Guides to Path (scheme script, now python script more advanced).
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Author:  trandoductin [ Sun Sep 18, 2016 8:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Guides to Path (scheme script, now python script more advanced).

This script is spawned from Rod's thread/request

Rel 2. works on selection bounding box/rectangle. (USE .py instead of .scm).
guides_to_path.scm [5.51 KiB]
Downloaded 582 times

REMOVE .scm above,
Use the .py below it's more advanced (registered under same location)
Release 1.
Attachment: [1.76 KiB]
Downloaded 821 times

.py features composing sections so that you can easily edit the path.
(as requested by mahvin)
(also defaulting the path to visible requested by Obinbc).

Will be available under /Image/Guides/Guides to path

If there is no selection all guides will turn into path.
If there is a selection, guides within the selection bounding (box/rectangle) will turn into path.


Author:  trandoductin [ Sun Sep 18, 2016 9:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Guides to Path (scheme script).

Just a sample of usage.

1. Created guides to represent the first row (blue).
2. Rectangle select the first row (using Snap to Guides for easy selecting).
3. ran "Guides to path" to create path that represents first row.

4. Modified guides to represent the second row (red).
5. Rectangle select the second row (using Snap to Guides for easy selecting).
6. ran "Guides to path" to create path that represents 2nd row.

7. stroked path created in step 3. with blue.
8. stroked path created in step 6. with red.

Author:  mahvin [ Sun Sep 18, 2016 9:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Guides to Path (scheme script).

Great job, Tin! Works like a charm for me.

Author:  Wallace [ Sun Sep 18, 2016 9:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Guides to Path (scheme script).

Sweet script!
Thanks T.

Author:  trandoductin [ Sun Sep 18, 2016 9:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Guides to Path (scheme script).

mahvin & Wallace: :hi5
There isn't a smilies with 3 heads hi5ing :yes

Author:  Odinbc [ Sun Sep 18, 2016 11:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Guides to Path (scheme script).

trandoductin wrote:
This script is spawned from Rod's thread/request
How about making the path(s) visible by default? A user without the Path dialog showing or open might not realize the script had run successfully.

BTW, nice job on the script. :bigthup

Author:  MareroQ [ Mon Sep 19, 2016 3:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Guides to Path (scheme script).

This is a very useful script. :tyspin
According to me the most practical of all utility published this year.
In conjunction with this "New Guides from Selection: adds a lot of opportunities when working with paths.
This script should enter as canon in the installer GIMP
This is my favorite for the Golden Wilber GimpChat. :bump

Guidestopath.png [ 46.61 KiB | Viewed 12419 times ]

Author:  rich2005 [ Mon Sep 19, 2016 5:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Guides to Path (scheme script).

Indeed a useful script, paths from odd spaced guides.

There are as well, from ofnuts ... s/scripts/

A plugin for a shaped grid, diamonds, hexagons, etc.
ofn-0.jpg [ 68.47 KiB | Viewed 12402 times ]

A plugin for a grid bounded by a selection ... s/scripts/

ofn-1.jpg [ 66.73 KiB | Viewed 12402 times ]

Author:  Rod [ Mon Sep 19, 2016 5:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Guides to Path (scheme script).

trandoductin wrote:
Just a sample of usage.
[ Image ]

1. Created guides to represent the first row (blue).
2. Rectangle select the first row (using Snap to Guides for easy selecting).
3. ran "Guides to path" to create path that represents first row.

4. Modified guides to represent the second row (red).
5. Rectangle select the second row (using Snap to Guides for easy selecting).
6. ran "Guides to path" to create path that represents 2nd row.

7. stroked path created in step 3. with blue.
8. stroked path created in step 6. with red.

Sorry i haven't posted sooner Tran. Been to bed and then work. Just got home and saw you created this new filter. Thank you sir! :)


Exactly what i was looking for! And so quick. Thanks again Tran. :guitrock

Author:  mahvin [ Mon Sep 19, 2016 9:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Guides to Path (scheme script).

Tin's guide script is awesome, no denying that. However, I just ran Ofnut's Paths grid feature and I noticed that every cell had intersecting points allowing me to cut paths between cells to convert a row of cells into one cell, etc. So, how could this be obtained (making intersecting points) using the guides script, or is this possible? Tin's script makes shorter work by allowing you to select your area to create the paths. Can the paths be modified to create intersecting nodes?

Author:  trandoductin [ Mon Sep 19, 2016 2:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Guides to Path (scheme script).

I'll see what i can do.
To create a path that is composed of intersecting points instead of just a long line.

It's doable.

Author:  trandoductin [ Mon Sep 19, 2016 3:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Guides to Path (scheme script, now python script more advanced).

I just updated the 1st post of this thread to have.
.py script (zipped)

It's more advanced because it composes the path out of many lines meeting at intersections so that you can easily edit the created path.

Reason for me to in .py script is because it's much easier to sort in .py then scheme.

Author:  Wallace [ Mon Sep 19, 2016 8:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Guides to Path (scheme script, now python script more advanced).

trandoductin wrote:
I just updated the 1st post of this thread to have.
.py script (zipped)

It's more advanced because it composes the path out of many lines meeting at intersections so that you can easily edit the created path.

Reason for me to in .py script is because it's much easier to sort in .py then scheme.

That's very cool of you,
thank's T. :bigthup

Author:  trandoductin [ Mon Sep 19, 2016 8:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Guides to Path (scheme script, now python script more advanced).

I used the wrong then. :hehe

Author:  Wallace [ Mon Sep 19, 2016 9:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Guides to Path (scheme script, now python script more advanced).

trandoductin wrote:
I used the wrong then. :hehe

Why do you say that?

Author:  trandoductin [ Mon Sep 19, 2016 9:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Guides to Path (scheme script, now python script more advanced).

"... easier to sort in .py then scheme" should be "... easier to sort in .py than scheme" right?

Author:  PegLeg44 [ Mon Sep 19, 2016 10:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Guides to Path (scheme script, now python script more advanced).

I downloaded the py. That's a wonderful script.

Author:  Wallace [ Mon Sep 19, 2016 11:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Guides to Path (scheme script, now python script more advanced).

trandoductin wrote:
"... easier to sort in .py then scheme" should be "... easier to sort in .py than scheme" right?

You're not asking me, are you T?
I haven't got a clue... :oops:

Author:  PKHG [ Mon Sep 19, 2016 11:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Guides to Path (scheme script, now python script more advanced).

What I saw as examples: great!
Congratulations :)
Will look at the script shortly ...

Author:  trandoductin [ Tue Sep 20, 2016 1:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Guides to Path (scheme script, now python script more advanced).

Wallace wrote:
trandoductin wrote:
"... easier to sort in .py then scheme" should be "... easier to sort in .py than scheme" right?

You're not asking me, are you T?
I haven't got a clue... :oops:

I never remember them for sure, i always have to go back to programming if then statements... if something happens then something happens...anything else it's than... that's how i have to go about it..i don't know how i would remember them if i didn't use "if ... then" statements in programming.

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