and Render texture Python plug-ins

Thu Jul 14, 2011 10:20 am

whoops in my excitement forgot to say thank you.

Thank you!

Re: Selection bevel and Render texture Python plug-ins

Thu Jul 14, 2011 10:48 am

I would like to add that if anyone needs the old python 2.6 install package for Python-Fu holler at me i have it.
Python-2.6 MSI

Just send me a Private Message. :)

Re: Selection bevel and Render texture Python plug-ins

Thu Jul 14, 2011 7:57 pm

anyone have luck with this on osx? I put these in my plug-ins folder but nada shows in my filter menus. How do I check to see if I actually have python?

Re: Selection bevel and Render texture Python plug-ins

Thu Jul 14, 2011 8:19 pm

Look in Filters and see if Python-Fu is in that menu.

Re: Selection bevel and Render texture Python plug-ins

Thu Jul 14, 2011 9:07 pm

One other thing you should remember is just because you can see Console doesn't mean it will work.
I had Python-2.5 installed and everything showed it just didn't work.
Go to Filters/Python-Fu/and try and start console.If it doesn't start you need Python-2.6 for MAC system.
I am not too entirely sure where to get that but maybe Akky knows? :)

Re: Selection bevel and Render texture Python plug-ins

Thu Jul 14, 2011 9:13 pm

I do have python-fu in my filter list and I can start the console....looks like it's a window for writing script.
I could be that some plug-ins just don't work with gimp for osx.

Re: Selection bevel and Render texture Python plug-ins

Thu Jul 14, 2011 9:20 pm

Or you may need to give it permission to run. :)

Re: Selection bevel and Render texture Python plug-ins

Mon Dec 26, 2016 11:05 pm

Looking at older scripts: I like the bevel one
Butterfly Beveled.png
Butterfly Beveled.png (245.58 KiB) Viewed 1340 times

Re: Selection bevel and Render texture Python plug-ins

Wed Dec 28, 2016 9:41 pm

Kitten.Beveled.jpg (545.52 KiB) Viewed 1317 times

Still working on beveling.

Re: Selection bevel and Render texture Python plug-ins

Wed Dec 28, 2016 11:49 pm

One more Bevel play.
More Bevels.jpg
More Bevels.jpg (1.54 MiB) Viewed 1314 times

Re: Selection bevel and Render texture Python plug-ins

Thu Dec 29, 2016 2:54 am

Pat, I love your outcomes. Very nice and fine. :) :coolthup

Re: Selection bevel and Render texture Python plug-ins

Thu Dec 29, 2016 3:56 am

Thank you Issabella. I am playing with some of the older scripts that I really haven't used much.
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